Cuckolding and Diaper Discipline


Cuckolding and Diaper Discipline (Baby education - Feminized)
First of all I would like to say that the hotwife knows exactly how to treat her cuckold in order to be a successful cuckold couple. So there is no point in resisting it. It only brings quarrels and unnecessary tensions. So be a good cuckold and do everything to make your hotwife proud.
At that time we dealt with the topic of cuckolding because we wanted to bring new momentum into our sex life, it was somehow always the same, get out and get it over with. Boring. We had two kids, almost a year old and almost 3 years old. If we then went out to make new contacts, we provided a babysitter who then watched over the kids. Often it was my wife's sister. It was an exciting time, but I noticed that I had a bad feeling in my stomach. What would happen if my wife fell in love with a lover? I went along reluctantly and the sex between us was somehow different. Exciting, but just different. Moreover, the sex between us became less and less, but the sex with other men became more and more. Later she told me that she was thinking about doing something against my jealousy that was occurring more and more. She started to meet with one of the lovers regularly - without me. I was at home watching TV and taking care of the kids. I asked her how it had been. But I also said - what does he have that I don't? I was very jealous and lacked the understanding that I am not able to satisfy a woman and do not have the right to inseminate a woman.
My wife then bought a package of diapers. She came home and went into the bedroom with it. After dinner, I had to wear a diaper for the first time. I asked her if I could take it off or go to the bathroom. She denied both, then she took tape and taped the tape once all around diaper, so it was impossible to remove the diaper. Then she went to a meeting. It was very humiliating for me now to have to wear a diaper while she is going to meet other men and maybe have sex. I must say that I have always had a very weak bladder and it came to that I could not stand it anymore and I wanted to go secretly to the toilet. But maybe she would notice that? I went anyway and noticed that she locked the toilet. So I tried to stop. But she was gone for quite a long time and then I couldn't do anything - one drop went into the diaper and then there were more and more, until I peed in the diaper and when she came home again she looked at the diaper first. I thought she would be angry about the fact that I have eingenässte. But just the opposite came, she praised me for it. I then expected, because she is back, that she would remove the diaper and I would then be without a diaper. But that was not the case. She removed the diaper and took a new fresh diaper and put it on me. I understood very quickly and she also told me that the diaper would be part of my new life. Later she also gave me a pacifier and from time to time baby bottles with milk. But that mostly in the evening, when changing diapers she closed the door of the bedroom, so that the kids did not notice that I was back in diapers - and had to use pacifiers and other baby things.
She then wanted her new boyfriend to visit her at home and I would only disturb in the bedroom. She wanted me out of the bedroom - into another room. So we dove the rooms. The kids got the bigger room from me and I had to move into the old room of the kids. That now another part of the education came, I did not expect. A new bed was purchased, with a grid. A shelf at the bed, there were then fresh diapers hingelagt, also care products. One can already speak of a baby room. She then bought baby suits, baby tights and other baby things in my size.
What was going on inside me?
I was treated more and more like a baby, she changed my diapers (which she called Pampers), I got milk in baby bottles several times a day - later formula. We didn't have sex anymore. And I realized then, she didn't see me as her husband anymore, I was a diaper baby to her.
I'll write more later, how do her boyfriend react to this? The relatives and so on.
Part 2 of my Diaper Baby Cuckold Education

I've been in diapers 24/7 for a few years now and everyone treats me like a baby. Has this affected my cuckolding? What have I been able to recognize?

My jealousy has completely subsided over time. I realized that my wife, who is now just my mommy to me, needs a real man in bed and not a diaper baby like me. I am very grateful that she helped me realize that. There are no conversations or arguments when she goes out in the evening to meet one of her male friends. No more arguments because I accuse her that I, as her husband, have the right to have sex with her. Basically our marriage is only on paper because she says - I don't see you as my husband anymore, but only as my little diaper baby, which I love very much. Through my diaper/baby education I was able to make a huge step in our cuckold relationship. You wonder what progress? Well, my mommy is very proud of me because I have been a C3 Cuckold Never Inside for a few years now. I know that my mommy only gets true sexual satisfaction with real men. Since I don't have jealousy anymore, that's why her boyfriend was able to move in with us. How did the kids react? Well first of all this: we don't talk to them about cuckolding. They are kept out of it. What do they know? They know that Mommy has a boyfriend that she loves. Mommy is very happy and proud that the kids now address her boyfriend as Dad or Daddy - not me anymore. Is this difficult for me? At first, yes, very. But I also get some kind of lessons where such things are addressed. A selection of topics:

How can I as a cuckold make my hotwife (mommy) happy?

