How many men has your wife fucked?

Having enjoyed this lifestyle, off and on for 40+ years, we were surprised when we estimated the number of men Stacey has enjoyed over the years. Some years she was more active than others - and there were dry periods during the ...... rearing - and then there were years (especially early when we were swinging) when there was many. Over a 100 seems like a lot but when looking back over the years - it really wasn't a crazy number in any given year. She's 61 now and this year has enjoyed two men - one a long time lover who she has had sex with off and on during the past 20 years or so and a new lover recently at a nearby resort in Clearwater.
I do keep track and my postings tell the tale.

Since we started this lifestyle 9/6/2018:

  • She's had 78 different sex partners
  • She's had sex more than 160 times with someone other than me
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