How do women control themselves?

Society would have it that men are driven by sex more than women. In fact, evidence suggests this is true.
  • Men are generally rapists, not women.
  • Men chat women up more
  • Men will take advantage of women sexually more
  • Men seek multiple partners and affairs more than women
  • Men masturbate more
  • Men seek out prostitutes, buy sexual massages and happy endings
  • Men are apparently more physical, whereas women look more for emotional attachment#
BUT.... is it that simple? My experience of women suggests that:
  • women can enjoy sex much more than men if liberated to do so, with multiple, more intense orgasms
  • women can and do chat up men..... more through physical flirting than words, i.e. it's more overtly a sexual come-on
  • women are attracted to cocks and balls as much as men are to tits and cunts
  • women do/would enjoy sexual massages as much as men if only they were available.
I could go on but my point is that women are driven by sex as much as men but it's expressed differently, due to societal expectations, biological reality (hey get pregnant) and physical reality (they are weaker).

Your thoughts please?