Garage Gym Membership

First of all, I am not a professional writer so please cut me some slack there. I have never posted anything like this, nor has anything this crazy ever happened to me. I didn't dare tell anyone I personally know.

Back in early summer I was going to a local gym routinely, but had been converting my garage into a gym. I had got about enough equipment set up to cancel my gym membership and focus that money on more equipment. I liked working out at home. I was talking to the guy running the desk about my setup while ii was cancelling my membership. When I left, a woman that is there a lot while I am came out behind me and yelled at me. She said she was eavesdropping and was also looking for a way to save some money. She asked if I would be interested in her paying me to work out in my garage instead of the gym. First of all, she is smoking hot. I have fantasized about her AAAA LOT. I was so caught off guard I didn't really know what to say. She said since we worked out at the same time and used basically the same equipment she thought it might make sense. I assumed there was more to this, but figured worst case, she was looking to use me and work out for free which I was okay with as long as I got to stare at her while she did it. I told her to keep her membership for a month and see how it goes using my garage instead. We exchanged numbers.

That night she texted and asked if we could try it out the next day. I said sure, she showed up the next day and it basically was totally professional and fun. After a few times, she said she felt like I was a personal trainer and was working out great for her. She asked if she could cancel her gym membership and I said sure. ...... at that point, I was hoping she would just move in with me! This went on for another week or so, then she asked me to come up monthly payment # for my "personal trainer fee". I told her not to worry about it, I enjoyed the company. She said her husband is better with business stuff, he would just stop by and work something out with me. I thought whoa whoa whoa, husband? What was I going to say at that point. I feel like we had talked enough that a husband would have come up, but she never actually said she wasn't married I guess. I was crushed and felt a little set up on the deal. After waiting a bit to respond.... hoping to send her my displeasure, I said sure, he can stop by sometime.

This guy pulls up in fancy escalade, gets out and looks like he is about 25 years older than her. He hangs up the phone and gets out, we were in the driveway. He said Megan said she found a personal trainer she likes. I was thinking WTF, personal trainer is a serious stretch. I kinda laughed it off and said it was working out well for me too. He looked at me like what the fuck does that mean. I was a little worried. I had no idea what to think at this point. Then he said, do you have all of the equipment you need? I said I was a few plates short of ideal, but should be able to get them next month or so. He pulled out his wallet and put $500 on the bench and said he could take care of that one. He said as far as the ongoing fees were concerned, his wife would take care of that. Said he was okay with whatever arrangement her and I worked out. He said he did need receipts and wrote his number down. I said okay, but wasn't sure what I would charge or how I would send him a receipt or why a phone number for a receipt.... but I didn't want to sound like an idiot. While he was walking to the car he said feel free to send pictures of her progress, I enjoy seeing her enjoy herself. Again, I just kinda laughed it off. My head was spinning. I was trying to figure out is this guy going to come back with a gun, or was trying to set his wife up, or was trying to set me up to hit on his wife.

After thinking about some of the things he said I started leaning away from him having anything against me or trying to set me up. Maybe he was hoping to catch his wife cheating on him though. Held off my urge to call his wife and asks her WTF was going on. I figured I hadn't done anything wrong. I would just see what happens.

Next time she came over it was like nothing happened until she noticed the new plates and I said I tracked some of those down. She knew I was planning to wait on them, so obviously she knew Jim left the money. I wasn't sure how I was going to figure anything out, but then I came up with something.... I mentioned her husband left his number and asked for pictures of her progress. I was half expecting her to say wtf? But no, she said, oh yeah, you should, he is pretty busy, but always enjoys pictures and winked at me. She went to the next set (dead lift) so I took out my phone and snapped a picture of her while she was doing it. She asked if I still had his number and I said it was on the bench. I went over to get it and thought... I'm really going to send her husband a picture of her.... what the hell and put his number in.

I turned around and she had changed weight on the bar and taken her pants off. She was walking up to the bar and said ready? Standing there in her t-shirt and camo thong. I asked what she was doing and she said, "He wanted to see progress!" and winked at me again.

