Have you ever willingly fucked someone who is in a relationship?

Many of my wife's lovers have been married men. She finds it easier because they are already in a committed relationship. Therefore they dont turn their sex into a "relationship". Nor can they demand exclusivity. She feels free to fuck other men whenever they also come along.

Just recently she did fuck a guy in front of his wife. This is a longer story. She is in fact her BFF from donkeys years. My wife is forever grateful and thankful that her BFF helped her during hard times about 25 yrs ago. I always saw this friendship as a bit of an ....... They were both young and partied together, grabbed en, etc. But BFF and her new husband used my wife as a Cinderella in exchange for room and board. And yes, sometimes BFF ...... my wife to fuck some guys because she needed favors from them. Wife did it semi-willingly but once she was riding cock, she enjoyed it. She doesnt regret that she was .......

Recently, BFF remarried. For some strange reason she brings many of her slutty female friends for her husband to fuck. Its like a reverse cuck. Cuckoldress. Well finally she asked my wife over. This man was enchanted by my wife from the moment she stepped in their house. But there is always been that competition between my wife and BFF. So BFF was reluctant to offer my wife on a plate to her husband.

There is more sordid detail in between. BUt Ill cut to the end. BFF finally relented and asked my wife to let herself be fucked by the husband. They did so in the presence of BFF. What BFF didnt know is that it wasnt their first time! But at least my wife and the husband felt relaxed because they didnt have to surpress their desire for each other when BFF was present. They fucked hard several times durng the course of the night she spent with them.

Needless to say, she came home reeking of cum and a loose pussy.
Yes, and I have to say, it felt amazing. She was in a long distance relationship and she was a new acquaintance introduced to me by my best friends girlfriend. Since she knew I'm a bit of a hound, and I had already shared her with my friend, she told me explicitly "do not try to fuck my friend, she's engaged." Well we can see how that turned out. The first time I met there was sparks everywhere, but we couldn't get alone. So 4 months later when she came back she immediately stopped by my apartment. She was a 19 year old Irish ginger that weighed 100 pounds tops. The feeling of her almost too tight pussy as she lowered herself onto my cock is a sensation I'll always remember. I asked her afterwards if it was better than when her fiance fucked her, and she said "not even close, you have the fattest cock I've ever seen."
I only play with married women and prefer first timers. I find the first time a wife is with another man to be erotic. I like the taboo of it; the "I can't believe I just did that" of it. No regrets - they're with me for a reason, whether it's a want or a need. And I'm happy to help.
Yea, i've done it couple times with couple of girls. Not for a power trip etc, we just ended up like that after party. Both were just ...... and horny and both of us just knew that that's just a secret to keep. In a way kinda lovely if you ask me, but of course there was some regrets and a bad self esteem etc. But i still remember those with a warmth.
It happened before I met my wife, I met co-workers at a bar for drinks, one of the girlfriends brought a friend who I hit it off with. Long story short she takes me home and fucks me hard. After we finished a guy walked in and looked at us. I asked who's that, your brother? She answered no, that's my husband but don't worry, he's always fucking other women but tonight is my turn. It was my first exposure to an open marriage, I thought it was going to be my funeral. Luckily it wasn't and the wife told me she wanted more sex with me as I was a better fuck than her husband. I never had a clue she was married. I was much more cautious after that.
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Sure...I did many times....
This is something I have always been curious about, as I have only been on the other side of things. (Someone else fucking my girlfriend)
How does it feel to fuck someone who is committed and faithful to someone else? Is it empowering? Do you regret it afterwards? Have you ever reached out to the persons partner? I have so many questions. Thought I would add it on this tag.
Sure....I did many times..... Nice to send her home with creampie....
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with my first girlfriend that i dated in high school. she was in town for a couple weeks to visit her sister. she was married and her husband did not come with her. we met up for drinks and she told me i was the one that got away. after more drinks we decided to head out and she came to my place, spent the night, and we fucked all night long. then the next day and then a lot over the next 2 weeks. i was literally fucking her when the phone rang and it was her husband. she went outside to talk to him and then came back in and fucked me again. that was fun and i wished it could have laster longer.
Several times acutely. All the men in our swinger groups are married or in a relationship. Plus I was a prostitute in my college days. I’d be foolish to think none of my clients were married. As for regrets I’d say no. I don’t ever think about it. My youngest bull recently got a girlfriend and I was a bit jealous actually. I knew I would have less time fucking him. So far it’s all worked out. He will tell here about me when the time is right.
This is something I have always been curious about, as I have only been on the other side of things. (Someone else fucking my girlfriend)
How does it feel to fuck someone who is committed and faithful to someone else? Is it empowering? Do you regret it afterwards? Have you ever reached out to the persons partner? I have so many questions. Thought I would add it on this tag.
Yes I only fuck married women, they are very horny if they are fooling around and they don’t kiss n tell. My wife prefers when we play with men that they are married for the same reasons they tend not to talk too much, and they are horny and in need of a hot pussy and make great sex partners. Their issues at home are their business not ours.
My best friend has hooked up with a few married women. All their husbands knew about the situation and I believe all of them are now split up. I really want my buddy to fuck my wife sometime but she's not really into him. He took a job closer to our house so maybe I can set them up one day to grab a drink together while im at work. Or have him stop by the house while im gone one day.
My best friend has hooked up with a few married women. All their husbands knew about the situation and I believe all of them are now split up. I really want my buddy to fuck my wife sometime but she's not really into him. He took a job closer to our house so maybe I can set them up one day to grab a drink together while im at work. Or have him stop by the house while im gone one day.
Is she really "not into him", or is she just saying that so you don't get suspicious of what she really wants?
Is she really "not into him", or is she just saying that so you don't get suspicious of what she really wants?
I mean I hope shes just saying that so I dont get suspicious but I dont think she's genuinely into him. Ive even told her he's got a huge dick. Or so he says! But who knows, alcohol works wonders on my wife. lol
I fucked one of my ex’s while she was in a relationship, many times I fucked her in their bed and left my cum in her and he unknowingly fucked her later.

She also went on a 3 days vacation with me behind his back.
we both enjoyed the cheating act as it added an element of danger
I fucked one of my ex’s while she was in a relationship, many times I fucked her in their bed and left my cum in her and he unknowingly fucked her later.

She also went on a 3 days vacation with me behind his back.
we both enjoyed the cheating act as it added an element of danger
das selbe mit mir. aber mit euch koennten wir daas ja offentlich machen! ich fliege nach swechart...
When are you coming? We need to get to know you a bit more
dann machen wir das zuerst. schreibt ihr lieber auf englisch?
ich bin niederlaender. ich wohnte auch in indonesien und filipienen. da hatte ich sehr nette verheiratete freundinnen. auch manche fuer den ich 10 stunden flog. ich fand das jedes mahl eine reise wert. 24 stunden spaeter ging ich wieder zurueck. ich meine nur, wien ist nicht weit.
ich bin 54 und habe vasectomie. ich bin diplom ingenieur management und habe in verschieden laender gewohnt.
wenn es die anderen freude macht kann es auch kinky gehen.
noch weiteres?