Why is it wrong as a C3 cuckold to bring up the topic - I am your husband and I have the right to have sex?

Why is my diaper/baby parenting good for me?

Is the right form of address really important ? (I now address my wife only as Mommy - her boyfriend as Daddy). I address others as aunt or uncle.

Why is it important for me, as a diaper baby cuckold, to sit in the back of the car, in a seat for the disabled? This seat is almost the same as a car seat for babies, only bigger.

Should the family be informed about our new relationship?

On the last question, we decided after much deliberation to tell family and good friends about our cuckold relationship. This was not easy for me and we went to Mommy's mom's house alone first. Mommy's boyfriend would follow a day later.

I must first say that my relationship with Mommy's ......, that is my ......-in-law was not really good. She never accepted me as her ......-in-law. She often said to my mommy: What do you want with such a wimp? I'm sure he's a loser in bed. What do you want with that quick squirter? And so on.

As is proper, I had my pacifier in my mouth, on a pacifier chain. I got really dressed up - with a pretty babyish hairdo - I have longer hair now and so Mommy either makes me pigtails or a ponytail. That day I had a ponytail, plus a babysuit and leggings. My shoes were ballarina. Then we had my baby travel crib (I have to put my legs on while ......, otherwise it works. Then two packages of diapers and wipes, changing pad, baby bottle with tee and formula, my diaper bag. And my wheelchair - with a harness. When we arrived, my ......-in-law came out of the house and she greeted Mommy and the kids very warmly. Then she looked at me and she seemed visibly pleased. That's good, the pacifier fits you well. Turn around for a minute. You're wearing Pampers? Very good, I hope you use them too. We went into the house and she made coffee. But I didn't sit down at the table in the living room like I usually do, I sat down on the floor. I had brought two cars inside and so I could play on the floor a little bit. The ......-in-law liked that very much. She said, as I can see, he has found his place. (For me this was very humiliating because she can see me like this and that I use a pacifier and also have pampers on. She has certainly not escaped that I also a babysuit

have on. Both talk about cuckolding, then what educations there are for cuckolds, some cuckolds are educated to be sissy, others to be HouseMaid and others to be a diaper baby like me. She then asks - is he using his Pampers? Mommy smiles - yes. I did bedwetter training and antipotty training and it worked. ......-in-law visibly liked that. Then she asked - what about sex? Does he have any difficulty there?

No, he is now a C3 cuckold and in the meantime he is completely impotent and his dick has shrunk. No more 2 insh big, as it should be for a baby. Then they both laughed. She was amused to be that I am now Cuckold, because she said to it - that is just right for this wimp. And then still in diapers, great - how humiliating. I would like to change him the Pampers?

To my horror, Mommy said yes. So I went along with the ......-in-law. Where are the fresh Pampers and a changing pad? She asked and I gave her the package and the pad. She asked me to lie down on the mat and I realized that it was fun. She pulled down my leggings and could see the soaked Pampers. I was ashamed that she could see me like that. But that is probably part of it? She put out a fresh pair of Pampers - I asked her if she wanted me to explain something, but her answer was just - no no, I have four children of my own and have six grandchildren, I know how to change Pampers. She spoke to me about cuckolding, that is, whether I would often watch and whether it would excite me. I denied that I watch quite rarely, because I usually have to go to bed before, In the meantime, she changed the Pampers. After she had opened the Pampers, she saw my little ******** and said, Oh my God, he is smaller than I thought. Then she played around with the ******** ******** a little bit. But he stayed flaccid and I said - there's nothing coming, I'm impotent. She laughed, as a cuckold should. Very nice that you are also completely shaved down. So it looks very babyish. She took wipes and removed the cream and ********. Then she said - I have to clean the butt too and she said : How does the good baby? And I lifted my butt, stretched my legs up. Great she said - well behaved baby - that made me happy - just to be praised by her. She also cleaned me and creamed me. Later she closed the pampers. She smiled and then she says - I see the diaper and baby cuckold upbringing is doing you a lot of good. You are such a family baby, I like that very much. Mommy's boyfriend is coming tonight too, I'm very excited. What position does he have for you? I thought for a moment, then I said - he is my daddy...She smiled again. So she's your mommy, he's your daddy and you're her little diaper baby. A real family so to speak. Do the kids know about this?

