So following a year of an extra marital relationship with another male, my wife and I are discovering we may have an interest in further exploring the hotwife lifestyle. For the last 9 months or so we have been getting very close with a friend of hers that is a long time hotwife. My wife has known her for several years but only in the last year discovered this common ground they share. This friendship has been very valuable to us in dealing with our feelings and gaining knowledge of the lifestyle. We have flirted with it and done some fun "games" like the hotwife challenge where the woman does certain challenges that put her in awkwardly sexual without sex (or with) situations. Its mostly being overtly flirty with men in situations that iy is not warranted like answering door for a delivery in shear lingerie etc. It can escalate and be more like go to a club, when a man hits on you feel him up or offer to blow him on premise or see if he can get a friend to join. Crazy ...... but innocent enough unless you take it to the extreme. She never made physical contact with any men but did do some flirty stuff that went nowhere.
We both currently have been in deep conversations with my wife's hotwife friend about understanding the option and how we can both enjoy it. This is a scary crossroad and having a coach is a tremendous help. A year ago this was not a possibility, for either of us, but certainly not for my wife. It has taken some time for her to process and become comfortable in her sexuality beyond our marriage. It was never her idea, it was all mine, but she is there. She has become comfortable having mostly uninhibited sex with myself and her lover at the same time and solo and talking about it and discussing what she likes. She isn't currently ready to have sex with multiple partners or anything like that, and may never be. She is open to talking about it though. She is also open to watching her HF friend with her bulls. In fact we both have gone to her friends weekend events. She has weekends where she invites a few of her bulls that she normally sees solo to all come over and spend the weekend. Over the course of the weekend she has sex with all of them one at a time, two at a time and more at a time etc . We have only observed. Right now she is open to discussion of "maybe" getting to third base a few times before trying anything intercourse wise. I am open to trying some new things. Based on discussions with her HF friend it could unlock some new levels in our relationship, sexually and otherwise. I am learning there is a much deeper thing going on other than just watching my wife having sex (which I already enjoy).
Her HF friend has strongly suggested we spend the time to fully understand everything going in and discuss everything and lay out the ground rules, consent, limits, feelings and communication. We have done pretty well with all of that in our current situation with her one lover but this is a large commitment.
We both currently have been in deep conversations with my wife's hotwife friend about understanding the option and how we can both enjoy it. This is a scary crossroad and having a coach is a tremendous help. A year ago this was not a possibility, for either of us, but certainly not for my wife. It has taken some time for her to process and become comfortable in her sexuality beyond our marriage. It was never her idea, it was all mine, but she is there. She has become comfortable having mostly uninhibited sex with myself and her lover at the same time and solo and talking about it and discussing what she likes. She isn't currently ready to have sex with multiple partners or anything like that, and may never be. She is open to talking about it though. She is also open to watching her HF friend with her bulls. In fact we both have gone to her friends weekend events. She has weekends where she invites a few of her bulls that she normally sees solo to all come over and spend the weekend. Over the course of the weekend she has sex with all of them one at a time, two at a time and more at a time etc . We have only observed. Right now she is open to discussion of "maybe" getting to third base a few times before trying anything intercourse wise. I am open to trying some new things. Based on discussions with her HF friend it could unlock some new levels in our relationship, sexually and otherwise. I am learning there is a much deeper thing going on other than just watching my wife having sex (which I already enjoy).
Her HF friend has strongly suggested we spend the time to fully understand everything going in and discuss everything and lay out the ground rules, consent, limits, feelings and communication. We have done pretty well with all of that in our current situation with her one lover but this is a large commitment.
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