Figuring out what we want

I have been to this site for months. Finally decided to make an account and listen to some advice from some like minded people. I don't know for sure what we are into. We had an arranged marriage a few years ago. We are really happy in general. It's not like we need something different to improve our understanding or fill up some emptiness. Just some dark desires inside maybe. I am 34 and she's 30. Although a´our marriage was arranged, we went on a few dates before getting married after our families agreed to the marriage. She wasn't been with another man in terms of sex but she had done some small things. She told me all those things clearly before marriage and also made clear that she has a secret naughty side. I was kinda similar with respect to experience and we kinda hit it off.

Our families are conservative. After our wedding when we went on our honeymoon and vacations, I got just a glimpse of her naughty dark side. She would tell me to let go, relax, wear something that she wouldn't usually wear. Those turned me on big time. She could turn me on instantly by whispering some naughty things. We would watch porn together after a while. I knew about swinging back then, but she actually told me first what hotwife, vixen, cuckold or other things were. My interest started growing as she found those fascinating. She works in the hospitality industry and I move sometimes for work. Whenever we are on vacation, still I get to see her naughty side which increased over time. She used to be religious but for some personal reason which I don't wanna share, she stopped being religious as couple of years ago. Afterward I started seeing naughty side of her more with what she would wear. I initially thought it was a phase but hope that it wouldn't end. With time I understood that it wasn't a phase. And these days when she's out for work or as I and we moved a lot, I regularly get to see her in such outfits. With time we got more curious about those fetishes and I think I need to understand what I want first to take any next step.
Many thanks for your comments and advice. I'm also really appreciative of the many encouraging private messages received. Most seemed to ask about us in little more details. Reading back I get that my first post wasn't that coherent. Tbh I just wrote what went through my mind and wasn't that articulated.

I mentioned ever since our marriage I understood that she had a naughty side. She had grown up conservatively like me but not in the inside. And ever since she stopped being religious she shows her wild side even more. Especially on vacations she would wear clothes that definitely aren't Islamic by any stretch of imagination. She has made some likeminded friends in recent times and even on vacations with them it's the same.

Recently we went on a vacation. As usual she let go and enjoyed. She knows I don't always know how to feel, so she kinda tries in baby steps sometimes i think. This time I for sure felt more excitement on the vacation as she did little intimate dancing with someone. Later when she saw that I was more excited than before, she pushed a bit more. I had never seen her going this far before. Although i don't know what to feel, we had probably the best sex in months afterward.

So, any advice?
Many thanks for your comments and advice. I'm also really appreciative of the many encouraging private messages received. Most seemed to ask about us in little more details. Reading back I get that my first post wasn't that coherent. Tbh I just wrote what went through my mind and wasn't that articulated.

I mentioned ever since our marriage I understood that she had a naughty side. She had grown up conservatively like me but not in the inside. And ever since she stopped being religious she shows her wild side even more. Especially on vacations she would wear clothes that definitely aren't Islamic by any stretch of imagination. She has made some likeminded friends in recent times and even on vacations with them it's the same.

Recently we went on a vacation. As usual she let go and enjoyed. She knows I don't always know how to feel, so she kinda tries in baby steps sometimes i think. This time I for sure felt more excitement on the vacation as she did little intimate dancing with someone. Later when she saw that I was more excited than before, she pushed a bit more. I had never seen her going this far before. Although i don't know what to feel, we had probably the best sex in months afterward.

So, any advice?
Looks like you have a hot little hotwife or vixen !! What do you want ? Swinging ? Vixen/stag ? Hotwife/Cuckold ?

It is all about finding a good balance between the 2 of you. But I certainly can tell you that it will be an interesting journey !
But, in you case, with religion and a conservative community watching closely, I would advise to be cautious.
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Thanks, I do agree with you that I need to figure out what I want. I'm still learning about all the definitions and names. it's apparent that she almost certainly wants to take things further. But mostly when we're on a vacation or she's travelling.

Reading most other stories here I get that a lot of guys would want their wives to be like that. As far as i read here experiences were from the husbands' wanting or fantasizing about their wives. So i hardly got a chance to learn about the insecurities of the guys and had a difficult time relating to.

Probably a lot of my doubts or insecurities are rooted to our upbringing or culture or religion. I feel the conflict inside me often. This time when I saw her dancing extremely intimately, i was both excited and scared. Yet I could feel that neither of us wanted it to stop rather continue further. When he got indeed more intimate, the scared side amplified but so did my inner excitement. I just kept thinking that I'm supposed to feel offended seeing some guy grabbing my wife's boobs, but why do i feel this excited?
Indeed it can be conflicting feelings you experience but that’s normal. The question is what feeling overwhelms ? Jealousy or excitement ?

