I love watching my wife get groped! Am i some kind of cuckold?

I need to share this. My arrogant wife Martha is six foot tall. She is always on high heels . She is a 43 year old fairly "robust" woman; she is not fat or anything like that, she is"big-boned". She has a very large breasts , side hips and big butt. They make her look huge. Yes, she is really big. Plenty of ass and tits to go around. I love her oversized hourglass figure. Something impossible to miss when first seeing her, with her turning lots of heads of both women and men, this woman , my wife , has enormous breasts, huge tits. She has giant boobs. She has gigantic, frigging boobs. My giant wife is very serious, arrogant, and stuck up. She comes from old money. Her parents are extremely rich. She grew up rich.
She is dressing up everywhere (even for grocery shopping ). The whole shebang, satin/leather/shiny pants/skirts, satin/silk blouses, pantyhose, shapewear, high heels, full make up on, be it morning, noon or evening.
Most of her outfits are well-coordinated in terms of color
She loves her style . She is always dressed up to the max, on high heels, full make up on.

I am extremely jealous of any kind of attention she gets. Her looks and body shape get her quite a lot of attention from men.

I don't want her around other guys, so she only attend these all female events.

We moved here in this small town about a month ago. We moved here because is very near our ......'s boarding school. We bought a house. My wife's clothing makes her stick out like a sore thumb in this town. She is always dressed up to the max, on high heels, full make up on.
About a week ago she opened this only women wine store . She threw a women in wine opening party. She was wearing this (i took this picture of her on that day) I was at home watching my wife's party on our security cameras (which also recorded audio) out of boredom. There were quite a few women mingling and chatting with eachother. They two short skinny weird women were there. Lets call them G and R. I don't want to sound rude but honestly these two women are sooo weird and ugly. G is very short and skinny, pale face, thin lips, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair in her early 40's, she was wearing a baggy orange long sleeve t-shirt that almost came down to her knees with navy blue cargo pants. R is very short like 5 ft 3 skinny brown haired kinda masculine woman in her mid 50's.

"Excuse me," my giant wife turned around, it was these two women G and R, "can we get a picture?" G said addressing my Big Martha.

"Oh sure, excuse me can you take our picture?" My Big Martha asked her employee. "Oh, uh sure" she said taking R's phone. There were G to one side of her and R to the other. I could see them beside my Big Martha put their arms around her waist. They did various poses laughing and having a good time, their hands definitely got low on her back a few times and the one may barely at the top of her ass but nothing very inappropriate. They didn't do anything very inappropriate, G had her hand on her hip more than her waist, and R brushed her hand across her butt after they took a photo.

G decided to flirt a little heavier, giving my Big Martha's arms generous squeezes when they were chatting. As Big Martha was chatting with these two women G and R more women came over and joined the convo. R stood particularly close to Big Martha, sometimes putting her hand on her back as they chatted, with G grabbing big Martha's arm every now and then. When G put her arm around Big Martha R purposefully gave her butt a little squeeze. G shot R a coy look, as they chatted she moved her hand so it rested on the top of big Martha's ass . They kept chatting, as they did G's hand lowered to the center of Big Martha's round rump, gently rubbing her ass as they chatted . Then G gestured toward a bar area . Big Martha nodded smiling and gesturing toward this other woman, with G's hand still planted on the center of her big backside. She turned to walk toward the woman

As Big Martha stood there I noticed R walk behind her. I saw R reach under and give my Martha's tush a little pinch , then she kept walking. She jumped pretty high and whirled her head around seeing R walking away. G continued to flirt with my big Martha. She was saying something to her to make her laugh but was keeping her hands to herself.

As she talked to G and R passed behind her I saw R run her hand over Big Martha's ass before continuing to walk on.

They stood there and talked for a few minutes. Big Martha bent over the table slightly and stuck her butt out some. I couldn't see everything because the table was a little high but I clearly saw G run her hand over her bum then put a hand on each hip and position herself behind Big Martha. She gasped a little and stood up straight as G still held her hips.

