
So I am pretty new to this and even being pretty new I figured out that it's not going to work if I only do it for him I will turn many men down from the first initial conversation because for me to get to a point where I'm willing or want to fuck somebody they have to connect with me in a mental way and it takes me longer to find people that I want to ...... with outside of my boyfriend and because I am so picky there are more times I will go on a date and catch the ick from a potential third than the times where I ...... with somebody and those times are very few and far in between I feel like this frustrates my boyfriend because he wants me to be more promiscuous than I am so I wanted to know does it frustrate you guys when she doesn't ...... with as many men as you want or flirt aa openly as you would like her too just looking for some perspective on the other side
I think the sexual fantasy for him might be the more primal side, seeing you being brought to orgasm and experiencing pleasure. (Knowing why does he want you to do this in his words would be helpful)…

For you like many people, you’re looking for a connection more than the primal side which is probably brought on by a stronger desire for security.

I think many things come down to personality types and priorities.
My wife needed that connection..we are both professionals and sometimes it was her profession that some of her lovers were also in..made it easy...she was in the medical field. I am in the business arena, so a couple of her men were like me which made for a good connection.
Over all, she , 90% of the time, wanted a connection..of course, sometimes it just happened, like in the islands with a security guard, masseuse, and a night manager..something about the islands...
So I am pretty new to this and even being pretty new I figured out that it's not going to work if I only do it for him I will turn many men down from the first initial conversation because for me to get to a point where I'm willing or want to fuck somebody they have to connect with me in a mental way and it takes me longer to find people that I want to ...... with outside of my boyfriend and because I am so picky there are more times I will go on a date and catch the ick from a potential third than the times where I ...... with somebody and those times are very few and far in between I feel like this frustrates my boyfriend because he wants me to be more promiscuous than I am so I wanted to know does it frustrate you guys when she doesn't ...... with as many men as you want or flirt aa openly as you would like her too just looking for some perspective on the other side
Never do anything just to please others ... you should be happy and want to do what's best for you too
My wife is the same way. We haven’t shared yet but she needs to feel a connection. Since we can’t play with friends or local the chances are slim we find one she connects with.

last year she connected with 2 young guys but it was at an event with family so that ended that but she has admitted she wanted to fuck them both!

if it happens it’s for her get get to cum even more so that’s the driver for me, if it happens awesome!!!!! If not that’s ok, we have fun with the fantasy.

either way she’s the driver of it, I wouldn’t make her do anything she didn’t want too, I’d of course encourage her lol but I’m not angry if she doesn’t connect with anyone ever.
Exactly my wifes situation. She feels she needs to have a connection before proceeding with another man. I wont push and bring the subject up occasionally. The decision to proceed I believe has to be hers. That way it will decrease the possibility of regret if and when we move forward with this experience. It may never happen but Im ok either way because I want the desire to come from her.
Demisexuality is a sexual orientation. People who identify as demisexual only feel sexual attraction to someone after they've formed a strong emotional bond with them. Compared to the general population, most people who are demisexual rarely feel sexual attraction.
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So I am pretty new to this and even being pretty new I figured out that it's not going to work if I only do it for him I will turn many men down from the first initial conversation because for me to get to a point where I'm willing or want to fuck somebody they have to connect with me in a mental way and it takes me longer to find people that I want to ...... with outside of my boyfriend and because I am so picky there are more times I will go on a date and catch the ick from a potential third than the times where I ...... with somebody and those times are very few and far in between I feel like this frustrates my boyfriend because he wants me to be more promiscuous than I am so I wanted to know does it frustrate you guys when she doesn't ...... with as many men as you want or flirt aa openly as you would like her too just looking for some perspective on the other side
I don't think having standards is a bad thing at all. He can't expect that you would have to fuck everything on two legs just because
Demisexuality is a sexual orientation. People who identify as demisexual only feel sexual attraction to someone after they've formed a strong emotional bond with them. Compared to the general population, most people who are demisexual rarely feel sexual attraction.
I feel this is probably an extremely small percentage of the population.

