In your wedding dress?


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I am curious others have ever done this; I guess it would be taking this lifestyle to the extreme, but since my wife has never done this before, I always wanted her Hot Wife Virginity to be taken with her wedding dress on. Hair done up, tiara on, make-up the same, just as she was on our wedding day, but now with wedding dress pushed up, fingers interlaced, plenty of kissing and a complete stranger plunging into her. No condom on, no withdrawing at the last second, just her sex soiled with his seed and if it results in be it.

Probably reality is far different then a fantasy, but has anyone ever watched their wife, or if they are a woman, be taken in their wedding dress?
I like photography and so one thing I love is contrast, like a vulnerable naked woman in an old, dangerous abandoned building, a big black guy enjoying the ultimate pleasure of the palest white wife, and in this case...the symbolism of a white wedding dress and her Hot Wife virginity.

My wife can still fit into her wedding dress, and while it is only a few times a year, I'll have her wear it and make-love to her with it on.
I like photography and so one thing I love is contrast, like a vulnerable naked woman in an old, dangerous abandoned building, a big black guy enjoying the ultimate pleasure of the palest white wife, and in this case...the symbolism of a white wedding dress and her Hot Wife virginity.

My wife can still fit into her wedding dress, and while it is only a few times a year, I'll have her wear it and make-love to her with it on.
We had several very entertaining opportunities to explore other scenarios much like the one you describe whilst following the hotwife lifestyle along with simply meeting up with other men and I have to say we did enjoy all of them. 🙂
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I bet. My wife is very photogenic so we have had the opportunity to make up some costumes and then enjoy each other afterwards, always having the photos later to look back upon. A few we put into photo books. So I am definitely with you on this one.
We had the opportunity to try a few unusual locations through guys we met and I have to say the experiences were memorable.
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My wife and I once had sex in an old abandoned building, it was the end of April, snow was falling down outside, and we were doing it in this maintenance shop filled with every kind of chaotic junk imaginable. The wife was barely dressed in black high heels, black stockings, a red mini skirt and black top and was freeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing! It was hot sex though!
I fucked a girl on her wedding day, I used to date her, she was getting married to a guy I never met but she invited me to their Vegas wedding.
We had a bachelor party the night before, there were maybe a half dozen men there, 3 were ...... on the room by 2am, as was her fiance.
Nancy showed up in the room, she looked at the state of the men, shook head, we laughed about it, I got her a drink and we talked for an hour, then all of a sudden she kissed me, and then we went uncontrollably wild, we did it on the sofa in the hotel suite with 6 other men either unconscious or too ...... to notice.
I slept with a bride once that was not my own. A good friend of my wife and I had just married a real loser who was a real ......, and got absolutely wasted on her wedding night. She was mad, came storming into our hotel room at midnight and said, "roll over you two, I am crashing here tonight. I am going to serve that jerk divorce papers still wearing my wedding dress."

But that was at midnight. By 4 AM she went back to their room and made up.

It was a disaster of a marriage, but lasted 4380 days longer then I thought it would! (12 years)
I slept with a bride once that was not my own. A good friend of my wife and I had just married a real loser who was a real ......, and got absolutely wasted on her wedding night. She was mad, came storming into our hotel room at midnight and said, "roll over you two, I am crashing here tonight. I am going to serve that jerk divorce papers still wearing my wedding dress."

But that was at midnight. By 4 AM she went back to their room and made up.

It was a disaster of a marriage, but lasted 4380 days longer then I thought it would! (12 years)
How many times did you two do it while she was married?
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Boringly so...we never did it. Now my wife at the time, that is a different story. Tiffany was bi-sexual and her and the bride had a lot of fun together.

As for me and the bride in question, that is interesting. A few weeks after this happened my wife and I separated and the bride was beside herself on two fronts; for getting married because she liked me, and because she thought her friend (my ex-wife) was stupid for leaving me. That sounds incredibly arrogant, but it is the truth. Today we are still friends, and while neither one of us has ever said, "if things had been different, we would be together", there is no question I like her and she likes me.
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My wife was married once before when she was very young. Like 19, but it only lasted less then 2 years but they parted friends and she sees him from time time, he works close to where we live. I offered her the chance to have sex with him of she wanted to, she is still thinking about it

Later I will tell you about Kimiko, I fucked her on her honeymoon. She was one who married a ...... too. Ken got totally wasted, she stormed out, I found her downstairs, she was pissed. I joked around with her about making alternative arrangements, then she suddenly kissed me, put my hand up her skirt and the nest thing you know we were heading to my room. After, she went back and woke him up and made him fuck her with my cum still inside her.
I am on my third marriage sadly enough.