I said not exactly. They don't know everything and that's good. They know that mommy has a boyfriend

And that you wear Pampers?

Yes, they know that.

And what do they call Mommy's boyfriend?

They call him dad or daddy.

Oh, that's very good. What do you call him?

I'm supposed to call him daddy too. Momm says that's how I indicate that he's above me and has taken my place as husband and father. I am still embarrassed and totally humiliated - especially when the kids find out that I also address him as Daddy.

Can you describe a situation when this is the case?

Well, for example, in the afternoon when he comes home to us. Mommy wants the kids to run up to him with "Hi Daddy" and she wants me to do the same.

Do you do that?

The kids are faster, but then I run too. And say like them - Hello Daddy.

I think that's very good. The thought, the cuckold runs to the door in thick pampers and greets the lover with hello daddy. This is a super humiliation. And you know exactly what position you have. What do they call you?

Baby, Pampersben, Little Ben

What do the kids call you?

They usually call me baby.

That's class. So they already don't think of you as their dad, but.....say.... As a little sibling, right?

That's one way to put it. They see me wearing Pampers, but they've been dry for a long time. I wet down like a baby day and night. They get fries or something and I get formula or milk in a baby bottle(With a bib). And I have to use pacifiers so I don't talk as much.

I am very excited. It has changed a lot. That's why I think I shouldn't be your ......-in-law from now on. Grandma is much better in your new position, isn't she?

What I didn't like was that she left the door ajar, so anyone could have come in. She said that she is very happy about the new relationship and family constellation, because her ...... deserves a real man in bed. The upbringing is a bit unusual, but it seems to work. I understand you had a lot of trouble with your jealousy, didn't you? But now you are a good cuckold who helps his wife, no his mommy when she is getting ready for her lover?


Do you kiss her on the mouth?

No, that's forbidden? I kiss her on the cheek.

So like a toddler?


I'll write more later....If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
The thought, the cuckold runs to the door in thick pampers and greets the lover with hello daddy. This is a super humiliation. And you know exactly what position you have. What do they call you?
The greeting at the door to "Hello Daddy" is very exciting! I’ve never met my wife’s lovers, but I really want to. I want to surrender to him manhood and serve them in everything.

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That is a very hot scenario. Diaper play and this sort of humiliation are not something we have found prevalent in the cuck lifestyle. I do still find myself with tinges of jealousy from time to time, but overall, I enjoy her being a hotwife.

Most of the men she meets have no interest in my involvement during their excursions, but from time to time some men do like to roleplay different scenarios that include my involvement.

In 2013 we met a very alpha male during a vacation trip. My wife loves strong men who take control and this guy checked all her boxes. We spent a three-day weekend with this guy and he loved to tease me about my small cock. It was one of our first encounters with a man who enjoyed humiliating me over the tiny size of my manhood. I found his teasing humiliating but also on a deeper and darker level, arousing.

A few months after our original meet-up, he contacted my wife and told her he was going to be at a beachside resort not far from us. He wanted to meet us for a weekend. My wife was excited and we made plans to join him at the resort. He told us we would be staying in his room and we arrived at the place as planned. We were going to all go down to the beach bar for a drink after we unpacked and this guy said he had to get a look at my cock. He told me to pull my shorts down for him and I looked at my wife and she told me to do what he told me.

penis, husband, nude, bare, tiny, little, small cock, little dick, SPH, weenie, micropenis,
The guy laughed and said I looked like a baby and then surprised me and my wife both by telling us we were going to play like a family this weekend. I would be dressed in a diaper and I would call my wife Mommy and him Daddy. He told me to lay on the bed and then he had my wife put me in a large, adult diaper covered by a pair of plastic pants.

For the duration of that weekend, I was kept in my diaper, and other than moving my bowels, I remained diapered. Peeing in my diaper was something I cannot explain. We were out later that afternoon and I was wearing a Onesie he brought and my shorts over the diaper. I told him I had to ******** and got up and was told to sit and to use my diaper. Even though I doubt anyone knew what I was doing, I fought the urge to ******** until I couldn't hold it any longer and sat while urinating in my diaper.

In our room that weekend, I was in my diaper and sometimes a onesie. Here is the onesie he had me wear. This one is very similar to the one he had me dressed in by my wife.

I sucked on a pacifier for him too, but only in the privacy of our room and suite. I did ask Mommy to breastfeed but was told that was reserved for Daddy.