She started lifting, I was literally shaking but I took a picture of her. She went to get the next weight and said he should like that. I said "Send that to him, really?"

She said "Yeah, both of them.... progress."

Then it hit me I discarded the first picture. I told her, "...... I lost the first one".

She said "That's okay, we have more sets left."
She added weight and went about the next set and I took and sent another picture. I asked her if he was going to wonder why she was missing pants? She looked at me and pulled her shirt off.
I was shaking so bad and was getting hard fast. I was trying to run the camera and could hardly get the right letters. I thought about stopping to think about it, but she kept moving like no big deal. I just went with it and kept taking and sending pictures. She took her camo panties off next and kept lifting in just her socks and shoes. when she moved to the next station, she didn't even seem flustered. Just kept doing sets, I kept taking pictures. I was scared shitless and thought why keep sending pictures if they might be getting me in trouble so I kept taking, but stopped sending them after she took her panties off. She did 2 more stations that way then got dressed again.
She said "Maybe next time we can figure out our payment plan?" and winked. "I believe Jim told you he requires receipts for all payments made."

I said "No problem!" and she said bye and left.

My head was spinning.... I looked at my phone and had a missed message. It was from Jim and I was terrified to open it. He said, "Looks like Meg found a way to pay. Don't forget I need receipts for every payment you receive. If I'm not getting receipts, we will have to take our business elsewhere."

I just started sending each and every picture I took, my heart was pounding! he wrote back "Thanx" and that was it.

She came back the next day and acted like nothing happened. I played a little and said something like different wardrobe than last time and winked. She said "Ha, Jim thought I was being cheap. I told him it was only a down payment" and she winked at me.

This was about a month ago now.....more to come

She asked to come over and take care of her bill a couple weeks later. I wasn't sure what to expect, but i had a pretty good idea i was going to want to be ready for about anything. i was a little worried she wouldn't be alone when she showed up. I had decided i pretty much didn't care what happened... i was going to run with it. no chance i'm missing out on this one.

i decided to drink till a strong buzz before she showed way i was going to let the anticipation get the best of me and send her away disappointed. I assumed if it didn't go well, that would be the end. she showed up by herself, dressed nice. i have never seen her dressed in anything besides gym clothes and a lack of gym clothes. she knocked and i told her to come in. i was purposefully a ways away from the door so i had a bit to read her expectations. i told her come on it. she still had one hand on the door handle and said she forgot her purse in the car. she said "i get an allowance from Jim that i can use to cover your personal training fee, but i was hoping to save that for something else and work off my debt with you another way". when she said "personal training" fee i knew she was playing a game. the look on her face was also odd so i assumed this was her playing. I had thought through similar scenarios so i was kinda ready for this and wouldn't have been able to hide my excitement even if i wanted to. I asked her how the receipt side of things would work. she said hopefully everyone is happy with the arrangement we have come up with after today. she walked past me over to the table, grabbed my phone, handed it to me, and pulled my shorts down as she went to her knees. easily the most exciting seconds of my life.

she grabbed onto my hard dick and put her mouth on me. I was trying to concentrate on making sure "everyone" was going to be happy. I put a message on the first picture I sent him saying she forgot her money and we have worked out another arrangement. i almost came in her mouth while i was writing the message on it for her husband.

She was an absolute goddess in every way. I stayed hard and took pictures till i couldn't take anymore. she was riding me on top when i couldn't take anymore and pulled out. She definitely seemed happy when i exploded. i think my performance met her expectations.

She had my mess in her hands when i got off, she licked some of off her hands, then got up and grabbed her clothes and left the bedroom we ended up in. when i came out a minute later she was gone.

more to come...
Very nice, congratulations man! After training all this time at the gym myself, I never have had a woman approach me about training at my place.
Keep it going and have fun!
Thanks for sharing.
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She showed up the next day and worked out with me like nothing happened. When we were about done i asked if my receipts met Jim's expectations. she said i did well, but then asked to see my phone. I thought i was in deep ...... because i hadn't deleted any of the pictures i sent him. She looked through them and was smiling. i asked her if i should have deleted them? she asked if i wanted to delete them? I said not really, but i will if she wanted me to. She said "i'll make you a deal, you keep them, but if you ever get off while looking at one, you need to send it to both Jim and I".

