Caught by police officers while parking in my parent's car with my 1st gf twice and then many more times with my now wife who I was dating in high school. It became so routine that I got to know a couple of the cops by name.
One officer was on a detail in a city park and came upon us when my now wife was almost totally naked sucking my dick. He saw "everything" before we noticed him. After he announced his presence, he watched as she hurriedly put on her Catholic school uniform (without her bra). Asked her, "what would Sister superior say if I called her and told her what I had just seen"? My gf (wife) wanted to die. Needless to say, he never reported her. A few years later we would run into him periodically, very nice casual conversations, never mentioned his encounter with us, but always had the expression of "the cat who ate the canary", while talking with my wife.
During the summer when she was 16 one Saturday her family went down to the beach about a mile from their house. I came over after I finished work and with nobody else home we started playing around in her and her sisters bedroom. She was completely naked sucking on my dick when her sister, who was 2 years younger came back alone from the beach and walked into her bedroom. She told her older sister that she was going t o tell their ...... when she came home. A period of sibling negotiation took place and as a result her sister was convinced to keep quiet.
As my gf and later wife enjoyed being naked (still does) there have been an number of times she has been seen that we know of, never mind those situations we were never aware of prying eyes.