My first wife though, as I said was bi-sexual, and after I started dating my second wife, she offered to have a three-some, but was my 2nd wife (girlfriend at the time) ever upset! She did not want anything to do with me and the ex-getting back together, even if she was the hotdog between the buns so to speak.

She was a prude anyway which is why our marriage did not last. I mean like every four months we MIGHT have sex. It was really bad...
I am on my third marriage sadly enough.

My first wife though, as I said was bi-sexual, and after I started dating my second wife, she offered to have a three-some, but was my 2nd wife (girlfriend at the time) ever upset! She did not want anything to do with me and the ex-getting back together, even if she was the hotdog between the buns so to speak.

She was a prude anyway which is why our marriage did not last. I mean like every four months we MIGHT have sex. It was really bad...
Its unfortunate you had such luck. Elizabeth is my 2nd wife but I was single for 18 years before I met and married Liz.
My first wife and I fucked twice a day during the first year. She loved me but like my new wife the first one only knew how to relate to men through sex. After that first year she went after strange dick with a vengeance.
She fucked like 3p guys in 3 months then lied. If she hadn't lied we might still be married.
But I did great with this one. She was worth waiting for.
Not every man could marry a former prostitute but frankly it never bothered me and actually excites me knowing her history, hearing her stories and then after all those different men, it is me she wakes up next to every day.
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Liz has been offering me a 3 way with the girl of my choice. I haven't agreed to it just yet. My problem is that I am truly not just in love with my wife, but sexually she is really the only one that really attracts me and appeals to me.
I mean if I could fuck any other female I can name or fuck my wife, the choice for me is not even a choice. I'd pick Liz every time even if I had a free pass for any one else.
I'd actually rather watch my wife fuck another man, then make love to her immediately after, all wet and sloppy, than get another girl fresh.
I masturbate to pictures of my wife when I am alone
Its unfortunate you had such luck. Elizabeth is my 2nd wife but I was single for 18 years before I met and married Liz.
My first wife and I fucked twice a day during the first year. She loved me but like my new wife the first one only knew how to relate to men through sex. After that first year she went after strange dick with a vengeance.
She fucked like 3p guys in 3 months then lied. If she hadn't lied we might still be married.
But I did great with this one. She was worth waiting for.
Not every man could marry a former prostitute but frankly it never bothered me and actually excites me knowing her history, hearing her stories and then after all those different men, it is me she wakes up next to every day.
I understand.

My first wife and I were high school sweethearts and lost our virginity to each other, when she cheated on me and it really hurt. I think the guilt got to her even though I forgave her, but what was done, was done, and could not be changed, so she left the marriage Sadly she fell for a guy on the internet who promised her the world, but ended up having a baby through her, and then got VERY abusive. I never wished that on her, or any woman.

As for your wife being a former prostitute, I do not see that as a big deal. At some point she was just a woman who had dreams and aspirations in life too, and to be married was just one of them; good for you for making that come true for her.

My heart goes out to prostitutes, and while I know they can be cold and calculating from the nasty men that have jaded them...and used them...and I know there is addiction, slavery of sorts, and self-worth issues as well that keep them doing what they do; deep down they are still women. I jokingly tell my wife she is a prostitute, she just has one client that is all! (me, her husband that is) 🙂
Liz has been offering me a 3 way with the girl of my choice. I haven't agreed to it just yet. My problem is that I am truly not just in love with my wife, but sexually she is really the only one that really attracts me and appeals to me.
I mean if I could fuck any other female I can name or fuck my wife, the choice for me is not even a choice. I'd pick Liz every time even if I had a free pass for any one else.
I'd actually rather watch my wife fuck another man, then make love to her immediately after, all wet and sloppy, than get another girl fresh.
I masturbate to pictures of my wife when I am alone
I actually understand as well. I am odd in that I can envision my wife having sex with another man, even selling herself as a I said odd I know; but considering the nature of this site, people would be shocked to learn that I do not touch myself. I just don't. I get turned on, but I would just feel like I would be "cheating" my wife out of sex if I did that as I would not be as interested. But my current wife is a very amorous woman too, so I get sex whenever I want.