That weekend I seriously wanted to get off looking at pictures of her all weekend, but was worried one of them would challenge me on it and i didn't want to have to lie. I also didn't want them to think I was in love with her so i limited my fun time to once Sunday. This is the one i sent them both, no message with it.


A few minutes later she sent me this back. I assume Jim took it. I kinda wanted to send it back 5 minutes later, but decided to let it be.


more to come....

She worked out the rest of that week and Monday like normal. I think my heart rate has been an average of 30 higher during the entire workout since this started. That next Tuesday, when we were about done, she asked if the payment schedule could be a little flexible. I asked what she had in mind. She said something like... maybe weekly rates, but if i have a little extra during the week or you need a little down payment we could work something out? If i am late on payment, i understand the late fee will be rough. my ...... about jumped out of my pants the way she said rough. she said she gets paid on Tuesdays so that would usually be a good day for her to pay me. I just about dropped my shorts and said Tuesday it is, but then she started leaving and said how does your afternoon look? I was actually supposed to work, but there was no way work was getting in the way of this. Called in sick and grabbed a drink.

Hind sight, i should have asked what time because I was hard all afternoon and a little buzzed when she showed up later that afternoon in some tiny top and yoga pants. I was kinda hoping she was going to show up in something nice like last time, but she still looked fucking hot. She came in and headed straight for my bedroom and asked if I was in a hurry? Ahhh, no! i said no plans besides making sure we were caught up on payment. I got a smile out of her and then she plopped down on my bed.


I was thinking of things to write to Jim all afternoon while i was imagining how the afternoon was going to go, but for some reason what seemed like a good idea then wasn't seeming like a good idea when she was there. Part of me was thinking they are into this, write messages to make it better. the other part of me was thinking, don't fuck up a good thing.


looking back, i would have wrote something different, but wtf.

I almost missed taking this picture as she pulled down her pants right in front of me. I have looked at this countless times. I have been staring at her ass in the gym for months and all of her was suddenly right in front of me.....and commando on top of that. I mean i fucked her the week before, but never had a view like this.


I have had to send this picture to her and jim twice since this day. Writing this and seeing this again, i am going to need a break and will probably have to send it to them a third time.

More to come.....
You lucky dude! I would gladly accept that as payment myself. Lol.
Have fun, can’t wait to read more…
I had similar things happen to me… I’m always worried when it’s all going to end…
I learned to just enjoy the ride. 🙂
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she had me super excited...obviously.


not only is she the hottest girl i have been with and the hottest situation, but i have to focus everything i have on not getting off in her mouth when she uses it on me. i'm afraid if i do, it will be the last thing i do, but i so want to sooo bad. So far, i have pushed her into sex when i can't take anymore.


first picture i took for him this crazy. i had to close my eyes and go somewhere else in my mind when i sent that. Writing on them while in the act is a feeling I can't even describe.


looking back through the pictures i did ok and lasted pretty long. at the time i thought i was kinda weak when i got off, but I took quite a few pictures while I was fucking her before i got off so i think i did ok there. At one point she got up on her elbows and kinda looked at me like she was mad. I didn't even know what to do, in the moment i just reacted and grabbed her throat like i was in charge. I wasn't sure if that was the right move or not but it kept me from getting off a couple more minutes. I thought about getting off inside her but decided against that. I pulled out and came on her. She was still looking at me with the little bit pissed off look, but then she touched my mess and put her fingers inside her mouth while she was looking at me. obviously not mad...and fucking hot. i backed up a little and she said i better get a receipt for jim. wish i would have written something better.


She got up, pulled her pants on and out the door she went. She didn't even clean off herself.

more to come....