As G still held her, my Big Martha then turned to walk toward her employees. I watched after them, G's arm moving around Big Martha's waist, hand on her hip. G then brought her hand down and clearly squeezed Big Martha's ass cheek as they walked. I was in full jealous and turned on mode now as G felt up her booty. When she didn't protest G started rubbing her left ass cheek . G stopped groping her ass when they got to the employees only to give her a playful swat on the rear and position herself behind her as she bent over a tad to talk to her employee. I saw G stand behind big Martha holding her around her waist as she pressed her crotch into her. They stood there like that before walking towards these other women.

Suddenly G's pair of hands appeared on my giant wife's hips and a head emerged under her left armpit. G seemed to have pressed herself up against Big Martha from behind . A big smile spread across G's face as she ground herself against her. G's hands slipped up from Big Martha,s hips, sliding casually across her full breasts and giving them an eager squeeze. Martha turned around.

G's hands once again moved over Martha's giant voluptuous body. My eyes went wide as i watched G's hands move to Big Martha's succulent ass and give it a squeeze through her tight fitting black satin pants. . G was kneading the big firm cheeks of Martha's ass, thoroughly groping her for all she was worth.

Suddenly they broke apart. R yanked G away from Big Martha .

Martha sounds awesome how.high are her heels you said she is 6 ft without heels and with all.respect how big are her boobs she sounds
back then, young and dating with my wife till now there were no such terms as cuckold or candaulism but the huge turn on I got each time she told me hard cocks pressed her lovely ass while going on a crowded bus to the university, clearly told myself I would be very pleased if one of those cocks went all the way with her. And it happened after our marriage and still goes on and growing.
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My wife often comes home from an evening out and tells me about being groped whilst dancing or simply in crowded bars etc when men brush past her and cop a feel. It's very arousing.

I've seen her getting her ass groped when dancing. That's quite common. But at a wedding I saw her dance with a guy who was simply holding on to her ass thought. I didn't see it, but she says he also held her tits in his hands whilst grinding her ass from behind. He'd moved her to a more discreet part of the dance floor to do it, so I missed out on that. Pity.
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She has prefect beautiful breasts how big are those beauties
My wife has incredible curves that drives me out of my mind. She has the 3 perfect curvy parts, boobs, butt and thighs. All which I just can't have enough of even after all these years. Also love all her perfect imperfections.

I'm very grateful and lucky to have such a stunning woman
When I was younger and really stressed I'd rub my head, scratch, be generally restless. My wife used to just grab my hands and put them on her boobs and I'd quickly settle and fall asleep.
Those things are some kinda witchcraft. They’re so hypnotising. I don’t think my wife really realises how much power she could have over me just by having the most amazing big titties. They’re like .......
She has prefect beautiful breasts how big are those beauties
They definitely got a lot of attention. If I left my girl at a bar to get drinks or use the bathroom, when I came back the collection of men around her would scatter like roaches. . My wife is very attractive and men often stare at her. I haven’t had a guy actually come up to her or physically touch her though. She’s a big girl though, she can reject men all by herself. I would just step in if any guy ever decided to get physical with her or doesn’t know how to take rejection. That’s where I draw the line. As a dude, you have to come to the realization that you’re dating an attractive woman, a woman that A LOT of men would love to try to date. You can’t be insecure or jealous dating an attractive woman or you’ll lose your mind really quick hahaha. Take it as a compliment that men adore your girl.
But in this situation i am not jealous because these touchy feely creeps are inferior short skinny ugly women.

