
My wife’s friend has started asking lots of questions about my dick when they meet up for drinks. She is aware of my size and especially seems interested in my girth. My wife has always talked about it jokingly but her friend is talking about it all the time to her. She recently intimated that she’d been using her vibrator when she thinks about it. She seems to view it totally separate to me as a person.

Anyone here ever cuckqueaned or been cuckqueaned?
no, but it sounds like her friend wants your cock, is the wife on board? Cant wait to hear the details as they unfold.

Sounds good! Mine admitted the other day she’s shown her sister and her close friends my dick pics
It’s hot isn’t it. My wife’s sister openly jokes about having sex with me in front of her. It doesn’t bother my wife, she isn’t jealous and knows I would never stray as she is so hot it isn’t worth the risk.

My wife’s friend has also been asking recently about how much I cum and if I shave my balls (I do). She seems very interested in my dick. My wife said this morning she’s pretty sure she has been thinking about me and masturbating.
It’s hot isn’t it. My wife’s sister openly jokes about having sex with me in front of her. It doesn’t bother my wife, she isn’t jealous and knows I would never stray as she is so hot it isn’t worth the risk.

My wife’s friend has also been asking recently about how much I cum and if I shave my balls (I do). She seems very interested in my dick. My wife said this morning she’s pretty sure she has been thinking about me and masturbating.
Thing that makes me laugh is they’d go mad if I showed my friends and brother her pussy pics but it’s fine the other way. Apparently her friends have all said they’d suck it, even the lesbian friend lol
Just found out that she is coming over today with her kid for a play date. Two nights ago my wife was explaining to her how thick my cock is (too thick for anal sex), that I shave my shaft/balls, wear satin boxers and cum in abnormal amounts.

my wife says she wants to tease her a little.

Wow that's got to be awesome, do you service any women for your wife? Would she allow you to play with all these people? sounds like your wife is proud of your cock and is show casing how thick you are.... Maybe you should show us a picture?

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Wife saw her again tonight. She once again brought up my size and asked my wife to see pics/videos.

since wife got home she has texted my wife and apologised for getting so horny about my dick and reassured her it’s just sexual and it’s only my size she’s drawn to. But she did also admit she masturbates to the idea of having Sex with me, and my wife has sent her a vid of me wanking.

This feels very hot!
She is here now. My wife told me to wear my Lycra cycling shorts so she can see everything. She is visibly uncomfortable but my wife has texted me (they’re downstairs in lounge chatting) to tell me that she has once again asked about my size and told her how jealous she is for it.
Yes it happend with me .. i was in an affair with this married hot wife .. and i am proud to say tgat i have a big dick .. she likes it veey much .. that she talked to her sister about it .. decripe it .. take picture and show it to her ... and she told me how her sister reacted . All was so erotic to me .. one day she told me that her sister want to watch us fucked .. i saod ok .. and they came to my place .. we stated kissing touching then getting undress and her sister was watching and when i took off my shorts she gasp as my dick pop out semi hard .. then my slut started licking and sucking my cock then i fucked her hard in some positions .. till i fill her pussy with cum .. i look at her sister and she was naked fingering her pussy . I went to her with my dick covered with juices .. she tool it in her mouth without hesitate . And after she sucked me my cock was hard again .. she looked at her sister and said please sis let him fuck me . Her sister told me "please this hungry pitch as her pussy had not have a dick for years ..
I fucked her very good with my dick and stretch her tight wwt pussy .
And we met many times after that .