Surprised we haven't heard from anyone else with this post. We're both happy to share. Makes me wonder why most people are here on this site.
It's not that there are no people seeking advice, but as you can imagine, most questions are the same, i.e. how to convince the partner. And from what I have learned - there is no easy answer, it depends on the partner. And who knows the partner the best? Me. I am currently in the process of convincing. Failing for the moment. Did read
all posts in the forum "How to Convince Your Wife / Partner" (not joking, I did read them all). I found very few success stories and for most of them the partner (wife) was already open to the idea. I think there was one or two where that wasn't the case, but the process took many years.
What will sound strange for many is that I am 24/7 locked and still failing to convince the partner. Most people automatically assume since I am locked - she will be immediately on board. Well, as much as I would like that, turns out this is not the case.
Wife sees this as cheating and she can not do it. Tried to explain cheating is when there is lie and deception, but in her mind this is still a cheating and she loves me and if she does it - it would mean she doesn't love me. I kinda understand where this comes from - we both have a history in our families related to cheating, which resulted in long time misery for the person being cheated on.
My small progress so far is that she finally said my cock is tiny and agreed to read the book "The faithful hotwite" (didn't read it yet). And she agreed I can share her pictures here, but without the face. I agree on the no-face term, don't want someone to recognise us.
It's not that there are no possibilities for something to happen - she goes to gym alone for example, but she is just not looking. And still says she can not do this. Two times she was approached by men at the nudist beach after they saw me caged. Both times she didn't give them any attention.
Even got scared I will leave her, because she can not give me what I want. Obviously I am not leaving her and will not leave her even if she never agrees.
She is not worried I will want other women for me after I explained I expect to stay locked and, in general, why would I want to sexually disappoint another woman.
Unfortunately I do not expect any positive result in the near future. Till the end of the last year I was unlocked once per two months for a quick sex. I will try to refuse unlock for the entire 2025 (not sure I can, because in general it's her decision) and hope it will make her miss sex enough to start considering cucking me. If course this by itself will not work, but maybe after reading the book and probably more conversations.. Who knows.. After one year without sex and even without erection she may realise cucking is the only option for good sex for her. Which, if it works, she will not need sex from me and will probably never unlock me. And I will be happy to stay forever locked if I can enjoy seeing her having great sex.
Of course any advice will be highly appreciated.