Fellas have you ever faked it?


Fellas have you ever faked an orgasm just so you could end that sex session because it was terrible and you just wanted it to end?

Have you ever faked enjoying any part of sexual of activity with a woman before and tolerated it because regardless of how bad she was you still wanted to beat that pussy up? (Did she have painful head and kept catching you with her teeth, or a terrible hand job, or did she grind on you so crazy you thought that she was gonna break your dick, did she suck your balls so hard it was absolute ......?)

Fellas tell us your story or a story you heard from some other guys!


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Once me and my wife met a couple ,had a meeting drink all good, they were a great couple .When we finally invited them to our place the husband was well into it ,the wife liked him,hell i liked him too.
The guys wife however laid there like a dead fish, great looking woman but damn was she useless in bed.I got the feeling it was more the husbands thing than hers, so i went through the motions.. even pretended to come,all the while hearing my wife in the other bedroom, while his wife gave me the worst blowjob ever. .
Anyway making a long story short, they stayed in the spare bedroom,the husband snook out and joined me and the wife .
Me and the guy fucked my wife senseless and she loved every minute of it...an amazing night.
That was the night we gave up on swinging and decided a Stag and Vixen lifestyle was more our thing.
I honestly enjoy seeing other men fuck my wife, and joining in ,more than other women being there, no cuckolding , just me and another guy fucking my wife,both of us equal.
So now thats it, we pick the guys ,my wife has extra cock, and loves two guys going at her..i take pictures and videos and we both watch them after.
I don’t have the quick rebound period for sex like I did in my 20’s and early to mid 30’s. If we are away on a getaway I will fake coming inside her if I want to stand a chance to have another go in a few or handful of hours. Fortunately she gets so wet during sex that she can’t tell the difference.
Well not a story, more the truth....I was on medication that made it hard to orgasm. So after a good 30 mins to an hour of constant thrusting...my wife begged me to "get off".... So I faked it...she even asked me if I actually came and I lied, so she would feel accomplished/satisfied, because she gets upset if she doesn't satisfy me.
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Yes but not in the context of swinging or cuckoldry. Mostly with having whisky dick in my younger days and being too tired/...... to continue.