Being "relatively" new to the lifestyle, were any of these "pivotal" moments difficult for your husband? If you were reluctant to start the lifestyle at the onset and then reversed your view, I would think the 180 degree turn to accepting, embracing and promoting as a head spinner (at least for me). It strikes me as one of those things where you think you know someone and there tendencies, especially someone as close as a spouse, and then they totally surprise you. There's the mental/emotional part that you have to recognize and adapt to. That amplifies everything.Being relatively new at this lifestyle, Hubs and I have had many conversations which we feel is paramount in order to maintain a healthy marriage as well as healthy relations with another Man. As I asked hubs what was a pivotal point for him, he enlighten me and I thought that I would ask others their point of view:
hubs claims that it was one thing to watch another Man push his cock into my mouth and for another Man to enter me, however it was another thing completely when the other Man was prone and on His back and I initiated everything…. when I climbed up on the other Man and guided His cock up into me… when I engulfed His cock and willingly psyched Him and payed homage to His cock… or willingly cleaned Him after. hubs admitted that those moments were pivotal and made him realizes that I wanted this as much or more than he did. He said that he knew that I was committed and there would be no going back.
What do you ladies and ducks think was pivotal for you?
I'm not a cuck and I don't have a hotwife (she's hot to me) but I know the pivotal point for me would be her being wet for her lover. That's something you can't really control, like a hard on for a man, you can't fake it. One time I talked my wife into having sex outdoors while on a road trip. She was soaking and trembling like she never has done again since, even though I've tried everything I can to reproduce that excitement. If I saw her that wet in anticipation of another man then that would be monumentally pivotal.