How many men has your wife fucked?

I'm wary of making generalizations such as "most XXXX" statements. It's such a complex and diverse subject I do strongly concur with much of the underlying sentiment expressed here. Which is why I am also wary of the various "rules" which men often insist must be in place. To me, most such rules can be translated into "this is what I need you to lie to me about."

Not that I don't understand! For many of us, it seems there is a perpetual conflict, which we would do well to acknowledge, at least internally. Fortunately, my wife understands or at least tolerates my conflict, and occasionally gently points out that some feeling I am experiencing does not square with my stated beliefs about freedom and individual sovereignity.

For me, the safer position, the perspective that best prepares me for the roller coaster ride I know I experience in this, is to try to accept that I do experience feelings of jealousy or even anger sometimes, the genesis of which are conditioned responses to developments. Intellectually, I completely agree that a wife's pussy is hers. AND I know that there is intense power in societal/childhood conditioning that we do well to identify. Not only in this arena (Google TMS - tension myocitis syndrome).

That said, since it is her pussy, she is also free to enter into any contractual agreement with her husband, limiting what she does with it, if she chooses that course.
Most wives who cheat on their husbands have no interest in this 'lifestyle" nor do their husbands. They simply want sexual adventure. We're wired that way. This is why most affairs are so dangerous to the relationship. Most wives (I believe) who cheat find a guy who they really enjoy spending time with and who treats them like something special. This can lead to breaking up marriages. This is why open sexual communication is so critical. If we can't discuss these things as a married couple (and most couples can not) then it leads to the inevitable sneaking around for the sexual variety that both husbands and wives have craved since the beginning of time.

Guys, wives can hide what should be so obvious to you because you DO NOT WANT to see what's actually going on. You just want a bit of a slutty fantasy thrill, but when a wife starts down this path, it's not going to end. You either accept it or your relationship fails. There's your "decision". I suppose I've been a bit hung up on the philosophy of "decisions" of late.
We are in the minor leagues here: b/w 7-9
There are no minor leagues. Every woman's desires and motivation are her own. My ex wife wanted to do it, had a few starts that didn't pan out for various reasons. She didn't go ahead with it just to do it. She realized it wasn't working for her and wisely aborted.

In the end, she did it one time only. That one time, she was in "all in" from the start, and we enjoyed thrilling to the memory of that night for years after, up to the ultimate decision to go our separate ways for unrelated reasons.

More is not always better and can even have unexpected consequences. Take it as it comes. IMO.

My wife now (of 17 years) has had 11 lovers, and has one in the chute. She's tried quick sex, and found it disappointing. So now, she builds a friendship and waits for things to feel right, and to have an emotional attraction to the man. To expect her to have it be "just sex" would be a delusion which would make her feel less valued if I should entertain such an expectation from her.
I'm wary of making generalizations such as "most XXXX" statements. It's such a complex and diverse subject I do strongly concur with much of the underlying sentiment expressed here. Which is why I am also wary of the various "rules" which men often insist must be in place. To me, most such rules can be translated into "this is what I need you to lie to me about."

Not that I don't understand! For many of us, it seems there is a perpetual conflict, which we would do well to acknowledge, at least internally. Fortunately, my wife understands or at least tolerates my conflict, and occasionally gently points out that some feeling I am experiencing does not square with my stated beliefs about freedom and individual sovereignity.

For me, the safer position, the perspective that best prepares me for the roller coaster ride I know I experience in this, is to try to accept that I do experience feelings of jealousy or even anger sometimes, the genesis of which are conditioned responses to developments. Intellectually, I completely agree that a wife's pussy is hers. AND I know that there is intense power in societal/childhood conditioning that we do well to identify. Not only in this arena (Google TMS - tension myocitis syndrome).

That said, since it is her pussy, she is also free to enter into any contractual agreement with her husband, limiting what she does with it, if she chooses that course.
Thank you for your thoughts. I too am "wary" of making generalizations such as "most XXXX". That said, statistics show that at least 50% of wives will cheat on their husbands during their marriage. I can assure you that VERY FEW of those wives have any involvement in "the lifestyle" and are doing so apart from the types of fantasies and behaviors detailed on this site and sites like it. Their husbands likewise. I stand by my statement that

"Most wives who cheat on their husbands have no interest in this 'lifestyle" nor do their husbands. They simply want sexual adventure. We're wired that way. This is why most affairs are so dangerous to the relationship. Most wives (I believe) who cheat find a guy who they really enjoy spending time with and who treats them like something special. This can lead to breaking up marriages"

Certainly there are other factors at play but "the lifestyle" and "cuckolding" or "hotwifing" is NOT among the vast majority.