One big piece of advise that I can give you is TALK TO YOUR WIFE ! It all starts with that. What does she want and what do you want. Then the next step is finding a common ground and work towards that.
We as a couple started with swinging and we still do but a couple of years ago we started with threesomes with single guys. Lately these single guys have been limited to a specific category : BBC. And the threesomes have become full blown gangbangs sometimes…

For me, personally, I find it VERY exciting to see her getting fucked in all her holes. Love to take pictures and video tape but I also participate when needed/requested…
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Indeed it can be conflicting feelings you experience but that’s normal. The question is what feeling overwhelms ? Jealousy or excitement ?

One big piece of advise that I can give you is TALK TO YOUR WIFE ! It all starts with that. What does she want and what do you want. Then the next step is finding a common ground and work towards that.
We as a couple started with swinging and we still do but a couple of years ago we started with threesomes with single guys. Lately these single guys have been limited to a specific category : BBC. And the threesomes have become full blown gangbangs sometimes…

For me, personally, I find it VERY exciting to see her getting fucked in all her holes. Love to take pictures and video tape but I also participate when needed/requested…
The thing is, I don't feel much jealousy exactly. Apart from the excitement, I feel like I should feel it's wrong or taboo based on what I was taught. She asked me this very question too in the past. I thought hard and I'm confident that I don't actually feel jealousy.

Thanks, I should certainly be more open to her with what's going inside my head. I just have a hard time with figuring out my thoughts let alone expressing them. Your journey seems really fascinating so far! We're just infants compared to that.
I have been to this site for months. Finally decided to make an account and listen to some advice from some like minded people. I don't know for sure what we are into. We had an arranged marriage a few years ago. We are really happy in general. It's not like we need something different to improve our understanding or fill up some emptiness. Just some dark desires inside maybe. I am 34 and she's 30. Although a´our marriage was arranged, we went on a few dates before getting married after our families agreed to the marriage. She wasn't been with another man in terms of sex but she had done some small things. She told me all those things clearly before marriage and also made clear that she has a secret naughty side. I was kinda similar with respect to experience and we kinda hit it off.

Our families are conservative. After our wedding when we went on our honeymoon and vacations, I got just a glimpse of her naughty dark side. She would tell me to let go, relax, wear something that she wouldn't usually wear. Those turned me on big time. She could turn me on instantly by whispering some naughty things. We would watch porn together after a while. I knew about swinging back then, but she actually told me first what hotwife, vixen, cuckold or other things were. My interest started growing as she found those fascinating. She works in the hospitality industry and I move sometimes for work. Whenever we are on vacation, still I get to see her naughty side which increased over time. She used to be religious but for some personal reason which I don't wanna share, she stopped being religious as couple of years ago. Afterward I started seeing naughty side of her more with what she would wear. I initially thought it was a phase but hope that it wouldn't end. With time I understood that it wasn't a phase. And these days when she's out for work or as I and we moved a lot, I regularly get to see her in such outfits. With time we got more curious about those fetishes and I think I need to understand what I want first to take any next step.
She's like me simply!!!❤️
I have been to this site for months. Finally decided to make an account and listen to some advice from some like minded people. I don't know for sure what we are into. We had an arranged marriage a few years ago. We are really happy in general. It's not like we need something different to improve our understanding or fill up some emptiness. Just some dark desires inside maybe. I am 34 and she's 30. Although a´our marriage was arranged, we went on a few dates before getting married after our families agreed to the marriage. She wasn't been with another man in terms of sex but she had done some small things. She told me all those things clearly before marriage and also made clear that she has a secret naughty side. I was kinda similar with respect to experience and we kinda hit it off.

Our families are conservative. After our wedding when we went on our honeymoon and vacations, I got just a glimpse of her naughty dark side. She would tell me to let go, relax, wear something that she wouldn't usually wear. Those turned me on big time. She could turn me on instantly by whispering some naughty things. We would watch porn together after a while. I knew about swinging back then, but she actually told me first what hotwife, vixen, cuckold or other things were. My interest started growing as she found those fascinating. She works in the hospitality industry and I move sometimes for work. Whenever we are on vacation, still I get to see her naughty side which increased over time. She used to be religious but for some personal reason which I don't wanna share, she stopped being religious as couple of years ago. Afterward I started seeing naughty side of her more with what she would wear. I initially thought it was a phase but hope that it wouldn't end. With time I understood that it wasn't a phase. And these days when she's out for work or as I and we moved a lot, I regularly get to see her in such outfits. With time we got more curious about those fetishes and I think I need to understand what I want first to take any next step.
Release the cracken! lol
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I have been to this site for months. Finally decided to make an account and listen to some advice from some like minded people. I don't know for sure what we are into. We had an arranged marriage a few years ago. We are really happy in general. It's not like we need something different to improve our understanding or fill up some emptiness. Just some dark desires inside maybe. I am 34 and she's 30. Although a´our marriage was arranged, we went on a few dates before getting married after our families agreed to the marriage. She wasn't been with another man in terms of sex but she had done some small things. She told me all those things clearly before marriage and also made clear that she has a secret naughty side. I was kinda similar with respect to experience and we kinda hit it off.

