Ideas to see wife get hit on

We role-play her taking another cock fairly often and I'm starting to wonder how id feel watching another guy hit on her.
It's not something I want to do online and I definitely don't think I could organise a guy behind her back just to see her reaction. It'd take a lot of trust that the guy wouldn't expose that I'd organised it and it'd set the progress way back if she found out.
So, any ideas how I could best see another guy hit on her? We don't go out often unfortunately so it's never going to happen unless I do something about it.
She's mid 40s and very self conscious about her looks. I think it'd do her good to realise that guys want her.
Taking her out to dinner comes to mind and leaving her alone for awhile but is there anyway to increase the odds that a guy might chat to her? When we're normally out and about, I don't really notice any guys paying attention to her.
Same here... Has to come and happen in normal life, but fact of the matter is that fr obvious reasons guys don't out of the blue hot on obviously married women who are out...
Yeah it's frustrating. She doesn't have a lot of confidence and I think guys pick up on it too. It really makes me wonder if there are guys actually interested in her.
Yeah it's frustrating. She doesn't have a lot of confidence and I think guys pick up on it too. It really makes me wonder if there are guys actually interested in her.
I'm not too worried about that -- probably you should not be too, as things happen that you don't see and notice and she does. My wife's very flirty and works in retail. I know guys in the store sometimes make remarks to her, so she knows guys dig her. And she's good looking, that's obvious.

My wife just has issues that
(a) her body is not back to being tight as it was when she was younger, before pregnancy
(b) she's 41 now and sees she's getting a bit older in the face
(c) after mom-hood went into low-libido and non-party mode and has not gotten out.

I know she likes it, because sometimes when she's out with collegues for example, she comes home ......, had fun, etc. But the playful tease that I know is inside her just does not come out.
I'm not too worried about that -- probably you should not be too, as things happen that you don't see and notice and she does. My wife's very flirty and works in retail. I know guys in the store sometimes make remarks to her, so she knows guys dig her. And she's good looking, that's obvious.

My wife just has issues that
(a) her body is not back to being tight as it was when she was younger, before pregnancy
(b) she's 41 now and sees she's getting a bit older in the face
(c) after mom-hood went into low-libido and non-party mode and has not gotten out.

I know she likes it, because sometimes when she's out with collegues for example, she comes home ......, had fun, etc. But the playful tease that I know is inside her just does not come out.
Low libido after pregnancy - any chance her doctor thinks some meds or hormones might help?
Low libido after pregnancy - any chance her doctor thinks some meds or hormones might help?
We'll he's almost 10 now, and we have had our ups and downs. Current low libido more due to lower self esteem and general tiredness and stress from a lot of stuff in our lives in the last 2/3 years... things have settled down now, but I guess she's still processing.
Did you ever find a way to make it happen? In the same boat here, after pregnancy my wife is not interested in hotwifeing anymore and says she will only do it if the opportunity naturally occurs.
Groceries store that's a Interesting idea. Trying to get out more now that our kids are getting older so concerts and music festivals are back on our radar. She get lots of looks but I seem to intimidate them with out trying lol
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If she looks at me with a smile and nod if he doesn’t look like he is about to take head off if you talk to them. Then it just goes from there. Sam as concert