
You have come to a site requesting pics yourself. You didn’t say a thing about them “not” being sexual while having your profile set to “male” on a site dedicated to what is obviously a sexual interest in wives. My wife knows about this account, it is ours. But she is building up her self confidence again after having two children and family issues, maintaining a public facing career, and having had an issue with a stalker from a site similar who figured out we were local to him. There are several pics of my wife’s body out there next to a pic of her face. This lifestyle can bite you in the butt. You are going to find pic hunters and flakes everywhere, but yes this is a fantasy site as well… you want direct connections go to a club or host at home. You will learn quickly who the hunters are and you can avoid them.
So what exactly is your point? I’m saying that people on here are claiming to be a couple and contacting us in order to exchange photos on Snapchat however when it comes to them showing that’s when the excuses start! I don’t really understand why you would send photos of faces while on anything like this anyway? Let’s be honest here most of us are here for the fantasy not the real thing!!
So what exactly is your point? I’m saying that people on here are claiming to be a couple and contacting us in order to exchange photos on Snapchat however when it comes to them showing that’s when the excuses start! I don’t really understand why you would send photos of faces while on anything like this anyway? Let’s be honest here most of us are here for the fantasy not the real thing!!
i gotcha. Flakes are going to flake. I wonder sometimes if the act of communicating an exchange of pics is part of the turn on as well. Luckily, there are plenty of real couples, singles and groups here that are more than happy to play!
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Haven’t found a single genuine couple! Hence the original comment!
I can’t speak for others, but I do plan to get verified to provide one more piece of evidence that I am real. My wife couldn’t care less about talking online about her adventures. She just wants to get laid when she needs attention and doesn’t care to talk about it before or after beyond what I enjoy hearing.

I think there are far more males on this site than females because we are constantly thinking about it. Especially while our wives are out playing.

Just my 2 cents!
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Haven’t found a single genuine couple! Hence the original comment!
Bummer. So the folks who posted their pics in this thread won't do live with you? Or, the folks who posted their pics in this thread aren't genuine? I am confused now. Or the folks who post their photos in this thread aren't doing what you want so they are then not genuine? Or you want very specific people to do what you want and they won't at the last minute?
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