For most people who feel this way, it could be so many things. Situational issues, biases, stress, psychological thought patterns, hormone issues. Or just flat out not being in the same room with someone who drops the pheromones that really do it for you.
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My wife is the same way. We haven’t shared yet but she needs to feel a connection. Since we can’t play with friends or local the chances are slim we find one she connects with.

last year she connected with 2 young guys but it was at an event with family so that ended that but she has admitted she wanted to fuck them both!

if it happens it’s for her get get to cum even more so that’s the driver for me, if it happens awesome!!!!! If not that’s ok, we have fun with the fantasy.

either way she’s the driver of it, I wouldn’t make her do anything she didn’t want too, I’d of course encourage her lol but I’m not angry if she doesn’t connect with anyone ever.
Anything to give us wannabes some hope right?
I'm in the same situation. I enjoy the fantasy but am always looking for it to become a reality within her control. I want her to feel free, sexual and empowered by this thing.
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I just want to let you know, what you are feeling is totally normal! Most of us are raised to connect sex and romantic relationships with the one we love. So the first leaps are usually the most difficult ones.

When ever people usually first tries opening up their relationships, they usually have some pretty strict rules to play by. I would suggest to maybe loosen up those rules ( if you have such). be patient and keep looking for a guy, you feel attracted to, that you connect with on a more romantic and emotionally level. Be very open about how you feel, don’t let your boyfriend feel left out. Ensure you boyfriend that you love him.

Talk about what kind of guy that attracts you, set you standards high and don’t settle for less. If you get disappointed to many times, you will most likely loose interest in the lifestyle.

Go on dates, but don’t be afraid to reject them or go slow! In the end our feelings are way more important than a fantasy!

I hope some of these advises can be of any help. As I said most of us have been in the same boat as you. Good luck with your journey!
I just want to let you know, what you are feeling is totally normal! Most of us are raised to connect sex and romantic relationships with the one we love. So the first leaps are usually the most difficult ones.

When ever people usually first tries opening up their relationships, they usually have some pretty strict rules to play by. I would suggest to maybe loosen up those rules ( if you have such). be patient and keep looking for a guy, you feel attracted to, that you connect with on a more romantic and emotionally level. Be very open about how you feel, don’t let your boyfriend feel left out. Ensure you boyfriend that you love him.

Talk about what kind of guy that attracts you, set you standards high and don’t settle for less. If you get disappointed to many times, you will most likely loose interest in the lifestyle.

Go on dates, but don’t be afraid to reject them or go slow! In the end our feelings are way more important than a fantasy!

I hope some of these advises can be of any help. As I said most of us have been in the same boat as you. Good luck with your journey!
  • Haha
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I feel this is probably an extremely small percentage of the population.

For most people who feel this way, it could be so many things. Situational issues, biases, stress, psychological thought patterns, hormone issues. Or just flat out not being in the same room with someone who drops the pheromones that really do it for you.
Before connecting with my late wife she had sex with anyone/everyone that wanted it. In later years when I tried to get her into hotwifing she suddenly needed a connection to do it. It took a while but we finally broke though that barrier and she went back to anyone/everyone.
So I am pretty new to this and even being pretty new I figured out that it's not going to work if I only do it for him I will turn many men down from the first initial conversation because for me to get to a point where I'm willing or want to fuck somebody they have to connect with me in a mental way and it takes me longer to find people that I want to ...... with outside of my boyfriend and because I am so picky there are more times I will go on a date and catch the ick from a potential third than the times where I ...... with somebody and those times are very few and far in between I feel like this frustrates my boyfriend because he wants me to be more promiscuous than I am so I wanted to know does it frustrate you guys when she doesn't ...... with as many men as you want or flirt aa openly as you would like her too just looking for some perspective on the other side
My wife is not into cuckold play at all and i respect her the way she is. So should your husband if he wants to proceed with the game.

He has to understand that it is okay for you to be picky and take time picking your "fuck-friend". If he says it is for your pleasure, he will let you choose and take your time on your own.

