Humiliation ideas

You're not hot. You're not Asian. and you're nobody's wife. You're a 300 lb 35 yo looser with coke bottle glasses who lives in his parents basement and lives on a steady diet of twinkies who never had a gf or a job. Your hair is so greasy it could lubricat heavy machinery and your body odor sets off smoke alarms.Your breath can burn the paint off a battle ship and the govt. wants to weaponize it. You haven't had a bath since the Bush administration and you have the IQ of an Orangutan...all most. Everyone on this board who knows you wants you off. We know what you are trying to do here and the next comment you make regarding this post will prove my point. So go ahead make another post. They say there is one in every crowd,well your it.
The only point an idiot like you proves is how much a lying fake cunt you are. Not one shred of evidence from thousands of posts from you. Fucking loser
I’m a male dickhead, read my profile. Since when I am supposed to be a female?. That’s my wife in the pictures. Grow a fucking brain.
That's an internet pic Not your wife.Your username inplys your'e a female You say youre a male? A male what?
Because I don’t like fake liars like him. I detests idiots like that.
Because I don’t like fake liars like him. I detests idiots like that.
Because I don’t like fake liars like him. I detests idiots like that.
Cuckcoupleforfon. Some people just hate like HAW. That's whats wrong with this world guys like him.
That's an internet pic Not your wife.Your username inplys your'e a female You say youre a male? A male what?

Cuckcoupleforfon. Some people just hate like HAW. That's whats wrong with this world guys like him.
Tell me what part of the internet I got that picture from?. Do you want to know where it was taken?. In our living room. Grow a fucking brain loser.
That's an internet pic Not your wife.Your username inplys your'e a female You say youre a male? A male what?

Cuckcoupleforfon. Some people just hate like HAW. That's whats wrong with this world guys like him.
This is what I call evidence you fake dickhead. This is a simple screenshot of my Asian wife being fucked in our living room while I wait down the street. I have video and picture evidence too. It’s not hard to provide. You can’t even provide one fucking thing. But you speak as if you are an authority on the lifestyle. You are a full of ...... fake liar.

Tell me what part of the internet I got that picture from?. Do you want to know where it was taken?. In our living room. Grow a fucking brain loser.
Tonight you made a fool of yourself haw. Everybody is talking about you and laughing at you in private chats. You have no friends here and I highly doubt you have any friends offline as well.You're the guy who didn't go to the prom (or you brought your sister) Had no friends in HS and wet the bed till you were 19. Nothing you say here is taken seriously all you are is a clown who amuses us and some of us (myself included) respond back for the sport of it. Some of us may sound aggravated or upset when they respond to your comments but it's just a ruse after tonight.You are our villiage fool.You must have been greatly hurt by someone sometime back in your life you are clearly broken.
This is what I call evidence you fake dickhead. This is a simple screenshot of my Asian wife being fucked in our living room while I wait down the street. I have video and picture evidence too. It’s not hard to provide. You can’t even provide one fucking thing. But you speak as if you are an authority on the lifestyle. You are a full of ...... fake liar.

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Nice photoshop work I will give you that much.🤣
One things for for sure fuckwit. At least I’m married to a real Hotwife and don’t need to bullshit like you. All you do is tell full of crap stories. Sad little wannabe, but carry on.
And you must live in my neighborhood and look through my windows? lol. I am one of the most real people on here. Ran a nation wide swing club in the early 2000’s, did pro am porn in the late 90’s, have lived a life most have only dreamt about. The last thing I need to do is pretend. My life has been and is better than anything I can imagine which is why i find trolls like you so laughably amusing. But you keep on patrollong this forum and keeping us safe from liars and pretenders like yourself. I slept much better last night knowing you were on here doing your thing. lol
And you must live in my neighborhood and look through my windows? lol. I am one of the most real people on here. Ran a nation wide swing club in the early 2000’s, did pro am porn in the late 90’s, have lived a life most have only dreamt about. The last thing I need to do is pretend. My life has been and is better than anything I can imagine which is why i find trolls like you so laughably amusing. But you keep on patrollong this forum and keeping us safe from liars and pretenders like yourself. I slept much better last night knowing you were on here doing your thing. lol
Show some evidence idiot. Let’s see it. Otherwise you’re full of ...... cunt.

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