I had talked during sex about her having another lover for many years. Different fantasies over time. We didn’t talk about the reality of it, just sexy scenarios. I also read erotic stores from Literotica, I’d often copy and paste into Word, then tweak stories so that were more in tune to what I (or she) liked. Then lightening struck. Years of talking about it, an old HS friend reaching out, and midlife crises hit at once. Then I couldn’t stop it. One, then two then three, four, five & 6 within 56 calendar days. Within half a year her number of sexual partners had increased from 5 (I was number 5) to over 20. I was successful, too successful, at getting her to drop her panties. She almost immediately started cheating (doing it behind my back). Wasn’t what I had in mind, but she was insatiable.