Always, always subtract 1 to 4 inches from any claim of penile length by a woman. I once watched a female friend measure my buddy who constantly went on and on about his whopping 8 incher. She got 8 inches, but I could plainly see from the tape measure and his cock that he wasn't even 6 inches long. By the way, the only honest way to measure penis length is to place a hard ruler on top of the penis and not push it into the fat pad. If you don't do that, you can get just about any measurement result you want. A penis is not a cat tail, we do not measure it from the anus.
By the way, at the website there is a standing $10,000 prize waiting for the first man that can prove he has a 10 inch cock (non-medically altered). It's been there for years. No winner yet. So, they now include an additional $10,000 finders fee. $20,000 just waiting to be given away. How can that be? many female readers are wondering, as their husbands are a solid 8 inches and their bull is at least four inches longer. No doubt, in your mind you are right, but not in these men's pants. The longest porn-star penis is 8 inches long, but his cock has been advertised as being 13 inches.
The truth is that average erect penis is a humble 5 to 5.5 inches, Much like height, penises follow a Gaussian bell curve of distribution. The average American female is 5'4" and a 6'4" female is so rare that you may never have encountered one. Yet, the tall lady is only 19% taller. A 6.5-inch penis is 19% longer than average; in a room filled with 100 men, only 7 would be larger. An 11-inch penis is 200% longer than the average; a safe bet would be that no one in the USA has that long a penis. The world is a big place, filled with about 3 billion males. My guess, is that there might be one or two men with a penis that long.