She asked to come over and take care of her bill a couple weeks later. I wasn't sure what to expect, but i had a pretty good idea i was going to want to be ready for about anything. i was a little worried she wouldn't be alone when she showed up. I had decided i pretty much didn't care what happened... i was going to run with it. no chance i'm missing out on this one.

i decided to drink till a strong buzz before she showed way i was going to let the anticipation get the best of me and send her away disappointed. I assumed if it didn't go well, that would be the end. she showed up by herself, dressed nice. i have never seen her dressed in anything besides gym clothes and a lack of gym clothes. she knocked and i told her to come in. i was purposefully a ways away from the door so i had a bit to read her expectations. i told her come on it. she still had one hand on the door handle and said she forgot her purse in the car. she said "i get an allowance from Jim that i can use to cover your personal training fee, but i was hoping to save that for something else and work off my debt with you another way". when she said "personal training" fee i knew she was playing a game. the look on her face was also odd so i assumed this was her playing. I had thought through similar scenarios so i was kinda ready for this and wouldn't have been able to hide my excitement even if i wanted to. I asked her how the receipt side of things would work. she said hopefully everyone is happy with the arrangement we have come up with after today. she walked past me over to the table, grabbed my phone, handed it to me, and pulled my shorts down as she went to her knees. easily the most exciting seconds of my life.

she grabbed onto my hard dick and put her mouth on me. I was trying to concentrate on making sure "everyone" was going to be happy. I put a message on the first picture I sent him saying she forgot her money and we have worked out another arrangement. i almost came in her mouth while i was writing the message on it for her husband.
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She was an absolute goddess in every way. I stayed hard and took pictures till i couldn't take anymore. she was riding me on top when i couldn't take anymore and pulled out. She definitely seemed happy when i exploded. i think my performance met her expectations.

She had my mess in her hands when i got off, she licked some of off her hands, then got up and grabbed her clothes and left the bedroom we ended up in. when i came out a minute later she was gone.

more to come...
First time I've heard this conversation from the bull's prospective, I have always knew this would be nerve wrecking not really knowing if the husband is truly on board with you fucking his wife. I really enjoyed hearing the setup from your side makes me hard as steel, next time get the husband to come watch you take care of his wife, that's what I live for.

She worked out the rest of that week and Monday like normal. I think my heart rate has been an average of 30 higher during the entire workout since this started. That next Tuesday, when we were about done, she asked if the payment schedule could be a little flexible. I asked what she had in mind. She said something like... maybe weekly rates, but if i have a little extra during the week or you need a little down payment we could work something out? If i am late on payment, i understand the late fee will be rough. my ...... about jumped out of my pants the way she said rough. she said she gets paid on Tuesdays so that would usually be a good day for her to pay me. I just about dropped my shorts and said Tuesday it is, but then she started leaving and said how does your afternoon look? I was actually supposed to work, but there was no way work was getting in the way of this. Called in sick and grabbed a drink.

Hind sight, i should have asked what time because I was hard all afternoon and a little buzzed when she showed up later that afternoon in some tiny top and yoga pants. I was kinda hoping she was going to show up in something nice like last time, but she still looked fucking hot. She came in and headed straight for my bedroom and asked if I was in a hurry? Ahhh, no! i said no plans besides making sure we were caught up on payment. I got a smile out of her and then she plopped down on my bed.

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I was thinking of things to write to Jim all afternoon while i was imagining how the afternoon was going to go, but for some reason what seemed like a good idea then wasn't seeming like a good idea when she was there. Part of me was thinking they are into this, write messages to make it better. the other part of me was thinking, don't fuck up a good thing.

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looking back, i would have wrote something different, but wtf.

I almost missed taking this picture as she pulled down her pants right in front of me. I have looked at this countless times. I have been staring at her ass in the gym for months and all of her was suddenly right in front of me.....and commando on top of that. I mean i fucked her the week before, but never had a view like this.

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I have had to send this picture to her and jim twice since this day. Writing this and seeing this again, i am going to need a break and will probably have to send it to them a third time.

More to come.....
Ask hubby if he needed a gangland, I would have no problem laying the pipe for her
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