After three full days, we had to leave to head home. I left in my jeans and still in the diaper and onesie, which tucked in my jeans I hoped appeared as a t-shirt. I was embarrassed and took the first opportunity to stop at a rest area along the interstate to remove my diaper. Since I did not have a pair of underwear or a shirt, I kept the onesie on until after we arrived home almost two hours later.

I figure I am the only man in my age group who walked around with a diaper rash afterward. My wife bought a tube of Desitin and rubbed it on me for several days after we returned home.

I cannot say it is anything I have ever had a desire to repeat, but it definitely added something different to our experiences.
I was wearing diapers before my girlfriend took a lover. It were for a big part the diapers (and my poor sexual performance) that made that she saw me not anymore as a man and went looking because of that for a real man/lover... Being cuckolded induced that the diapers became even more present in my life.
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I was wearing diapers before my girlfriend took a lover. It were for a big part the diapers (and my poor sexual performance) that made that she saw me not anymore as a man and went looking because of that for a real man/lover... Being cuckolded induced that the diapers became even more present in my life.
My story is much like yours. It's believed that my diaper wearing during my youth was responsible for my genitals not developing. I only have a 3" penis. My wife keeps me because I'm obedient and do all the housework. Plus she has a well endowed boyfriend to ...... with. I ...... in a small room accross the hall from the master bedroom in a youth size bed with rubber sheets, but she doesnt make me dress like baby just D.L. She loves to shame me and have several DL activities she enjoys.
Part 2 of my Diaper Baby Cuckold Education

I've been in diapers 24/7 for a few years now and everyone treats me like a baby. Has this affected my cuckolding? What have I been able to recognize?

My jealousy has completely subsided over time. I realized that my wife, who is now just my mommy to me, needs a real man in bed and not a diaper baby like me. I am very grateful that she helped me realize that. There are no conversations or arguments when she goes out in the evening to meet one of her male friends. No more arguments because I accuse her that I, as her husband, have the right to have sex with her. Basically our marriage is only on paper because she says - I don't see you as my husband anymore, but only as my little diaper baby, which I love very much. Through my diaper/baby education I was able to make a huge step in our cuckold relationship. You wonder what progress? Well, my mommy is very proud of me because I have been a C3 Cuckold Never Inside for a few years now. I know that my mommy only gets true sexual satisfaction with real men. Since I don't have jealousy anymore, that's why her boyfriend was able to move in with us. How did the kids react? Well first of all this: we don't talk to them about cuckolding. They are kept out of it. What do they know? They know that Mommy has a boyfriend that she loves. Mommy is very happy and proud that the kids now address her boyfriend as Dad or Daddy - not me anymore. Is this difficult for me? At first, yes, very. But I also get some kind of lessons where such things are addressed. A selection of topics:

How can I as a cuckold make my hotwife (mommy) happy?

Why is it wrong as a C3 cuckold to bring up the topic - I am your husband and I have the right to have sex?

Why is my diaper/baby parenting good for me?

Is the right form of address really important ? (I now address my wife only as Mommy - her boyfriend as Daddy). I address others as aunt or uncle.

Why is it important for me, as a diaper baby cuckold, to sit in the back of the car, in a seat for the disabled? This seat is almost the same as a car seat for babies, only bigger.

Should the family be informed about our new relationship?

On the last question, we decided after much deliberation to tell family and good friends about our cuckold relationship. This was not easy for me and we went to Mommy's mom's house alone first. Mommy's boyfriend would follow a day later.

I must first say that my relationship with Mommy's ......, that is my ......-in-law was not really good. She never accepted me as her ......-in-law. She often said to my mommy: What do you want with such a wimp? I'm sure he's a loser in bed. What do you want with that quick squirter? And so on.

As is proper, I had my pacifier in my mouth, on a pacifier chain. I got really dressed up - with a pretty babyish hairdo - I have longer hair now and so Mommy either makes me pigtails or a ponytail. That day I had a ponytail, plus a babysuit and leggings. My shoes were ballarina. Then we had my baby travel crib (I have to put my legs on while ......, otherwise it works. Then two packages of diapers and wipes, changing pad, baby bottle with tee and formula, my diaper bag. And my wheelchair - with a harness. When we arrived, my ......-in-law came out of the house and she greeted Mommy and the kids very warmly. Then she looked at me and she seemed visibly pleased. That's good, the pacifier fits you well. Turn around for a minute. You're wearing Pampers? Very good, I hope you use them too. We went into the house and she made coffee. But I didn't sit down at the table in the living room like I usually do, I sat down on the floor. I had brought two cars inside and so I could play on the floor a little bit. The ......-in-law liked that very much. She said, as I can see, he has found his place. (For me this was very humiliating because she can see me like this and that I use a pacifier and also have pampers on. She has certainly not escaped that I also a babysuit

