How deep are you?

OK, this might be fun or it might be boring but here goes. I know I've posted a few of him on here before so sorry for the repeat.

This is my "foot long" BBC

View attachment 589766

Below, and I'm almost embarrassed by this, is me riding that cock. Watch at the end and I take it all the way! Like I said, a bit embarrassing because it's so lewd, but maybe some of you will enjoy it.

View attachment 589768
Definitely nothing to be embarrassed about - you look and sound like you were really enjoying it xx
My late wife didn't like big dicks, should say long dicks, she said it bottomed out and hurt. Here and elsewhere can be read about the love of big cock. I came across this video and wondered how deep women actually are, how long a dick can be accommodated comfortably and enjoyably.

What's your opinion, you experience?View attachment 522592
omg my jaw simply dropped when she stand up for the first time, how can it be real?
That picture shows something a lot smaller than 11 inches
Always, always subtract 1 to 4 inches from any claim of penile length by a woman. I once watched a female friend measure my buddy who constantly went on and on about his whopping 8 incher. She got 8 inches, but I could plainly see from the tape measure and his cock that he wasn't even 6 inches long. By the way, the only honest way to measure penis length is to place a hard ruler on top of the penis and not push it into the fat pad. If you don't do that, you can get just about any measurement result you want. A penis is not a cat tail, we do not measure it from the anus.

By the way, at the website there is a standing $10,000 prize waiting for the first man that can prove he has a 10 inch cock (non-medically altered). It's been there for years. No winner yet. So, they now include an additional $10,000 finders fee. $20,000 just waiting to be given away. How can that be? many female readers are wondering, as their husbands are a solid 8 inches and their bull is at least four inches longer. No doubt, in your mind you are right, but not in these men's pants. The longest porn-star penis is 8 inches long, but his cock has been advertised as being 13 inches.

The truth is that average erect penis is a humble 5 to 5.5 inches, Much like height, penises follow a Gaussian bell curve of distribution. The average American female is 5'4" and a 6'4" female is so rare that you may never have encountered one. Yet, the tall lady is only 19% taller. A 6.5-inch penis is 19% longer than average; in a room filled with 100 men, only 7 would be larger. An 11-inch penis is 200% longer than the average; a safe bet would be that no one in the USA has that long a penis. The world is a big place, filled with about 3 billion males. My guess, is that there might be one or two men with a penis that long.

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🤣🤣🤣 Yes, don't forget girls, when guys like this pull your string you just say "Math class is hard" just like the Barbie doll used to do. Remember, when Mr Peabody, cock expert, makes his evaluation of the cocks you've had, by all means follow his formula. It's #science after all. And naturally, we girls are just waaaay too shallow to understand all of the "mathy" stuff that goes into measuring a cock. So I stand corrected. My husband is now 4" and the guys above are 7-8". Thanks for clearing that up for us. No word yet on how to adjust the 3-4 inch cock size I (thought) I've had before. Are "negative numbers" a part of this complex scientific analysis? Seriously, "women" just have no idea about this stuff.

Mrs Hotwife
Kindness and general agreeableness excuse a multitude of sins. Speaking of hard reality, they make and sell dildos from castings of actual famous penises, for example Manuel Ferrara's. He has a big penis, no one denies it. If he were not a world-famous porn star, most of the women he has fucked would claim him as their biggest partner ever.

NSN-0810-01_image_1l (1).jpg

My God, he must a one-footer! He is huge. Why hasn't he claimed the $10,000 prize? (Btw, male talent get paid a third as much as female, so I am sure he could use the extra cash.)

Mega-huge. No, not really.


