Girl talk: how much do my wife's friends know?

My wife has mentioned a number of times that she and her friends don't have any secrets when it comes to sex-talk. She's related a few intimate details her friends have revealed (e.g. one whose husband would rather jack off to porn than have sex so she had to resort to a dildo, another friend with an open marriage who goes on week-long trips to fuck around).

I therefore wonder just how much they know about me. Do they know my size? My stamina? My little kinks? When they see me in social situations do their minds immediately go there (hmm... not much girth, usually 30 seconds, 3 minutes at most, likes a vibe in his butt)?
All my wife's friends and their husbands know my wife fucks who she wants to and I remain faithful to her. I have not had intercourse in over 11 years. When her friends are over at our house they laugh a lot about my situation. Two of the husbands have asked me why I do it. I have told them my wife set the rules when we met and I fell in love with her and I still love her. I have also told the two husbands that I jerk off A LOT.
My experience is that their is a lot of chance that the best friend(s) of your wife/girlfriend know some things about your intimacy with her but will not tell you anything because of their comittment to her and of out respect for you. Mostly you can notice that they know stuff out of little things they say by accident or the way they look at you or react to you. Once you break up with your wife/girlfiend these friend(s) get mostly informed much more because your ex will want to justify why you broke up. Then you can bet that they will hear a lot of details about your sexual inadequacies and kinks...
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I would think most girlfriends know just about everything about each other's sex lives. I know my wife's friends have known all the details about us for years.
My wifes closest friend knows that sheca hotwife sometimes. As a cover they go.out together and ghe wife plays and the girlfriend stsy at the club dances dri ksbut thats it
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You can count on the fact that your wife's closest girlfriends know every single detail... down to the humiliating and embarrassing, secret things that you'd never imagine she'd disclose.
You are so.right my hotwife bough meca pair of white tight jeans a pair of just below the knee with cuban heels and a bkack turtle neck.sweater tge jeans showed of the outline of my cock.about s month later when thet wete out abd having a few drinks she td my wife she coukdnt help but notice my jeans i woukd never do anything with her girlfriend bit it turnec me on knowing that she was checki.g me out so a few rim we wete all together i made sure that i wore that outfit it tiened my wife on.
When i wanted to tease the wife when she couldn't do anything i wore it and walked around infront of her it drove her crazy She called me A ,Teasimg .......OF A BITCH i told her remem how mzny times have you dine it to me get dressed up to go.out
My wife, very conservative and not talkative about our sex life, or so I thought, lol. She did let on to her sister in law that we, or she, has sex with others. One of her friends is always running around on her husband, getting caught (on purpose?). Then she calls my wife for advice on what to do. After one call, my wife told her that I enjoy my wife having sex with other men, that I will drive her to their houses for her to fuck them. She also shared thatI don't get involved other than just watchoing and videoing. She didn't believe my wife until she showed her a couple videos of my wife fucking different men... So, even though I do get involved, and we do have sex with couples, her friend now thinks I'm a cuck husband... lol.
Telling to friends that your husband is a cuck or asks/wants that the wife/girlfriend has sex with other men or the husband has ED or PE is the perfect reason to make it more social acceptable and legit to have sex with other men. I think that wives having a cuckold husband are even more inclined to tell that to others that to reduce their responsability and culpability. In my case one of my ex-girlfriends started to tell friends about her not so satisfying sexlife before she started cheating on me. More then one of her friends even advised that she should look for a lover.
My wife has mentioned a number of times that she and her friends don't have any secrets when it comes to sex-talk. She's related a few intimate details her friends have revealed (e.g. one whose husband would rather jack off to porn than have sex so she had to resort to a dildo, another friend with an open marriage who goes on week-long trips to fuck around).

I therefore wonder just how much they know about me. Do they know my size? My stamina? My little kinks? When they see me in social situations do their minds immediately go there (hmm... not much girth, usually 30 seconds, 3 minutes at most, likes a vibe in his butt)?
Most probably everything there is to know and if your wife has photographs or videos of you in a state of arousal they've probably seen those as well, some women like some men talk about their partners and compare capabilities size and everything else. If you’re very lucky your wife might be recruiting a woman friend for you to fuck with as some women just like us the men who are here want to see their partner fucking someone else. Can’t happen don’t you believe it and enjoy it if it does as even after your self denigration of your size prowess and tastes might leave you a giant supreme amongst other men🤔
I must be the exception i am in no doubt that my wife would NEVER admit her enjoyment of this lifestyle to anyone.

The only female that will ever have had any idea was an old friend of hers called Lindsey, she was single and occasionally they would have a girls night visiting pubs then ending up at nightclubs. Lindsey was about 5 ft 4 and used to get annoyed my 6ft wife recieved all the male attention and drinks bought. My cuckoldress told me this years later, admitting that ...... she did snog men she liked and get fondled virtually everytime they went out, she enjoyed the attention but it annoyed Lindsey so she had to be careful infront of her as she never fully trusted her not to tell others. Me being one.

I asked, had she told Lindsey she was already having an affair at the time? and got a stern NO.

I do remember her coming home ...... and saying she had only spent £10 and thinking excellent, but it never passed my mind why that was.
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My wife's friends know everything, one friend in particular, Deanna. is her ear for everything including complaints about me I think. All her friends knew she was cheating on me while it was going on, they supported and encouraged it. She told her friend Patty who she promised she would never tell. I'm both turned on and painfully humiliated by it.