Help me understand

Wondering if anyone can help me understand things a little better, me and my husband have spoke for what seems like forever about introducing a regular guy into our marriage. We’ve been on a few sites for years and at times for me it feels overwhelming trying to keep up with the level of attention and interaction that’s required!
A few years back we met with another couple for a full swap and all was going in the right direction until the guy couldn’t “Perform” I’m not sure if it was nerves or what went wrong but it really put us off as this was our first experience and it actually had a negative effect on me.

Recently we’ve been talking of different ways to maybe try again and my husband is almost obsessed with it being a single guy, he loves when I chat online, I’ve on occasion done live play on sites and it’s made him wild seeing the guys comment or give instructions where as for me it’s more a turn on being watched…

I’m trying to understand a bit more as to how his triggers work

A few weeks back I was chatting with our gardener and things got a little flirty, he’s at our home every week so we get on well, I explained to my husband that he was a bit flirty and he was instantly turned on by this, we’ve been flirting a bit by text and I’ve sent him some cheeky pics, I’ve also explained my husband is aware we are chatting and I’ve sent all our screenshots to hubby which seems to drive him absolutely wild
He told me if I ever get the chance to take it and the way the texts between us make him feel is completely new, I’m trying to understand this more like why does jealousy turn him on, why would he be happy me doing stuff without him seeing etc?
I’m not opposed to the idea as it’s exciting and something different I’m just trying to work out how to understand what makes him the wildest and work on that side of things I guess

Rosie xxx
Hey Rosie,
first before anything I want to tell you how amazing of a partner you are and your effort in understanding it all to help find reasoning to such a backwards thing compared to societal norms. Your amazing for that and your husband is lucky he has you! The first thing I would do is any time he is turned on by the sharing you do with flirty chats or guys you are starting to talk to, is ask him as soon as he is visibly aroused why he is so hard hearing it? What does it make you think about when you see another guy flirting with me. Then follow his response with a deeper qualifying question (not a yes or no question) about what he fantasizes about and if he could choose the hottest fantasy he has of you and how naughty he imagines things getting what would it be? What are things that are absolute limits for him that he isnt okay with you engaging and endulging in with another man. If things moved faster than you expected and you fucked a guy before you could ask him if its okay would it upset him and make him mad, or would he not be jealous about it and be understanding that tension builds and things naturally get out of hand quickly and thats part of the dynamic and is normal in a cuckolding dynamic. Ending with the question If you decided that you were going to stop having sex with him, and only giving your body to a long term Bull. Would he accept it, and welcome your new Bull into your bedroom and give your wife to him freely; or would you get jealous and think that you crossed a line and are the one that is at fault. Would he understand it was all his idea, you just went with it; or would he not accept that he was the one that wanted it, and cant handle where it took your relationship?

Knowing these things will help you understand how committed he is, the dangers and risks of potential scenarios happening, and his jealous/limits he has that defines his arousal as a kink and turn on not a lifestyle dynamic and role reversal. If it has more limits and bounderies then it does possible potentials that you find desiring I'd advice to stick to roleplaying the idea and not taking the next step, cuz itll ultimately divide the two of you instead of bring you closer and bring more to your relationship together. If it brings you closer its a good sign if it brings up lack of communication or mood swings its a huge red flag and only fantasy! is a great informative blog in a lot of helpful things in this adventure! to this site recently divorced and found myself thinking of a cuckold relationship I had 10 years ago, it wasn't planned just happened but I'm interested in sharing the experience with couples considering it, it might help them make the leap.