have on. Both talk about cuckolding, then what educations there are for cuckolds, some cuckolds are educated to be sissy, others to be HouseMaid and others to be a diaper baby like me. She then asks - is he using his Pampers? Mommy smiles - yes. I did bedwetter training and antipotty training and it worked. ......-in-law visibly liked that. Then she asked - what about sex? Does he have any difficulty there?

No, he is now a C3 cuckold and in the meantime he is completely impotent and his dick has shrunk. No more 2 insh big, as it should be for a baby. Then they both laughed. She was amused to be that I am now Cuckold, because she said to it - that is just right for this wimp. And then still in diapers, great - how humiliating. I would like to change him the Pampers?

To my horror, Mommy said yes. So I went along with the ......-in-law. Where are the fresh Pampers and a changing pad? She asked and I gave her the package and the pad. She asked me to lie down on the mat and I realized that it was fun. She pulled down my leggings and could see the soaked Pampers. I was ashamed that she could see me like that. But that is probably part of it? She put out a fresh pair of Pampers - I asked her if she wanted me to explain something, but her answer was just - no no, I have four children of my own and have six grandchildren, I know how to change Pampers. She spoke to me about cuckolding, that is, whether I would often watch and whether it would excite me. I denied that I watch quite rarely, because I usually have to go to bed before, In the meantime, she changed the Pampers. After she had opened the Pampers, she saw my little ******** and said, Oh my God, he is smaller than I thought. Then she played around with the ******** ******** a little bit. But he stayed flaccid and I said - there's nothing coming, I'm impotent. She laughed, as a cuckold should. Very nice that you are also completely shaved down. So it looks very babyish. She took wipes and removed the cream and ********. Then she said - I have to clean the butt too and she said : How does the good baby? And I lifted my butt, stretched my legs up. Great she said - well behaved baby - that made me happy - just to be praised by her. She also cleaned me and creamed me. Later she closed the pampers. She smiled and then she says - I see the diaper and baby cuckold upbringing is doing you a lot of good. You are such a family baby, I like that very much. Mommy's boyfriend is coming tonight too, I'm very excited. What position does he have for you? I thought for a moment, then I said - he is my daddy...She smiled again. So she's your mommy, he's your daddy and you're her little diaper baby. A real family so to speak. Do the kids know about this?

I said not exactly. They don't know everything and that's good. They know that mommy has a boyfriend

And that you wear Pampers?

Yes, they know that.

And what do they call Mommy's boyfriend?

They call him dad or daddy.

Oh, that's very good. What do you call him?

I'm supposed to call him daddy too. Momm says that's how I indicate that he's above me and has taken my place as husband and father. I am still embarrassed and totally humiliated - especially when the kids find out that I also address him as Daddy.

Can you describe a situation when this is the case?

Well, for example, in the afternoon when he comes home to us. Mommy wants the kids to run up to him with "Hi Daddy" and she wants me to do the same.

Do you do that?

The kids are faster, but then I run too. And say like them - Hello Daddy.

I think that's very good. The thought, the cuckold runs to the door in thick pampers and greets the lover with hello daddy. This is a super humiliation. And you know exactly what position you have. What do they call you?

Baby, Pampersben, Little Ben

What do the kids call you?

They usually call me baby.

That's class. So they already don't think of you as their dad, but.....say.... As a little sibling, right?

That's one way to put it. They see me wearing Pampers, but they've been dry for a long time. I wet down like a baby day and night. They get fries or something and I get formula or milk in a baby bottle(With a bib). And I have to use pacifiers so I don't talk as much.

I am very excited. It has changed a lot. That's why I think I shouldn't be your ......-in-law from now on. Grandma is much better in your new position, isn't she?

What I didn't like was that she left the door ajar, so anyone could have come in. She said that she is very happy about the new relationship and family constellation, because her ...... deserves a real man in bed. The upbringing is a bit unusual, but it seems to work. I understand you had a lot of trouble with your jealousy, didn't you? But now you are a good cuckold who helps his wife, no his mommy when she is getting ready for her lover?


