For us the first and most important step was making my wife feel comfortable enough to be completely honest about my penis size and size in general. She would always just say it’s average or “perfect size” which I hate. I’ve heard enough comments and honest opinions from several close female friends to know it’s definitely not true. But once my wife was able to do that, enabled her to talk more freely and openly about her sexual past, preferences and fantasies. She didn’t have refrain from telling about her exes and how big their dicks were. She was able to admit she dated a guy for a few months that had a really big dick, significantly larger than mine, and what she enjoyed about it. She even said occasionally she craves/misses the feeling of deeper penetration and different type of pleasure it gave her Than mine does. It didn’t take long after that before we started talking About me, trying a cock sleeve or strap on dildo. She still had her reservations, but it. Made it much easier to talk about, and she was more open to trying it. Which led you a whole Other level of experiences I never expected and may not have happened so soon or at all if she hadn’t told me the truth about my size