Exposing the wife where we live

I've done it, they are sent 😱 😱 😱 😱

The first is simply titled 'As requested...' and is a picture of me, face in full view on a bed legs wide apart, red excited cunt showing, playing with my tits

The second is titled "Please! Please! I've made mistake delete my previous email without opening'

And I've selected two random recipients by scrolling fast through my contacts and selecting the first male after I've stopped. They will be going to Mr P an IT support person from work and Mr T, our local electrician, who lives less than 1 mile away
Sounds good to me you dirty bitch , there faces will be a picture when they open them 😀😀
I’m sure most guys here love for other guys to see their wives naked. How many guys have shown naked pics of your wife to other guys in person? I’m no different, I get a huge hard on seeing other guys looking at my wife naked and not just her body but her face too, I love knowing that guys that know us have seen her naked and have naked pics of her.....recently I printed several naked pics of my wife and put them out in a public places and sat back and watched guys looking at them or put the pics in there pockets, even saw some take pics of them with their phones. The best was of a neighbor that knows us and comes over to our house on occasion and I watched him looking at them and taking pics of them. Here’s a pic of her pics laid out in the bathroom at the biggest gas station in our neighborhood.
When I was with my exwife we would go on holiday abroad and find people to play with. While playing photos were taken and many by other people present. Many times the photos would wind up on the net or even in magazines as readers wives. We once played with a couple from new York and they promised to post the photos around a park where they lived. The reports that came back were cock tingling
I just received an email with these pictures.

I guess I should be thankful but someone really took my pictures I'm guessing from here and/or one of my Google drive links and posted them at various truck stops in the area. We'll he said they were truck stops and he also did it over several days and he's going to continue. If the pictures really are in my area he knows me. They have my full name and email address listed on some of them.

I'm not sure how I feel about this now that it's really happening20210427_144234.jpg20210427_144215.jpg20210427_144153.jpg20210427_144138.jpg20210427_144113.jpg. I don't know what he's planning to do next. It's very scary but kind of exciting not knowing what to expect. Since he knows me he has a lot of options