Do you kiss her on the mouth?

No, that's forbidden? I kiss her on the cheek.

So like a toddler?


I'll write more later....If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Heyy, I'm also kept as a baby by my wife and our bull, my situation is very similar to yours and I would love to chat about it
  • Love
Reactions: sissybblucy
That is a very hot scenario. Diaper play and this sort of humiliation are not something we have found prevalent in the cuck lifestyle. I do still find myself with tinges of jealousy from time to time, but overall, I enjoy her being a hotwife.

Most of the men she meets have no interest in my involvement during their excursions, but from time to time some men do like to roleplay different scenarios that include my involvement.

In 2013 we met a very alpha male during a vacation trip. My wife loves strong men who take control and this guy checked all her boxes. We spent a three-day weekend with this guy and he loved to tease me about my small cock. It was one of our first encounters with a man who enjoyed humiliating me over the tiny size of my manhood. I found his teasing humiliating but also on a deeper and darker level, arousing.

A few months after our original meet-up, he contacted my wife and told her he was going to be at a beachside resort not far from us. He wanted to meet us for a weekend. My wife was excited and we made plans to join him at the resort. He told us we would be staying in his room and we arrived at the place as planned. We were going to all go down to the beach bar for a drink after we unpacked and this guy said he had to get a look at my cock. He told me to pull my shorts down for him and I looked at my wife and she told me to do what he told me.

The guy laughed and said I looked like a baby and then surprised me and my wife both by telling us we were going to play like a family this weekend. I would be dressed in a diaper and I would call my wife Mommy and him Daddy. He told me to lay on the bed and then he had my wife put me in a large, adult diaper covered by a pair of plastic pants.

For the duration of that weekend, I was kept in my diaper, and other than moving my bowels, I remained diapered. Peeing in my diaper was something I cannot explain. We were out later that afternoon and I was wearing a Onesie he brought and my shorts over the diaper. I told him I had to ******** and got up and was told to sit and to use my diaper. Even though I doubt anyone knew what I was doing, I fought the urge to ******** until I couldn't hold it any longer and sat while urinating in my diaper.

In our room that weekend, I was in my diaper and sometimes a onesie. Here is the onesie he had me wear. This one is very similar to the one he had me dressed in by my wife.

I sucked on a pacifier for him too, but only in the privacy of our room and suite. I did ask Mommy to breastfeed but was told that was reserved for Daddy.

After three full days, we had to leave to head home. I left in my jeans and still in the diaper and onesie, which tucked in my jeans I hoped appeared as a t-shirt. I was embarrassed and took the first opportunity to stop at a rest area along the interstate to remove my diaper. Since I did not have a pair of underwear or a shirt, I kept the onesie on until after we arrived home almost two hours later.

I figure I am the only man in my age group who walked around with a diaper rash afterward. My wife bought a tube of Desitin and rubbed it on me for several days after we returned home.

