Every woman should have lots of lovers. September 2022 Hello Males - Hubby(s), BF, subs, sissy, bimales --- If you love her -- you should focus on her and doing anything and everything that will make her happy and that includes her fucking any cock or pussy that she wants 1on1 or 3way or 4way. That includes you sucking cocks for her and licking her pussy clean after every cock she fucks and even putting your cock in a cock-cage and letting a man fuck your sissy-pussy. It is important that she fucks you with a strapon (weekly). It is all about making her happy. Any type of sex should be fun for both of you and everyone.
If you are still trying to get her to agree to fuck other cocks - try this. Every time you fuck her then lick your cum from her pussy -- after the sixth time - while you are licking her pussy - say I am fantasizing. Hoping she ask what you are fantasizing about - if not just say it again - I am fantasizing you fucked another male earlier in the day and now I am licking his cum from your pussy.
Good grief, the overbearing cuck-zealots on this site need to chill out. Not everyone is into that brand of hotwifing and it's clear this dude isn't. What you also fail to grasp is that women don't all want the same thing either and many would be turned off and upset to see the husband they "signed up for" turn into something different and other than what they wanted. I mean, if that's your thing and your wife is into that, cool, but why do you feel the need to push it on other people?
@Tomad12 - actual advice relevant to your situation: the whole jealousy / arousal at wife-sharing is just part of our innate biological programming. We're meant to want to protect a mate from rivals and attempt to "reclaim" them after sex with another male. Some say the shape of cock heads is even designed to remove rival semen.
I've had the same type of feelings you have and still do to some extent. My wife and I have not gone through with this fantasy yet but we've had the talk, its become a part of sex-play where she gets wet thinking about taking two cocks and a few months ago she asked me what the "parameters" were of seeing this through. I was totally caught off-guard because I'd sort of resigned myself to assuming this would only ever just be a fantasy with her and I did not know what to say. Now that the reality this could go further has hit, I am, like you, questioning whether I'm really prepared.
I still don't know if I'm totally ready but what I can say is, when I first got into this sort of wife-sharing porn, I'd sometimes feel weird about, especially if I thought about it in regards to my wife, after I came. I guess if you do it long enough though, you can become accustomed to it and now I don't seem to have negative feelings when I cum. Whether that extends to the real thing, only one way to find out...
Like you though, I think whether I enjoy the experience will depend on how it plays out. I want to have a crazy sexual experience with my wife and am cool with / hope she goes wild and fucks the ...... out of another guy. However, I would definitely be bothered if that turned into a relationship / them texting. It is important to me to remain the primary man in my wife's life and the only way I'd be okay with it being otherwise, is if she allowed me to be with other women, which is not something she would ever consider. It seems like you have similar concerns.
If that's the case, I think doing something with a past partner could maybe be a recipe for disaster. Communication is definitely important but if she does not really like to talk about it, it could be that she is embarrassed or afraid to say something that might upset you. Maybe you should think about how you would like to see this play out / come up with some kind of a plan, like you finding a man online together or going out to meet someone, and present that to her. Then just let he know what you're hoping to get out of the experience / what things are important for you to feel good about it.