Our families are conservative. After our wedding when we went on our honeymoon and vacations, I got just a glimpse of her naughty dark side. She would tell me to let go, relax, wear something that she wouldn't usually wear. Those turned me on big time. She could turn me on instantly by whispering some naughty things. We would watch porn together after a while. I knew about swinging back then, but she actually told me first what hotwife, vixen, cuckold or other things were. My interest started growing as she found those fascinating. She works in the hospitality industry and I move sometimes for work. Whenever we are on vacation, still I get to see her naughty side which increased over time. She used to be religious but for some personal reason which I don't wanna share, she stopped being religious as couple of years ago. Afterward I started seeing naughty side of her more with what she would wear. I initially thought it was a phase but hope that it wouldn't end. With time I understood that it wasn't a phase. And these days when she's out for work or as I and we moved a lot, I regularly get to see her in such outfits. With time we got more curious about those fetishes and I think I need to understand what I want first to take any next step.
Communication is important . We tell each other what we want between us . Including her dress .my involvement. Where they are going basically time frames etc
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Our first meeting with a potential black man, I was more nervous than she was which suprised me..I got very comfortable when they went to his car to play, excited, heart pounding. A week or so later they got a room with me watching..seeing her give her body to him was thrilling...we had 10 wonderful years playing with other men. Left her alone many times so she could really let go of her emotions, that worked best for us.
Classy and sexy lady...much like my wife. Our fooling around started about like yours..We met a young man at a bar , having a couple of drinks. My wife was dressed classy, but sexy..short skirt, high heels, almost see thru blouse with no bra. We all started talking about dancing and knew of a club with a great DJ..We all met there, started talking about everything, his profession was medical like my wifes. He soon asked her to dance, so we traded back and forth. My wife was having a great time, and told me..Soon, he danced with her again and I could see him holding her ass, and her pressing into him. They danced about 3-4 dances, getting more intimate every dance. Soon they were kissing on the dance floor. She and I decided it was time to leave..he followed us out and before we got to the car he was touching her bare breasts..I was both excited and nervous, just like you. He left us and we headed home, she was very excited and agreed nothing really wrong happened. Hence, the start of our exploring with other men.
Classy and sexy lady...much like my wife. Our fooling around started about like yours..We met a young man at a bar , having a couple of drinks. My wife was dressed classy, but sexy..short skirt, high heels, almost see thru blouse with no bra. We all started talking about dancing and knew of a club with a great DJ..We all met there, started talking about everything, his profession was medical like my wifes. He soon asked her to dance, so we traded back and forth. My wife was having a great time, and told me..Soon, he danced with her again and I could see him holding her ass, and her pressing into him. They danced about 3-4 dances, getting more intimate every dance. Soon they were kissing on the dance floor. She and I decided it was time to leave..he followed us out and before we got to the car he was touching her bare breasts..I was both excited and nervous, just like you. He left us and we headed home, she was very excited and agreed nothing really wrong happened. Hence, the start of our exploring with other men.
such a hot story!
Many thanks for your comments and advice. I'm also really appreciative of the many encouraging private messages received. Most seemed to ask about us in little more details. Reading back I get that my first post wasn't that coherent. Tbh I just wrote what went through my mind and wasn't that articulated.

I mentioned ever since our marriage I understood that she had a naughty side. She had grown up conservatively like me but not in the inside. And ever since she stopped being religious she shows her wild side even more. Especially on vacations she would wear clothes that definitely aren't Islamic by any stretch of imagination. She has made some likeminded friends in recent times and even on vacations with them it's the same.

Recently we went on a vacation. As usual she let go and enjoyed. She knows I don't always know how to feel, so she kinda tries in baby steps sometimes i think. This time I for sure felt more excitement on the vacation as she did little intimate dancing with someone. Later when she saw that I was more excited than before, she pushed a bit more. I had never seen her going this far before. Although i don't know what to feel, we had probably the best sex in months afterward.

So, any advice?
the more i read about you, the more i get excited! it's like seeing you guys living my dream!
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