I cannot say it is anything I have ever had a desire to repeat, but it definitely added something different to our experiences.
I don't own any underwear only diapers and plastic pants. Sometimes between diaper changes I'm left just wearing my plastic pants by themselves. They feel really funky and sexy. One time when I ran out of diapers we went out to the store to get me a package and I was just wearing my plastic pants. At the store I suddenly had to go and couldn't hold it. I peed in my pants and it formed a pool of urin in my crotch that sloshed around when I walked. Eventually the pants leaked around the leg elastic and made big wet stains that everyone could see. My wife scolded me out loud over it in front of the whole store and made me get some paper towells to dry the floor in front of a crowd that was forming. Finally I had to carry my package of diapers to the checkout in soaking wet pants with a pool of urin still left over in my plastic pants. Some people were laughing and pointing at me. My wife asked one of the girls working at the store to get a plastic trash bag for me to sit on in the car. My wife was really mad for embarassing her in the store and gave me a caining when we got home.
I have always been a bedwetter and wearing diapers at night to bed for this. Most of my ex-girlfriends did not have a problem with this (at first sight or up to what they said or pretended towards me...). But once they were interested to have and look to find a lover they started to use that diaper-element against me. Use it as the or one of the reasons that because of these diapers I was not a anough real man in their eyes. Also to enhance my inferiority towards a (potential) lover they encouraged me to wear also diapers in daytime to prove to me and also to themselves that I was really a beta-boy. In the beginning they were not very into to touch or get involved with my diapers but once they had a lover and did not want to have regular PIV sex they did interact with me being diaperd. Before tehy got a lover we had sex before I diapered myself or had always to take of asap my diaper to have sex. Once they had a lover they even encouraged me to hold on my diaper when I wanted to have "real' sex wit them to avoid PIV sex. So I got blowjobs being diapered and instead of swallowing my semen, they then pulled up my diaper so that I would cum in my diaper and not in their mouth or that it would be spilled around. It also happened they masturbated me in my diaper again with the facility my sperm was going in the diaper. They also alouded me to hump their bottom or leg so I would cum in my diaper. Also using a finger in my butt to try to prove that I was gay or prone to gaysex happened frequently. Beside the fact that they did not want regular sex anymore with me and used that diapersex against me it was also a way to prove to me and themselves I was inferior to their lover and that it also deminished a guiltfeeling towards me and themselves. Also I think they must have loved the powerplay towards somebody that is in diapers and also the humilation they could induce somestimes in public or towards other people on me. Making anyhow I was going to shut up they were cheating. Once I officiallly knew they had a lover it became even a habit they would make me cum in my diaper as a kind of consolation prize that I they were going to fuck their lover. A diaper works also partly as chastity device but also has a strong symbolic meaning of chastity. 🙂
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I have always been a bedwetter and wearing diapers at night to bed for this. Most of my ex-girlfriends did not have a problem with this (at first sight or up to what they said or pretended towards me...). But once they were interested to have and look to find a lover they started to use that diaper-element against me. Use it as the or one of the reasons that because of these diapers I was not a anough real man in their eyes. Also to enhance my inferiority towards a (potential) lover they encouraged me to wear also diapers in daytime to prove to me and also to themselves that I was really a beta-boy. In the beginning they were not very into to touch or get involved with my diapers but once they had a lover and did not want to have regular PIV sex they did interact with me being diaperd. Before tehy got a lover we had sex before I diapered myself or had always to take of asap my diaper to have sex. Once they had a lover they even encouraged me to hold on my diaper when I wanted to have "real' sex wit them to avoid PIV sex. So I got blowjobs being diapered and instead of swallowing my semen, they then pulled up my diaper so that I would cum in my diaper and not in their mouth or that it would be spilled around. It also happened they masturbated me in my diaper again with the facility my sperm was going in the diaper. They also alouded me to hump their bottom or leg so I would cum in my diaper. Also using a finger in my butt to try to prove that I was gay or prone to gaysex happened frequently. Beside the fact that they did not want regular sex anymore with me and used that diapersex against me it was also a way to prove to me and themselves I was inferior to their lover and that it also deminished a guiltfeeling towards me and themselves. Also I think they must have loved the powerplay towards somebody that is in diapers and also the humilation they could induce somestimes in public or towards other people on me. Making anyhow I was going to shut up they were cheating. Once I officiallly knew they had a lover it became even a habit they would make me cum in my diaper as a kind of consolation prize that I they were going to fuck their lover. A diaper works also partly as chastity device but also has a strong symbolic meaning of chastity. 🙂
I was a bedwetter well into my teen years. My wife Shannon and I were next door neighbors as kids and she liked to bully me and get me into trouble so she could watch my ...... spank me. When we reached our teen years my ...... hired her to do some housework in the afternoon and evening while she was at work. I was still wetting the bed at 14 and when she saw the rubbersheet on my bed she knew I was a bedwetter.She suggested to my ...... that I be put back into diapers and that it might shame me into stopping. Her real reason though was that she enjoyed humiliating me. My ...... agreed to this and so Shannon brought down some of her sisters toddler size diapers and plastic pants. Back then they still used cloth cloth diapers. They were a bit small on me and they leaked and the plastic pants soon tore so Shannon took me to a woolworths store to get youth size diapers and plastic pants.While we were there a girl from out class we both knew was there ordering her cheerleaders uniform. School was starting soon. Shannon made sure this girl knew we were there to buy me diapers. She told her I wet my bed every night and got put back into diapers right in front of everyone and they started laughing. When we got back to my house she had me try them on and said I might as well keep them on cuz it was close to my bedtime.Wearing diapers did keep my bed dry but I didn't stop wetting at night. Shannon loved how this humiliated me and schemed up a plan to have me wear diapers during the day too. So when school started I was diapered and shannon always threatened to tell everyone and make me show them my diapers. I desperately tried to keep it secret and begged her to not to give my embarrassing secret away. Shannon enjoyed this power she had over me and constantly taunted me in front of other kids but never quite giving me away.
Part 2 of my Diaper Baby Cuckold Education

I've been in diapers 24/7 for a few years now and everyone treats me like a baby. Has this affected my cuckolding? What have I been able to recognize?