The insertable length of his dildo is 6.5 inches; that is his actual standardized length. Imagination-wise, he is far closer to 12 inches.
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🤣🤣🤣 Yes, don't forget girls, when guys like this pull your string you just say "Math class is hard" just like the Barbie doll used to do. Remember, when Mr Peabody, cock expert, makes his evaluation of the cocks you've had, by all means follow his formula. It's #science after all. And naturally, we girls are just waaaay too shallow to understand all of the "mathy" stuff that goes into measuring a cock. So I stand corrected. My husband is now 4" and the guys above are 7-8". Thanks for clearing that up for us. No word yet on how to adjust the 3-4 inch cock sizes I have regrettably (thought) I had before. Are "negative numbers" a part of this complex scientific analysis? Seriously, "women" just have no idea about this stuff. Really, really smart guys are soooo good at bringing that sexiness out of any discussion with shallow women who make ridiculous claims about things such as cock size.

Mrs Hotwife
Oh no, clearly I can't use a ruler right! Is it because I'm blonde?
Oh no, clearly I can't use a ruler right! Is it because I'm blonde?
Women are not alone in doing bad measurements . I am old enough to remember when a woman's three-number measurements were deemed all important. The problem lay in the average man having no idea how breast measurement was taken; thus, it was inconceivable to the average male mind that the woman with 34-26-36 measurements could have far larger breasts than another woman with 36-28-40 measurements. Cup sizes were not considered.

I used to be active in Group-C car racing, not behind the steering wheel, but in the shop, where the car was built up. Most men could not understand either horsepower and torque or how they could be measured differently. Worse, the two measurements are not like height and weight, nice fixed numbers, as horsepower and torque produce curved plotlines. Exaggerations were common, as were too optimistic outlooks.

An engine that delivers 100 horsepower on an engine mount might only produce 70 horsepower at the wheels. Which figure is right? They both are, but you must not lose track of which you are talking about. Optimistic outlooks predicted that applying three motor enhancements, each producing a 3% increase in volumetric efficiency, to a 100 horsepower engine must increase the power to 109 horsepower. They won't. Why not? You cannot exceed 100% efficiency; if you do, you have a perpetual-motion machine on your hands. If the engine's volumetric efficiency starts at 96%, then it can only passively increase to 100%.

George Orwell was not the first to write that "2 + 2 = 5," as Hermann Goering predates Orwell, when he stated, "If the Führer wants it, two and two makes five!"

In 1779, Samuel Johnson said it best, "You may have a reason why two and two should make five, but they will still make but four."

But if your wife wants to believe that 2 + 2 = 8, do not try to disabuse her, for to do so would be sexist in the extreme—and not as sexually stimulating.
Cock size, hmmmmmm. 'Size' of anything is important to Americans. Fastest car, biggest motor, biggest steak, thickest steak, most money, biggest house, etc.I can go on and on.

I'm bi. I suck cock. I suck a lot of cock. 2 examples, the year before CL stopped ads (2019) I sucked almost 70 different cocks, many repeats. Just yesterday I was lucky enough to blow 3 different guys.

Most guys aren't honest abut their dick size, they lie, either too big or too small, NEVER NEVER are they accurate. I know inches, I know stretched my pinky tip to thumb tip is 8 1/2", I know my fist forefinger to pinky is 3 1/2". Most guys range from 5"-6 1/2". As far as girth, most guys are slightly less than the diameter of a tube of toothpaste which is about 1 1/4" diameter, that makes them about 1" in diamater.

The largest I had was a true 9", pubic bone to cock tip. I also did a guy that was about 6" but his cock was think, VERY THICK, my estimate about 2 - 2 1/2" in diameter, hurt my jaw working him to orgasm.

Now the downside. Sucked a guy last week, he said he was small, I figured he was lying, UNTIL he showed up. He was small, tiny actually, a first for me. Without exaggeration, he was shorter than a bic lighter and about the same girth. Haven't seen a dick that small since I was a ....... I felt bad for him.
10" the biggest, not painful at all but regular are between 7" and 9", when it touches my cervix I have an instant orgasm.
My wife has commented that she likes when the guys are large enough that when she rides them and pushes all the way to the balls that she can feel the tip put pressure on her cervix. I have seen her cum very hard from that.