He must fall in love with your inner "slut". He must be ready to wait home and do errands while you are having fun with your fuck-friend.

It takes time both for you and him. For you to pick the right partner who turns you on mentally and physically, able to hold conversation with you and please you sexually.

For him to fully let of his ego and fully embrace yohr iner slut on YOUR terms, not his. If you want to stay at your fuck-friends place and get your insides rearranged, he must not only let you do it but be proud of you and how you enjoy. If you want your new fuck friend to finger you in the backseat while your husband drives, your husband has to obey it. It is for your pleasure after all.

Few men are ready for this kind of play. They must let all of their dominance to their spouse and let go of their male ego so she can spread her sexual wings. FULLY.
So I am pretty new to this and even being pretty new I figured out that it's not going to work if I only do it for him I will turn many men down from the first initial conversation because for me to get to a point where I'm willing or want to fuck somebody they have to connect with me in a mental way and it takes me longer to find people that I want to ...... with outside of my boyfriend and because I am so picky there are more times I will go on a date and catch the ick from a potential third than the times where I ...... with somebody and those times are very few and far in between I feel like this frustrates my boyfriend because he wants me to be more promiscuous than I am so I wanted to know does it frustrate you guys when she doesn't ...... with as many men as you want or flirt aa openly as you would like her too just looking for some perspective on the other side

Extremely frustrating
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So I am pretty new to this and even being pretty new I figured out that it's not going to work if I only do it for him I will turn many men down from the first initial conversation because for me to get to a point where I'm willing or want to fuck somebody they have to connect with me in a mental way and it takes me longer to find people that I want to ...... with outside of my boyfriend and because I am so picky there are more times I will go on a date and catch the ick from a potential third than the times where I ...... with somebody and those times are very few and far in between I feel like this frustrates my boyfriend because he wants me to be more promiscuous than I am so I wanted to know does it frustrate you guys when she doesn't ...... with as many men as you want or flirt aa openly as you would like her too just looking for some perspective on the other side
Just be yourself, 👍
So I am pretty new to this and even being pretty new I figured out that it's not going to work if I only do it for him I will turn many men down from the first initial conversation because for me to get to a point where I'm willing or want to fuck somebody they have to connect with me in a mental way and it takes me longer to find people that I want to ...... with outside of my boyfriend and because I am so picky there are more times I will go on a date and catch the ick from a potential third than the times where I ...... with somebody and those times are very few and far in between I feel like this frustrates my boyfriend because he wants me to be more promiscuous than I am so I wanted to know does it frustrate you guys when she doesn't ...... with as many men as you want or flirt aa openly as you would like her too just looking for some perspective on the other side
What kind of man are you looking for?
Jeg vil bare fortælle dig, hvad du føler er helt normalt! De fleste af os er opdraget til at forbinde sex og romantiske forhold med den, vi elsker. Så de første spring er normalt de sværeste.

Når folk normalt først prøver at åbne deres forhold, har de normalt nogle ret strenge regler at spille efter. Jeg vil foreslå, at du måske løsner op på disse regler (hvis du har sådan). Vær tålmodig og bliv ved med at lede efter en fyr, du føler dig tiltrukket af, som du forbinder med på et mere romantisk og følelsesmæssigt plan. Vær meget åben om, hvordan du har det, lad ikke din kæreste føle sig udenfor. Sørg for, at din kæreste elsker ham.

Tal om, hvilken slags fyr, der tiltrækker dig, sætter dig høje standarder og ikke nøjes med mindre. Hvis du bliver skuffet mange gange, vil du højst sandsynligt miste interessen for livsstilen.

Tag på dates, men vær ikke bange for at afvise dem eller gå langsomt! I sidste ende er vores følelser langt vigtigere end en fantasi!

Jeg håber nogle af disse råd kan være til nogen hjælp. Som sagt har de fleste af os været i samme båd som dig. Held og lykke med din rejse!
Dejligt at vi ikke er alene i DK der nyder flere tyre til mig Q *SF*
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