My Gf and I have been together for 7 years and the last few years we haven't been as sexual. when we are, she can be kinky and slutty when she is into it. I've even had her edge me, forse me to eat my cum, and anal on me with a dildo. She has even seen me wear her panties and tell her how much i love being a submissive bitch or how i would wanna give head to a guy too. Every time I try to bring up the idea of another dick she's always saying she doesn't want it because she really loves mine. I even got her a dildo bigger than me and she used it a few times but never commented on the size. I try to insist on her using it and compliment how sexy she looks with it and how i love seeing her with a bigger cock in her. I even comment about how when i fuck her after shes so stretched out and i love the feeling. I don't know how to move forward or get her to talk to or about other guys or anything. Any advice?
Redgif of my gf:
Redgif of my gf:
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