My wife (Im still a wannabe, although I think she is getting closer) is currently working 4hrs from home. So Im edging 2x a day so that when I do get to see her I can cum hard for her.
The last 10 years or so because of aging and probably more likely, too much porn and jo, I seldom cum with her.
She has started making up stories about me being a cuck while giving me a handjob. So I edge like a madman so when she gives me a handjob while SPH-ing me and telling me Im a cuck, I will go off like a geyser. Which makes her happy. I think it's working too.
But the first 6 months of the year she is about 8-900 .iles from home. Then, I will go 2-3x a day, in waking/going to bed, until it takes way too long to nut. Then I have to back off 2-3 days.