have you ever found your wife on a porn site?

a buddy finally got around to sending me my wife's pics back and one had a brushed out remnant of a watermark from a porn site. obviously He posted it there and I'd LOVE to figiure out where He posted it as He won't admit it..anybody like a good mystery and can figuire it out??


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anybody a sleuth and can fill in these blotches..my buddy sent itr back to me but the watermark has been airtbrushed...where dide he post her?
Yes, a number of times. It's always a thrill for us. One of her bulls posted a selfie video he took of her servicing his cock and him shagging her deep ... Since gone far.

The best we found was her on a forum for Asian commercial sex scene. She passed as a high class prostitute. So proud!!
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I'm pretty happy tonight. I did a reverse image search and found where someone posted me on two other porn sites. They even used my name. I'm so fucking wet now!!!

htt ps://w ww.pict oa.co m/albums/ashley-andersonsex-slave-3946452.html

ht tps://plan manmedia.c om/es/african-sex/african-sex-slave-blowjob/

Remove the spaces if you want to visit the site.
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I'm pretty happy tonight. I did a reverse image search and found where someone posted me on two other porn sites. They even used my name. I'm so fucking wet now!!!

htt ps://w ww.pict oa.co m/albums/ashley-andersonsex-slave-3946452.html

ht tps://plan manmedia.c om/es/african-sex/african-sex-slave-blowjob/

Remove the spaces if you want to visit the site.
a buddy finally got around to sending me my wife's pics back and one had a brushed out remnant of a watermark from a porn site. obviously He posted it there and I'd LOVE to figiure out where He posted it as He won't admit it..anybody like a good mystery and can figuire it out??
I've seen pics of my wife on a few sites. But I'm not bothered - we have shared pics before on purpose, without our faces. I know some pics were leaked somehow not by either of us, but none of them were face pics. And I'm flattered that our pics are popular - it makes sense, she's a busty petite girl and I have a huge cock, so it's a good porn combination lol
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