Have you ever been caught or caught someone?

Who has either been caught or has caught someone in a sexual situation? Who? What? Where? Email is fine if you don't want to share openly.
I have been cot having sex twice. First time I picked up a chick in Manhattan Beach club in California and as I drove north along the ocean it was on the west side of the LAX airport I so an open gate and lots of bushes behind the fence so I pulled in and parked the pickup in the bushes. We get to the back and get naked and start going at each other . She is on top of me in the bed of the truck next think I know a flashlight starts shining at us and I hear two people laughing. They were cops, most likely came there to have sex. They were kind enough and let us go.
Second time I got cot having sex with my girlfriends best friend. Oh man she was furious. I laughed my ass off! To me all her screaming and her girlfriend trying to hide her face was damn funny.
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I went on a trip to see my old girlfriend that was Not doing well with my friends d aughter my x girlfriend niece for 4 days she told her husband that I was like an uncle to her cuz I've known her since she was born he was upset because she ran into a hotel with two beds instead of renting two different rooms we fucked for 4 days when we got back she went back up there with him and her kids I sent her a text message and he read it and we got caught.
my wife and i were on vacation. the resort had a 24 hour pool and hot tub. we were the only ones out there and we started fucking in the hot tub. a security guy came by and watches us for a while and then left. he never said anything. then we noticed he came be a few times to get a good view of the action.
A friend of hers once spied us through our patio window entertaining some guests. Mary was on the floor being spit roasted by two black men, while I sat in a chair watching. Everything turned out fine when we found out later she had gotten an eyeful. Seems her and her husband were interested in her being with a black guy with no idea how to make it happen. Lucky for all.

I have come home to find Mary busy with friends a few times. Some I knew I was likely to find them starting without me. A few pleasant surprises.
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Caught by police officers while parking in my parent's car with my 1st gf twice and then many more times with my now wife who I was dating in high school. It became so routine that I got to know a couple of the cops by name.

One officer was on a detail in a city park and came upon us when my now wife was almost totally naked sucking my dick. He saw "everything" before we noticed him. After he announced his presence, he watched as she hurriedly put on her Catholic school uniform (without her bra). Asked her, "what would Sister superior say if I called her and told her what I had just seen"? My gf (wife) wanted to die. Needless to say, he never reported her. A few years later we would run into him periodically, very nice casual conversations, never mentioned his encounter with us, but always had the expression of "the cat who ate the canary", while talking with my wife.

During the summer when she was 16 one Saturday her family went down to the beach about a mile from their house. I came over after I finished work and with nobody else home we started playing around in her and her sisters bedroom. She was completely naked sucking on my dick when her sister, who was 2 years younger came back alone from the beach and walked into her bedroom. She told her older sister that she was going t o tell their ...... when she came home. A period of sibling negotiation took place and as a result her sister was convinced to keep quiet.

As my gf and later wife enjoyed being naked (still does) there have been an number of times she has been seen that we know of, never mind those situations we were never aware of prying eyes.
Fucking my girlfriend on the beach she was on top in Mexico security guard came by I told her to stop she couldn't he was right there she lean back to show her tits and some of her pussy gave him a show he just stared when I was done he walked away