I’ve been enjoying this site and reading all the different perspectives. I’d like to proceed with dropping some hints to my wife that I’d like her to experience another man. We’ve been together for almost twenty years and I believe we have a great relationship. We’re both extremely busy so our sex life is about once a week. When we do get to enjoy each other, we both orgasm but I believe we both could use something extra. My stamina isn’t what it once was, with the exception for oral. She’s lovely, so I could give her oral for hours, seriously! I’m average size and I know she’d enjoy someone larger, girth specifiy, than I am, especially him having more stamina and being able to literally pound her.
Some details about her. She’s very pretty but I know she’d like to lose weight. In my opinion, she’s beautiful exactly the way she is. After children, she hasn’t been as comfortable with her body. She is an all around good person, doesn’t drink, doesn’t watch porn, doesn’t cuss. If you knew her, she’d be the last person you’d think would go for something like this. She’s only been with one other man besides me, she was married previously. But, she has surprised me with a few things. She enjoys riding my face to receive oral. In this position, she either ride my face until she has an orgasm, yes she’s a squirter, or she’ll slide down and mount me. She enjoys her ass played with while she rides me and it always helps her orgasm. A few times after riding me and both of us having an orgasm, she slide up over face to receive another oral stimulated orgasm.
My struggle is, how to present the idea of her being with another man. She doesn’t like dildos because she says they don’t feel real and she would be turned off watching porn.
Other things to consider, I was asked these questions on a different site.
Kids still at home? Yes, two teenagers
Does she work? Yes, full time.
Travel by herself or with girlfriends? No, but I do encourage it.
Do you share fantasies of any type? Not often, she’s typically quiet about it.
Is she playful? Sense of humor? She can be once she’s comfortable and has a good sarcastic sense of humor.
Assertive or dominant sexually? No, she’d rather me take charge. But, she isn’t shy about accepting oral, even to the point of stripping down and climbing on my face.
Does she enjoy flirting, texting, engaging with others on social media? No, she’s too shy.
Does she masturbate? She has but I haven’t been aware of it in recent years.
Pre or post menopausal? I guess post because she had a full hysterectomy a few years ago. She does take hormone medication.
Are you willing to play the long game of planting the seed and nurturing it? Or do you want to just find out, yes or no, if she'd like to try this? (So that, if no, you can try to get it out of your head). I don’t mind playing the long game. The way I see it, I’ve got nothing to lose.
Honestly, what are my odds of being successful with her being sexually pleased by another man?
Some details about her. She’s very pretty but I know she’d like to lose weight. In my opinion, she’s beautiful exactly the way she is. After children, she hasn’t been as comfortable with her body. She is an all around good person, doesn’t drink, doesn’t watch porn, doesn’t cuss. If you knew her, she’d be the last person you’d think would go for something like this. She’s only been with one other man besides me, she was married previously. But, she has surprised me with a few things. She enjoys riding my face to receive oral. In this position, she either ride my face until she has an orgasm, yes she’s a squirter, or she’ll slide down and mount me. She enjoys her ass played with while she rides me and it always helps her orgasm. A few times after riding me and both of us having an orgasm, she slide up over face to receive another oral stimulated orgasm.
My struggle is, how to present the idea of her being with another man. She doesn’t like dildos because she says they don’t feel real and she would be turned off watching porn.
Other things to consider, I was asked these questions on a different site.
Kids still at home? Yes, two teenagers
Does she work? Yes, full time.
Travel by herself or with girlfriends? No, but I do encourage it.
Do you share fantasies of any type? Not often, she’s typically quiet about it.
Is she playful? Sense of humor? She can be once she’s comfortable and has a good sarcastic sense of humor.
Assertive or dominant sexually? No, she’d rather me take charge. But, she isn’t shy about accepting oral, even to the point of stripping down and climbing on my face.
Does she enjoy flirting, texting, engaging with others on social media? No, she’s too shy.
Does she masturbate? She has but I haven’t been aware of it in recent years.
Pre or post menopausal? I guess post because she had a full hysterectomy a few years ago. She does take hormone medication.
Are you willing to play the long game of planting the seed and nurturing it? Or do you want to just find out, yes or no, if she'd like to try this? (So that, if no, you can try to get it out of your head). I don’t mind playing the long game. The way I see it, I’ve got nothing to lose.
Honestly, what are my odds of being successful with her being sexually pleased by another man?