Hi, everyone. Very new couple. Where/how do we start?

Hello. We are a middle aged couple that has just started to look into this lifestyle. We are looking for other couples and hotwifes to talk to and help us with questions we may have. We Mostly have questions that we need the women’s/ hotwifes perspective on. We look forward to getting to know people and learning.
you can write to my wife to answer the questions 😉 tracking private messages
I'm happy to answer questions but you'll find pretty quickly that I am an advocate for starting as soon as you can. If the experience is a great one you will be hooked on hotwifing and your life will change. You will certainly make some mistakes, but if you can eliminate the "show stopper" kinds of mistakes then you will be happy. The FIRST rule is to always protect your primary relationship. I believe the second is to get permission from your husband to flirt or even to have sex with another guy and then actually DO IT. Do it without telling him before hand and then you will be able to judge if he can handle the emotion. If he gets overly jealous and interferes with your flirting, etc then you really won't have much success with this. That happens quite a bit of the time. Most men simply are not cut out to be married to wives who fuck around on them, even with their permission. It takes a special type of relationship.

Mrs Hotwife
Hello. We are a middle aged couple that has just started to look into this lifestyle. We are looking for other couples and hotwifes to talk to and help us with questions we may have. We Mostly have questions that we need the women’s/ hotwifes perspective on. We look forward to getting to know people
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Hey we are a couple too! We have been in this for a while but only from a distance haven't yet taken it to the next step ! We are trying to connect with couple like us ! To talk about it we know a lot about it !
We are in the same boat. We are just dipping our toes into this so far. We would love to talk to other couples to hear about their experiences, troubles, or ways they find to really enjoy this lifestyle.
Hello. We are a middle aged couple that has just started to look into this lifestyle. We are looking for other couples and hotwifes to talk to and help us with questions we may have. We Mostly have questions that we need the women’s/ hotwifes perspective on. We look forward to getting to know people and learning.
Hello, and welcome to the lifestyle!

I have been in the lifestyle literally from losing my virginity. And have had many ups and downs . I was lucky to have been introduced to it by some of the most wonderful people in the lifestyle you could ever wish for. As a young new single "bull", I had some great guides. Later in life, after I moved. Things got real rocky. I made lots of mistakes but still very positive for the most part. Except for but Including marriage to a very troubled woman, We where both in the lifestyle as "full swing" but it was a disaster. After we separated, I went right back to being very polished "bull". I really enjoyed making fantasy romantic play a reality for the couples i was with. I found I loved pleasing wives, while being a trusted freind to the husband the perfect role for me.

Then I found the most wonderful woman on earth, only downside was she had no experience or understanding of the life style. Trying to make it work, with someone so resistant to the idea was disappointing. We had a couple of mfm encounters, but she only did for me. After being with one guy for a year she finally confessed she didn't like the guy and was getting nothing out of it, "it wasn't for me and I don't want to have to do it anymore ". I sank into depression and guilt for my role in all of this.

But then I found the "cuckold consultation " and read everything he wrote. I realized my mistakes and apologized and thanked my wife for what she had sacrificed for me. With his help I was able to, listen to her needs. Make it safe for her, for the first time communicating was addictive to both of us. I learned what her attractions are and within no time at all, maybe 3 months we became the perfect Stag Vixen couple. We had always had a deep loving marriage, just needed some guidance. The fears associated with any open marriage needed to be put on the table and worked out. Yes, she now knows and is fully capable enjoying another man in front of or with me. Or even without me in the room. We have been jointly now in the lifestyle as equal partners for years. Our Love making has never been better and is the priority. We now make love for two to 3 hours each night. Last night started with 30 minutes of just kissing before any clothes even came off. And hardly ever watch TV anymore. Lol She has a regular boyfriend, this time one she really really likes, who is also now a great freind of mine. And, she wants a 3rd now lol. Pandoras box is wide open lol

She doesn't get on here much, not much of a online chatter. However we do share a kick account and love helping new people avoid all the mistakes we or more to the point, I have made.

If you think we can add some value to your journey just let me know. But remember this one piece of advice. This is your journey, this is your life. Do not let anyone tell you what you should be doing with it. You make all the rules and boundaries as a couple. Remember that ultimately, this is about you two and always should be a positive experience that drives you both even closer and deeper in love. Only thing to keep in mind, is i am horrible at texting, so I will apologize now for typos and miss spellings .

With warmest regards.

It took me 12+ yrs to convince my wife. I planted the seed of the idea in her mind. She was upset at first but after strolling through the mental minfield of the hotwifing lifestyle and embracing it she now wonders why we'd not been doing this all along..lol.

We made mistakes along the way. Like most new things it just happens. Bouncing your questions here will help you and her understand and get comfortable with some things your both unsure of. All couples take different paths. Some never make it passed fantasy. Sometimes that's where it should stay but for some we move forward. Nothing more exciting than diving into the unknown.

We have not been active in the lifestyle long but we do have experience in conversation and mistakes leading up to a hotwife encounter. It takes a lot of communication, openness, and trust to pull all this off. In the end it's one of the most sexually satisfying parts of our sexual lives. We currently have a guy coming to spend the weekend with us. She's super horny knowing two guys are going to satisfy her all weekend. It seems like it took forever to get to this point but it's here, it's happening, and we both love it.
Pm us anytime
Ask away I wish I had a "mentor" when we were first looking to get into this lifestyle. If you find the right guy (like I did) it's literally a life changing experience.
I could never be with just one man again, especially a small cocked guy like hubby. That said I would do nothing to upset my marriage to him.
Ask away I wish I had a "mentor" when we were first looking to get into this lifestyle. If you find the right guy (like I did) it's literally a life changing experience.
I could never be with just one man again, especially a small cocked guy like hubby. That said I would do nothing to upset my marriage to him.
I would love to find out more about how you started into this lifestyle. Was your first other guy a friend, someone you just met ? Where does one go to meet guys. Like I said I am very new to this.
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