Mrs Hotwife
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I guess I would have to count my wife and I among the first group. For us, it is not a "lifestyle". It's simply not a boundary in our marriage. It's something she does sometimes, and which thrills me.

Sometimes, she has "fallen in love" unexpectedly. She has had some fast-moving affairs, but she did not like how they left her feeling afterward. So now, she takes things very slowly. She does not go out looking, not aggressively in any case. She is simply flirtatious and beautiful, and guys are attracted to her. They must be bold enough to pursue her though, and they must be, or become, comfortable with her being married. Although she does not, and will not, tell them that I am aware of her flirtations or wherever it might lead. If the guy is not enthusiastic enough to pursue her, fine! They can be friends or whatever.
THIS!! All of this fantasy talk on here is one thing but I can assure you that at least some of the guys on this site have wives who are fucking around behind their husband's back. This is thrilling, but if you want to find out how quickly the guys here who express these fantasies become jealous husbands then wait till a few of them find out that there wife is fucking the neighbor, or a guy from work, or one of their best friends or just getting picked up in bars on business travel or nights out with girlfriends. You want "humiliation"? Well, it's not all of that "sissy" stuff or anything else. It's truly finding out that your wife fucks around on you and that other people know about it. It's also the fact that no matter how many apologies, etc come from her, there is NOTHING you can do to "unfuck" her. Once other guys know what your wife's mouth feels like and know everything about her most intimate desires in bed and how to please her, there is NO "forgetting" that in your mind or the mind of all of the people who know your wife is a cheat.

This is a very odd site but we tend to "normalize" our desires and behaviors but the entire lifestyle is considered "weird" and freakish in the normal "vanilla" world. Most wives who cheat on their husbands have no interest in this 'lifestyle" nor do their husbands. They simply want sexual adventure. We're wired that way. This is why most affairs are so dangerous to the relationship. Most wives (I believe) who cheat find a guy who they really enjoy spending time with and who treats them like something special. This can lead to breaking up marriages. This is why open sexual communication is so critical. If we can't discuss these things as a married couple (and most couples can not) then it leads to the inevitable sneaking around for the sexual variety that both husbands and wives have craved since the beginning of time.

Guys, wives can hide what should be so obvious to you because you DO NOT WANT to see what's actually going on. You just want a bit of a slutty fantasy thrill, but when a wife starts down this path, it's not going to end. You either accept it or your relationship fails. There's your "decision". I suppose I've been a bit hung up on the philosophy of "decisions" of late.

Mrs Hotwfie
Well there's a lot of truth in that. In the case of my ......, her husband was initially drawn to her because of how open she was sexually but over time he became increasingly controlling, possessive and jealous.
It wasn't nice to see that! The more controlling he got the more she kicked back and one of the ways she did that was by cheating on him.
It was very complicated, for instance he'd get off on having her perform for his friends or having one of her girl friends join them for a threesome but then he'd fly off the handle if she even spoke to another guy in the street. He'd want her to dress sexily and then go mad if he saw other guys were checking her out (which I saw myself on more than one occasion). He accused her several times of cheating on him when she hadn't but in the end that became a self fulfilling prophecy.
It all got very toxic and very nasty and she came close to having a complete breakdown. To be quite frank, I was relieved when they split!
Certainly there are other factors at play but "the lifestyle" and "cuckolding" or "hotwifing" is NOT among the vast majority.
Unlike what guys are led to believe on these websites. My view is that hotwifing and cuckolding are increasing in popularity (Femdom, too!) but not at epic proportions like we are made to believe. And, it's trendy to talk about it..... Websites like this one are all about making money, however. Many if not most of the videos here were made by pro-ams or even amateurs with the express purpose of making money off them. As long as we keep this in mind, we'll be ok. Thank god for the true amateurs who post homemade stuff for us. That's the good news - some of the stuff we see is really created by the people posting it. As I have not added any content myself, I am thankful to those who do. It used to really annoy me that some guys were taking a video posted by another couple and renaming the vid to make it seem as though the woman was his wife. Then I finally realized, the guys are letting us know that's their fantasy but they haven't yet lived the dream. I get it now, I think.

When you go through the various threads and are looking at an image posted by someone, right click, then choose "save image as" to see what the source of it was. As least for some of the photos. There's a lot of them pulled from the old Tumblr site. Some of the images are captured from videos that have been around for ages (you known the places - "our hotwives" xhamster, pornhub, DFW Knight, even "Black into White") and were once part of someone else's original content. That's just the way it is with the Internet, I guess! Sadly, some of the greatest vids have been passed around so much that they have deteriorated such that they're all fuzzy and the audio doesn't always work. There's some real classics floating around out there. Some of them now unviewable.