I thought this would drive me crazy and it doesn't! I'm not bothered by these small weird women who have touched my wife's breasts/butt without asking. I never thought I’d let it happen, but did and loved it ! Think I've found what I've been missing
My big wife is regularly groped by these short, skinny, weird women and it doesn't bother me at all. If it was men , I would be pissed and smack them. I found out that my lesbian neighbor discussed my wife's boobs and how great they were with other women, and it doesn't bother me at all. To be honest i want more women to get in on the action. I want my wife to be groped through clothes by more small women. I don’t have an issue with someone being shocked, because I am too lol. I LOVE THIS.
Nine days ago we were at a restaurant with this young short skinny bisexual woman who works for me who texted me the videos to warn me. . My wife was wearing a purple long sleeve satin blouse buttoned up to the top tucked into tight pink satin pants and 5 inch heels purple shoes. She had full make up on. When my wife went to the restroom , my employee asked,

H: "Are they real?"

M: "yes"

H: "can I touch them?"

M: "what are you asking me for, talk to her."
Then this small young woman my employee got up, literally stopped my wife in a hallway reached up with her both hands ( she is literally as tall as my wife's chest) and grabbed both my wife's tits and fondled them through the blouse and bra for a few minutes there in the middle of a hallway. People passed by, staring. It was not particularly crowded , probably about 7/8 people in sight, but I caught a few stares. My wife didn't stop her either. I almost thanked her because i got so hard and i wanted her to continue but when she stopped she spun my wife around and slapped her ass before they both returned to the table, it was so hot. It was super embarrassing but i really really enjoyed it. My big arrogant wife is letting these small weird women to touch her boobs and butt, it surprised me a little, but in a good way.
They definitely got a lot of attention. If I left my girl at a bar to get drinks or use the bathroom, when I came back the collection of men around her would scatter like roaches. . My wife is very attractive and men often stare at her. I haven’t had a guy actually come up to her or physically touch her though. She’s a big girl though, she can reject men all by herself. I would just step in if any guy ever decided to get physical with her or doesn’t know how to take rejection. That’s where I draw the line. As a dude, you have to come to the realization that you’re dating an attractive woman, a woman that A LOT of men would love to try to date. You can’t be insecure or jealous dating an attractive woman or you’ll lose your mind really quick hahaha. Take it as a compliment that men adore your girl.
But in this situation i am not jealous because these touchy feely creeps are inferior short skinny ugly women.

I thought this would drive me crazy and it doesn't! I'm not bothered by these small weird women who have touched my wife's breasts/butt without asking. I never thought I’d let it happen, but did and loved it ! Think I've found what I've been missing
My big wife is regularly groped by these short, skinny, weird women and it doesn't bother me at all. If it was men , I would be pissed and smack them. I found out that my lesbian neighbor discussed my wife's boobs and how great they were with other women, and it doesn't bother me at all. To be honest i want more women to get in on the action. I want my wife to be groped through clothes by more small women. I don’t have an issue with someone being shocked, because I am too lol. I LOVE THIS.
Nine days ago we were at a restaurant with this young short skinny bisexual woman who works for me who texted me the videos to warn me. . My wife was wearing a purple long sleeve satin blouse buttoned up to the top tucked into tight pink satin pants and 5 inch heels purple shoes. She had full make up on. When my wife went to the restroom , my employee asked,

H: "Are they real?"

M: "yes"

H: "can I touch them?"

M: "what are you asking me for, talk to her."
Then this small young woman my employee got up, literally stopped my wife in a hallway reached up with her both hands ( she is literally as tall as my wife's chest) and grabbed both my wife's tits and fondled them through the blouse and bra for a few minutes there in the middle of a hallway. People passed by, staring. It was not particularly crowded , probably about 7/8 people in sight, but I caught a few stares. My wife didn't stop her either. I almost thanked her because i got so hard and i wanted her to continue but when she stopped she spun my wife around and slapped her ass before they both returned to the table, it was so hot. It was super embarrassing but i really really enjoyed it. My big arrogant wife is letting these small weird women to touch her boobs and butt, it surprised me a little, but in a good way.
Wow they loolk alot bigger than dd they are awesome they llke FF
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