Does she squirt? Do you know how to make her squirt? Do you want to know how, I’ll tell you.

Virgin fiancé made herself squirt

My fiancé tells me she squirts but hates it. She tells me when she’s about to masturbate and enjoys herself she goes and pees a couple of times during her play, this way her playing lasts much longer and she enjoys herself more. And also, after she cums she starts again and plays again because she never fully cum at the first play that she did not squirt.

She said if she doesn’t ******** and masturbates, it won’t take long and will cum a big one with a squirt but that will relax her so much to a point feeling weak in the knees, wrestles, and a head rush and for sure done playing.

I ask her why it seems that girls when squirting seem to push themselves to ******** while cumming, she said because she feels she needs to let it out, and if she doesn’t push it out at the same time she won’t fully cum, only cums kind of halfway, so, she needs to push it out / ******** it out.