- So I’ve officially cuckolded my husband! It was a great experience overall largely thanks to the guy we chose. He’s the oldest guy I’ve been with and feel like I’ve been missing out messing with those young guys before settling down! He divorced last year and I was his first sex since his ex wife. He said hooking up with a married woman while hubby watches has been a life-long fantasy so he was as excited as my husband.
It was the second time we hung out. We bar hopped until my husband blurted out “so, should we get a room now?” It was fine because we all knew it was the right situation for us. Honestly though, I would’ve preferred going back to our place even though you all said don’t do it! It’s more comfortable and all there is to do in a hotel room is fuck or watch a movie. Seems like automatic awkwardness to me.
The other guy insisted on paying for the room and fine with hubby and I staying there overnight which I thought was a classy move. The bad move we made though was not having a bottle of alcohol in the room because I was right about the awkwardness! The boys were just staring at me clearly wanting me to get things started.
We chit chatted until the other guy made a move and kissed me. We tried for a long passionate kiss but there we were making out while my husband stared. Awkward! We groped each other over clothes while hubby stared. Awkward! His hand went up my leg underneath my skirt while husband stared. Super awkward!
I jumped up and announced how awkward I felt so hubby was smart and said he’d run and get something to drink. He took his time which he later told me was ...... because he wanted to race back but knew I needed some time. Smart man.
Other guy is a nice guy so he offered to take a rain check with no hard feelings. I just needed to feel some physical chemistry and knew I’d be fine so we went back to kissing while we were alone. It was lovely. Much better without being stared at! It was passionate and amazing! I stopped it there because I knew my husband wanted to be there.
Hubby came back, we all drank, and other guy and I naturally progressed. I saw other guys’ dick on his profile so I knew he was well endowed but it must’ve grown or something. I didn’t care much about his penis size (as long as it was at least average) but hubby wanted him to be big for whatever reason. Well he was. Bigger than I’ve ever been with. He reached a spot inside me that had never been hit before. Wow. It was lovely.
I’ve only cum from intercourse with a vibrator so I was not expecting an orgasm but he hit that spot while I was on top and I exploded! Oh my goodness. I tried to downplay it so I didn’t hurt hubby’s feelings but I didn’t do a very good job. I was intense.
Anyway, I’m not sure what else to say other than my husband has been extremely affectionate since that night. I’ve gotten flowers, massages, foot rubs, he’s been snuggly. I am not hating it!
All in all things went well. Husband said he could tell I held back a little and wants me to go all out and enjoy myself. He isn’t afraid of it hurting his feelings but I’m not so sure about that. He said he felt more jealousy than he expected but it wasn’t enough to hurt the experience at all. I’m a little concerned about that but he’s ready to do it again so it can’t be that bad right? After other guy left, my husband and I had sex (more like made love which we hadn’t done in a long time) and I was surprised when he went down on me. Other guy wore a condom but still. His balls were still all over me but husband had no problem going down there. Is that normal?