Has your wife ever used her body to pay an outstanding account???

in college she asked an ex-bf to help her move. she offered him $20 to help. he came with a friend, when it came time to pay they both asked for $20 and she was literally down to her last $20 until payday. after a lot of cajoling they agreed she could suck them off and keep the $20, and they'd order pizza. long story short soon they were pawing at her tits, stripping her down and they tag teamed her. i got these details out of her when she was horny and ...... once, she never talks about it again as i think she's a bit embarrassed about it.
That‘s Awesome!!!
My hotwife travels with her boss at times
Her ttavels have led to.promotions ,company perks ,company.supllied car / Which she picked the.type accessories etc. It wasxvery expensive and she needx clothes for travel.so her boss set up.an acct at a high end boutique.for her. HE told her that company execs need to dress to.impress she is very good at impressing him
That‘s Awesome!!!
Glad you like my eifes travels besides getting fucked she getd psif well.travels to.places i coukf never tske hervand wines and dines in ecpensive..restaurants and exculdive hotels . Plus the clothes he brought her she gets to wesr when she goes out to FUCK OTHER MEN
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