hot fantasy or not?


By far, one of the most popular fantasies women have is being the man for one night... literally. They would like to act and dress up like a man, and I mean straight down to the penis. That's right, I'm referring to a strap-on penis.

One woman actually had the opportunity to fulfill her fantasy and took full advantage of her boyfriend's willingness. "It was absolutely incredible to be able to penetrate a man and feel the empowerment usually associated with being the aggressor."

"There's something about having a man in a vulnerable position that is an incredible turn-on." Carol admitted. The idea of knowing that we're in the position that is usually assumed by men is probably the most aphrodisiacal element of it all.Dressing your man in the most sexy lingerie&high heels and fuck them as a whore should be more common is what i want,it,s my fav fantasy
My gf would love to use a strap on. Its a big turn on when we watch porn together. She also loves watching gay men porn. I do really wish i could turn her to reality and I think it is the only fantasy that she has asked for that I have not agreed to Because of the pain factor. She has pretty much filled my fantasies. But if it is something that is to painful to her I am not going to make her do it. I kind of feel strange about it because she Loves it in the ass.
By far, one of the most popular fantasies women have is being the man for one night... literally. They would like to act and dress up like a man, and I mean straight down to the penis. That's right, I'm referring to a strap-on penis.

One woman actually had the opportunity to fulfill her fantasy and took full advantage of her boyfriend's willingness. "It was absolutely incredible to be able to penetrate a man and feel the empowerment usually associated with being the aggressor."

"There's something about having a man in a vulnerable position that is an incredible turn-on." Carol admitted. The idea of knowing that we're in the position that is usually assumed by men is probably the most aphrodisiacal element of it all.Dressing your man in the most sexy lingerie&high heels and fuck them as a whore should be more common is what i want,it,s my fav fantasy
This might be the fantasy for some......not many, but you said "by far". Cmon

Dont project your fantasy onto "by far"
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My gf would love to use a strap on. Its a big turn on when we watch porn together. She also loves watching gay men porn. I do really wish i could turn her to reality and I think it is the only fantasy that she has asked for that I have not agreed to Because of the pain factor. She has pretty much filled my fantasies. But if it is something that is to painful to her I am not going to make her do it. I kind of feel strange about it because she Loves it in the ass.
I bever wanted fucked in ths asz ut o e night my HOTWIFE was really ocer the top.horny I was unusually rough on her the night before ...SHE started playing with me..harxer than usual.. Zhe saud to me im.goi g to fuck the hell.out of you so i e pected that i was going to get some o tense pussy fucking. She had me lay on my stomach while playing with my balls
The next tbing i knew she waz rub ing something on my ass .I askedcher what she was doing ..She said i tomd you i wss going to.FUCK.YOU..I Said i didnt thi k.tbzts whzt yku where talking about..She said youbFucked me lazt night and didn't care what you did to ne 'NOW I'M GOI G TO.FUCK.YOU..i said your dilido wo t me ..I WAZ TOKD YOUR GETTING ALL.12 INCHES . I Said 'NO.' I was told your gettig it 'ALL' I told her again i cant takd it SHE SAID YOU ARE' Then to take my mind of what was happening to my ass she started pulling on my cock evertime she pushed i in my asd she pulled on my cock making me feel like by her pulling on my was pulling the dido ass ..SHE Sid its all in you now.. Tgen she turned the vibrator on i didnt k ow it was a vibrating one i exooded like i never have she told me that i Ll tge years no cock has EVER CUM.LIKE THAT BEFORE after i recovered i was told you never know i migbt have to FUCK.YOU LIKE THAT agsin
Con mucho, una de las fantasías más populares que tienen las mujeres es ser el hombre por una noche... literalmente. Les gustaría actuar y vestirse como un hombre, y me refiero directamente al pene. Así es, me refiero a un pene con correa .

Una mujer en realidad tuvo la oportunidad de cumplir su fantasía y aprovechó al máximo la disposición de su novio. "Fue absolutamente increíble poder penetrar a un hombre y sentir el empoderamiento generalmente asociado con ser el agresor".

"Hay algo en tener a un hombre en una posición vulnerable que es increíble". Carol admitió. La idea de saber que estamos en la posición que suelen asumir los hombres es probablemente el elemento más afrodisíaco de todo. Vestir a tu hombre con la lencería más sexy y tacones altos y follárselo como una puta debería ser más común es lo que quiero. es mi fantasia favorita
HHola Desde cuba pareja swinger bisexual los dos con buena experiencia en recibir grupales los dos juntos y este hilo es uno de los que no puedo dejar de comentar
primero porque yo soy negro dotado con 24.5 cmt de largo no muy gorda pero totalmente bisexual versátil desde la adolescencia así que cuando tuve la idea de hacer que mi primera novia probé tener sexo con otro chico fue desde la experiencia de saber como era tener una buena pinga clavada dentro pero contestado a este hilo te puedo asegurar desde la experiencia de estar en esto por mas de 30 años que la segunda fantasía sexual de todas las mujeres es esa. Que dices primero estar ellas en la posición de ser quienes están clavando por el culo a sus hombres y después de eso todas DeSean ver como sus hombres ...... clavados frente a ella por otro hombre para poder tener la experiencia suprema que las mujeres tienen que es poder estar ella y su hombre siendo penetrados juntos por un grupo de hombres
Esta es la segunda fantasía sexual de todas las mujeres después de la de ser doblemente penetrada pero muy tristemente por todos los tabúes sociales muy pocas mujeres ...... capaces de hablarlo