First time getting fucked

First time I had anal sex was when I was a young teen, with one of my good friends. I remember we found his older brothers penthouse and were mesmerized then naturally curious. We didn't know what to do so we both kind of of just rubbed ourselves over our shorts. I don't think either one of us came. We stopped when we heard his mom get home. Later we talked about the magazine and somehow talked about how one of the pictures the woman was getting fucked in her ass. I don't remember how we got talking about wondering how it would feel but I remember him asking if I might want to see.

The next day I went over to his house and told him let's try. We grabbed a blanket, some baby oil and went to the woods by his house. We found a nice spot with a bush we could crawl in, set the blanket down. I took my shorts off and he started rubbing the lotion on his finger and he fingered me. It felt weird at first, a little painful but also nice. After awhile he asked me what I thought I told him it felt good. He asked if I wanted to try it more? I told him yes and he got naked and I took my shirt off. We looked at the magazine and I got into the position the woman was in, on my hands and knees, and I felt more lotion on my ass and then pressure. Lots of pressure until pop he was in. I almost screamed and cried.

It wasn't long before he was fucking me and of course it didn't take long until he came. I didn't even realize that I had came too.
First time I had anal sex was when I was a young teen, with one of my good friends. I remember we found his older brothers penthouse and were mesmerized then naturally curious. We didn't know what to do so we both kind of of just rubbed ourselves over our shorts. I don't think either one of us came. We stopped when we heard his mom get home. Later we talked about the magazine and somehow talked about how one of the pictures the woman was getting fucked in her ass. I don't remember how we got talking about wondering how it would feel but I remember him asking if I might want to see.

The next day I went over to his house and told him let's try. We grabbed a blanket, some baby oil and went to the woods by his house. We found a nice spot with a bush we could crawl in, set the blanket down. I took my shorts off and he started rubbing the lotion on his finger and he fingered me. It felt weird at first, a little painful but also nice. After awhile he asked me what I thought I told him it felt good. He asked if I wanted to try it more? I told him yes and he got naked and I took my shirt off. We looked at the magazine and I got into the position the woman was in, on my hands and knees, and I felt more lotion on my ass and then pressure. Lots of pressure until pop he was in. I almost screamed and cried.

It wasn't long before he was fucking me and of course it didn't take long until he came. I didn't even realize that I had came too.
First time I had anal sex was when I was a young teen, with one of my good friends. I remember we found his older brothers penthouse and were mesmerized then naturally curious. We didn't know what to do so we both kind of of just rubbed ourselves over our shorts. I don't think either one of us came. We stopped when we heard his mom get home. Later we talked about the magazine and somehow talked about how one of the pictures the woman was getting fucked in her ass. I don't remember how we got talking about wondering how it would feel but I remember him asking if I might want to see.

The next day I went over to his house and told him let's try. We grabbed a blanket, some baby oil and went to the woods by his house. We found a nice spot with a bush we could crawl in, set the blanket down. I took my shorts off and he started rubbing the lotion on his finger and he fingered me. It felt weird at first, a little painful but also nice. After awhile he asked me what I thought I told him it felt good. He asked if I wanted to try it more? I told him yes and he got naked and I took my shirt off. We looked at the magazine and I got into the position the woman was in, on my hands and knees, and I felt more lotion on my ass and then pressure. Lots of pressure until pop he was in. I almost screamed and cried.

It wasn't long before he was fucking me and of course it didn't take long until he came. I didn't even realize that I had came too.
Did you ever fuck him?
My first time was a mixture of emotions and sensations.

Emotionally even though I’d always desired to have a guy fuck me, I was still shocked it was happening. Sensational wise, as his cock touched my arse hole it tingled, as he penetrated slowly my nerve endings became warm and pleasant, then for the first thirty seconds of his thrusts it was a mixture of slight pain but also pleasure from my arse hole entrance to deep inside me and also into my balls and cock as I began to dribble a non stop stream of precum. He fucked me for about ten minutes pretty hard and I came twice during then he went faster and shot his cum deep inside me.

For me it was amazing experience and one I’ve experienced many times since.

Paul. 👍
Very good and accurate description!
My first time was when having sex with a hooker. She asked if another man could join us, so I agreed as I wanted to watch her getting fucked. After he'd fucked her for a while he pulled his dick out and told me to suck it: I was surprised, but did as he asked. Then he pushed my head down and started to try to put his cock in my arse; I got turned on and let him go for it. It was a bit painful, but luckily his cock wasn't very big.
Who fucked you next?
Well he fucked me for the next few months that summer. Then the next time I got I got fucked was the next summer. I was a swimmer in highschool and my sophomore year our team speedo didn't fit me great, it was a little small on the backside.

So that summer my family was camping at a campground by lake Michigan by a beach that was known for being a gay beach.

I put my speedo on under my shorts and walked to the beach, and stripped with to my speedo. I got a lot of looks but they pretty much could tell I wasnt 18
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