How to get my wife to fuck another?


Well-Known Member
My wife loves the idea of fucking others and often talks about it graphically during sex. She let my friend finger fuck her last year. She dresses sexy and flashes and loves the thrill but just hasn’t taken the leap yet. How do I get her to take that last step and actually fuck another guy ?

The attached pics were taken in front of a friend!!!56FB27BE-617B-4B19-B199-25ABCD511244.png297726E2-AACB-43D1-859C-0978E7C167BB.pngAC99C649-6A1C-453C-AE27-5C8176807BA8.pngA573EF3E-F616-4C2E-B198-FAE7740DE896.png
My wife loves the idea of fucking others and often talks about it graphically during sex. She let my friend finger fuck her last year. She dresses sexy and flashes and loves the thrill but just hasn’t taken the leap yet. How do I get her to take that last step and actually fuck another guy ?

The attached pics were taken in front of a friend!!!View attachment 332175View attachment 332176View attachment 332177View attachment 332178
I’d drill the fuck outta her body and make her the cum slut she desires to be
My wife loves the idea of fucking others and often talks about it graphically during sex. She let my friend finger fuck her last year. She dresses sexy and flashes and loves the thrill but just hasn’t taken the leap yet. How do I get her to take that last step and actually fuck another guy ?

The attached pics were taken in front of a friend!!!View attachment 332175View attachment 332176View attachment 332177View attachment 332178
No need to rush it she is open to the idea which is why she talks about it and let your friend finger her. The best thing to do would be to continue speaking about it openly and have her involved in the searching process for someone to help her go to the next level.
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Hi PB. IO told her about past relationships that were swinging relationships, and how I preferred MMFs and watching my partner getting banged by other guys. that it takes a strong feeling from me for her to want her to do what I am asking her to do. I found out her feelings for me and she was concerned that I was just wanting to have sex with other women. I assured her that it excited me to have her stepping out and getting her pussy filled and that I wanted her to tell me all about what happened when she got home. I said how it is a fantastic feeling sliding my cock into her after she gets home from getting banged and mixing my cum with john's cum . lol it was kind of funny, Jo went to the Dr for an exam. he did a pap smear and the next time she went to see him he said he couldn't help but notice that there were two male samples shown on the test results . she turned red and said oh ya ok. I laughed. I like people knowing that she steps out. So just talk with her and let her know how you feel.
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My wife loves the idea of fucking others and often talks about it graphically during sex. She let my friend finger fuck her last year. She dresses sexy and flashes and loves the thrill but just hasn’t taken the leap yet. How do I get her to take that last step and actually fuck another guy ?

The attached pics were taken in front of a friend!!!View attachment 332175View attachment 332176View attachment 332177View attachment 332178
If it’s in front of a friend, she’s loving the idea no doubt.. the reality is a different story..
she is very sexy! If she was mine, I’d want to share her too.. the possibilities of how many guys she could make horny and please, are endless.. Either way your a lucky guy.. so long as she’s happy, be happy.. and if she likes being a tease, even better.. baby steps they say
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My wife loves the idea of fucking others and often talks about it graphically during sex. She let my friend finger fuck her last year. She dresses sexy and flashes and loves the thrill but just hasn’t taken the leap yet. How do I get her to take that last step and actually fuck another guy ?

The attached pics were taken in front of a friend!!!
What ultimately worked for me, was that I took charge. I found a guy online - after a lengthy process. Wrote with him and eventually met with him. Then planned a date, booked a room and then texted my wife (she was on vacation). She became so wet and we had great sexting.When she came home we had a long talk and proceeded as planned 🙂 I think she needed the ultimate GO from me, before she would/could move foreward.
...How do I get her to take that last step and actually fuck another guy...

First off, you’re wife is stunningly hot. Thanks for sharing the pictures of her! When she starts hotwifing there are going to be some really happy Bulls .

Your question above is a common one, something that I’m sure every cuckold husband or stag has asked themselves or searched the Internet for at one point in time.

There are lots of threads in this forums asking this exact question, and I would strongly recommend searching them out and reading the forums as they contain excellent advice already.

Every couple is different, however the answer to this question is the same every single time... Communication. You need to talk to your wife.

You need to communicate your desire for her to fuck another man, and you need to fully accept her response (be it if she says yes or no).

My wife and I communicate best in the morning, sipping coffee, in bed. We also communicate well on date nights, after a drink or two. My point is that, only you know the best scenario for you and your wife to have a real meaningful dialogue.

Once you create that scenario for good communication, it’s honestly a matter of telling her that you love her no matter what her answer is, and that you desire to see her fuck other men and you would like to know if she would be open to the idea of fucking another man.

You also need to create a safe and loving space for her so that feels confident that she can fuck another guy without fear of you freaking out and then leaving her.

When I told my wife - she said the one thing she was worried about was me being mad and leaving her after I saw her fuck another guy. I had to reassure her that wouldn’t be the case and that the idea of her fucking another man actually excited me a lot.

Once you have that conversation, provided she is open to the idea, the rest will fall into place in time.

The link below is of an answer I posted to another thread with the exact same question. It may provide some additional information.

Let us know how it goes. Good luck.

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My wife loves the idea of fucking others and often talks about it graphically during sex. She let my friend finger fuck her last year. She dresses sexy and flashes and loves the thrill but just hasn’t taken the leap yet. How do I get her to take that last step and actually fuck another guy ?

The attached pics were taken in front of a friend!!!View attachment 332175View attachment 332176View attachment 332177View attachment 332178
Shes got a hot body how old is she ?
Don't be in to much of a rush it will happen soon enough when she is good and ready maybe she just has not found the right guy yet who knows after all its her pussy and she can give it to whom she likes Get her to look at some BBC photos and i'm sure she could be persuaded to have some BBC stretch and fill her up View attachment 332325View attachment 332326View attachment 332327View attachment 332328View attachment 332329View attachment 332330View attachment 332331View attachment 332332View attachment 332333View attachment 332334View attachment 332335View attachment 332336
My mrs would love this
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