There's lots of people going through lots of work to make, find or repost stuff, but I'm glad they do it! Thanks to some of the people posting images here, we have a good day almost every day even though my wife and I are aged out of the fun! I'm especially delighted to find some Polaroid shots popping up as that's what we had to work with back in the day when the developers wouldn't process 35mm or movie film like what we were making. When we found someone that would process it, it cost a small fortune. I always envisioned the processor's workers sitting around jacking off while watching all of the hot stuff they were seeing.
Unlike what guys are led to believe on these websites. My view is that hotwifing and cuckolding are increasing in popularity (Femdom, too!) but not at epic proportions like we are made to believe. And, it's trendy to talk about it..... Websites like this one are all about making money, however. Many if not most of the videos here were made by pro-ams or even amateurs with the express purpose of making money off them. As long as we keep this in mind, we'll be ok. Thank god for the true amateurs who post homemade stuff for us. That's the good news - some of the stuff we see is really created by the people posting it. As I have not added any content myself, I am thankful to those who do. It used to really annoy me that some guys were taking a video posted by another couple and renaming the vid to make it seem as though the woman was his wife. Then I finally realized, the guys are letting us know that's their fantasy but they haven't yet lived the dream. I get it now, I think.

When you go through the various threads and are looking at an image posted by someone, right click, then choose "save image as" to see what the source of it was. As least for some of the photos. There's a lot of them pulled from the old Tumblr site. Some of the images are captured from videos that have been around for ages (you known the places - "our hotwives" xhamster, pornhub, DFW Knight, even "Black into White") and were once part of someone else's original content. That's just the way it is with the Internet, I guess! Sadly, some of the greatest vids have been passed around so much that they have deteriorated such that they're all fuzzy and the audio doesn't always work. There's some real classics floating around out there. Some of them now unviewable.

There's lots of people going through lots of work to make, find or repost stuff, but I'm glad they do it! Thanks to some of the people posting images here, we have a good day almost every day even though my wife and I are aged out of the fun! I'm especially delighted to find some Polaroid shots popping up as that's what we had to work with back in the day when the developers wouldn't process 35mm or movie film like what we were making. When we found someone that would process it, it cost a small fortune. I always envisioned the processor's workers sitting around jacking off while watching all of the hot stuff they were seeing.
Hubby took a while to move over to digital so we still remember having to send off films to specialist developers who used to advertise in the back of porn mags, as the high street developers wouldn't print off explicit images.
We did wonder whether these 'companies' were actual companies or just guys working alone who got off on the pictures they developed. But there was no other choice unless you were into home developing!
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She is gorgeous! Will you share her?
I"ll swallow his cum, rim his ass (on occasion) let him take me anally (I will let hubby do that once or twice a YEAR)
Lick his cum from his cock...…..have lover feed me his cum from his fingers, which he puts in my creampie pussy.

Love to auck on your pussy lips before slamming your pussy
In front of me my wife has 14 and one I don't watch.
Wondering why you don't want to watch
My wife has always been super sexually active even before I meet her. I am a retired combat Army vet and just the other day when we were playing (I mean having our weekend sex last fuck) she let me know she had a 3some with 2 huge cocks and she fucked 7 other guys while I was deployed. I know it should make a man mad but it mad me hard as fuck. Pict is when she told me... Any comments would be appreciated.


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My wife has always been super sexually active even before I meet her. I am a retired combat Army vet and just the other day when we were playing (I mean having our weekend sex last fuck) she let me know she had a 3some with 2 huge cocks and she fucked 7 other guys while I was deployed. I know it should make a man mad but it mad me hard as fuck. Pict is when she told me... Any comments would be appreciated.
The reason it's called cheating---she deprived you of seeing her possessed, owned, and taken by other men. Live in a rural area, and after a "dry" spell, I would pay to have my wife kissed, sucked fucked, and filled with cum---------------


  • B Cock IHelps.jpg
    B Cock IHelps.jpg
    391.1 KB · Views: 147
My wife has always been super sexually active even before I meet her. I am a retired combat Army vet and just the other day when we were playing (I mean having our weekend sex last fuck) she let me know she had a 3some with 2 huge cocks and she fucked 7 other guys while I was deployed. I know it should make a man mad but it mad me hard as fuck. Pict is when she told me... Any comments would be appreciated.
Thank you for your service, and I'll give her my service on that nice ass!