Hot husbands


Hi ,I was just wondering how many wives would allow their husband to to go out and have sex with other ladies,
Does it always have to be hot wives what about hot husband's OS or always the man who has to sit at home waiting for his wife to come home from her date with another man,
If there are any ladies out there I would love to know your opinion on this subject,
Same to the guys out there what do you think,?👍
Hi ,I was just wondering how many wives would allow their husband to to go out and have sex with other ladies,
Does it always have to be hot wives what about hot husband's OS or always the man who has to sit at home waiting for his wife to come home from her date with another man,
If there are any ladies out there I would love to know your opinion on this subject,
Same to the guys out there what do you think,?👍
My gf and I have an arrangement, from time to time work or family takes us apart from each other for a good long while, so during those time we play separately. I tend to like to meet new folks for sex more than than my gf does, but she's come to terms with that, which I am grateful for 🙏 😂 As long as there are no feelings involved.

So I get to play now and again. Helps keep me an honest man hahaha
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My gf and I have an arrangement, from time to time work or family takes us apart from each other for a good long while, so during those time we play separately. I tend to like to meet new folks for sex more than than my gf does, but she's come to terms with that, which I am grateful for 🙏 😂 As long as there are no feelings involved.

So I get to play now and again. Helps keep me an honest man hahaha
Hi, its great that you have a girlfriend who is ok with you playing with others but not all men are so lucky and in some relationships it's to woman who has affair partners and it's the man who has to except it,
But the woman wants her freedom to do as she wants but doesn't want her husband/boyfriend to have the same freedom,
It would be interesting to know a woman's opinion on this,👍
In theory we have an open relationship so I could go out and have sex with someone else - male or female and I have done that in the past and may do so again if the circumstances were right, but it’s not very likely unless the circumstances were exceptional (with the exception of one woman who is very close to us who I do fuck semi regularly). But really in practise I find it much more exciting for Lynn to be the one doing the fucking, with or without me present.
In any case, as a 69 year old male my options would be a lot more limited than hers. She still has no problem pulling in the men at 67. And that suits us fine.
I have absolutely no problem with Bob going out with other women. We are 100% open with each other. It's not uncommon for him to bring a lady home. I enjoy watching.

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Hi, you are a very lucky couple to have such an open relationship,
My wife and I play together these days in some why or another be it mfm,fmf,or her having a solo night with one of her hook ups that she has been meeting over the years,
I don't have a problem with any of it she Is happy for me to be with another female when she is with her husband or boyfriend but she is not totally happy with me playing solo with another woman when she is not involved,

I have to say i don't have any problem with it as i get all the sex i can handle on our date nights with other couples and i don't really have any desire to play on my own,

It's just a thought when i say why is it always acceptable for the wife or girlfriend to play away and not normally the husband/boyfriend,

I find most wives are jealous if her partner plays away without her ,
If she does it it's just fun but if he does it its cheating, lol

Not every couple has a great relationship like you and your husband as i said you are very lucky, 👍