Exposure Game - Risk of exposure mixed with AI enhancement/alterations


Before posting any pictures, I will reach out to you to make sure you haven't had second thoughts. This game is meant to be exciting, not harmful. I will ask for proof that the participant is willing prior to playing.

How it works:

You provide a picture through DM that is a similar pose to the example below, but you pick how daring you want to get with what you show. No one besides me will see this original picture....from totally naked with face, maybe showing more than the online community has seen, could wear sunglasses to hide more, etc.... Example picture shown below:

We meet in an anonymous online dice rolling room where you roll 2 dice...each 1-6 values. One of the dice is the size of the dot, the other dice is how many dots you get. You decide which is which. https://rolldicewithfriends.com/


You tell me where you would like to place the dots and I will put the size you rolled where you want me to on the picture. Example for a roll of 6 & 2 where you decided you want 6 bigger dots (size 6) vs 6 smaller dots (size 2). Once i have placed the 2 dots (size 6). All dot sizes 1-6 are shown on the top of the picture for reference.

original_dots_2 of them at size 6 each.png

Starting from the picture with the dots, i get to use AI and my imagination to do whatever I want with the picture(s) before posting. A couple examples of how I might do this starting from the picture above. I will send anything i edit to you privately for your approval, but if you reject it, i will not post it, but will mention in the thread that you used your veto power😉

I removed the dots using AI so what is under the dots is not the original, but looks realistic. In this case, i decided she didn't need the undershirt either. I will post the result in this thread. You can tag yourself if you want.


Let me know if you are interested


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