My jealousy has completely subsided over time. I realized that my wife, who is now just my mommy to me, needs a real man in bed and not a diaper baby like me. I am very grateful that she helped me realize that. There are no conversations or arguments when she goes out in the evening to meet one of her male friends. No more arguments because I accuse her that I, as her husband, have the right to have sex with her. Basically our marriage is only on paper because she says - I don't see you as my husband anymore, but only as my little diaper baby, which I love very much. Through my diaper/baby education I was able to make a huge step in our cuckold relationship. You wonder what progress? Well, my mommy is very proud of me because I have been a C3 Cuckold Never Inside for a few years now. I know that my mommy only gets true sexual satisfaction with real men. Since I don't have jealousy anymore, that's why her boyfriend was able to move in with us. How did the kids react? Well first of all this: we don't talk to them about cuckolding. They are kept out of it. What do they know? They know that Mommy has a boyfriend that she loves. Mommy is very happy and proud that the kids now address her boyfriend as Dad or Daddy - not me anymore. Is this difficult for me? At first, yes, very. But I also get some kind of lessons where such things are addressed. A selection of topics:

How can I as a cuckold make my hotwife (mommy) happy?

Why is it wrong as a C3 cuckold to bring up the topic - I am your husband and I have the right to have sex?

Why is my diaper/baby parenting good for me?

Is the right form of address really important ? (I now address my wife only as Mommy - her boyfriend as Daddy). I address others as aunt or uncle.

Why is it important for me, as a diaper baby cuckold, to sit in the back of the car, in a seat for the disabled? This seat is almost the same as a car seat for babies, only bigger.

Should the family be informed about our new relationship?

On the last question, we decided after much deliberation to tell family and good friends about our cuckold relationship. This was not easy for me and we went to Mommy's mom's house alone first. Mommy's boyfriend would follow a day later.

I must first say that my relationship with Mommy's ......, that is my ......-in-law was not really good. She never accepted me as her ......-in-law. She often said to my mommy: What do you want with such a wimp? I'm sure he's a loser in bed. What do you want with that quick squirter? And so on.

As is proper, I had my pacifier in my mouth, on a pacifier chain. I got really dressed up - with a pretty babyish hairdo - I have longer hair now and so Mommy either makes me pigtails or a ponytail. That day I had a ponytail, plus a babysuit and leggings. My shoes were ballarina. Then we had my baby travel crib (I have to put my legs on while ......, otherwise it works. Then two packages of diapers and wipes, changing pad, baby bottle with tee and formula, my diaper bag. And my wheelchair - with a harness. When we arrived, my ......-in-law came out of the house and she greeted Mommy and the kids very warmly. Then she looked at me and she seemed visibly pleased. That's good, the pacifier fits you well. Turn around for a minute. You're wearing Pampers? Very good, I hope you use them too. We went into the house and she made coffee. But I didn't sit down at the table in the living room like I usually do, I sat down on the floor. I had brought two cars inside and so I could play on the floor a little bit. The ......-in-law liked that very much. She said, as I can see, he has found his place. (For me this was very humiliating because she can see me like this and that I use a pacifier and also have pampers on. She has certainly not escaped that I also a babysuit

have on. Both talk about cuckolding, then what educations there are for cuckolds, some cuckolds are educated to be sissy, others to be HouseMaid and others to be a diaper baby like me. She then asks - is he using his Pampers? Mommy smiles - yes. I did bedwetter training and antipotty training and it worked. ......-in-law visibly liked that. Then she asked - what about sex? Does he have any difficulty there?

No, he is now a C3 cuckold and in the meantime he is completely impotent and his dick has shrunk. No more 2 insh big, as it should be for a baby. Then they both laughed. She was amused to be that I am now Cuckold, because she said to it - that is just right for this wimp. And then still in diapers, great - how humiliating. I would like to change him the Pampers?

To my horror, Mommy said yes. So I went along with the ......-in-law. Where are the fresh Pampers and a changing pad? She asked and I gave her the package and the pad. She asked me to lie down on the mat and I realized that it was fun. She pulled down my leggings and could see the soaked Pampers. I was ashamed that she could see me like that. But that is probably part of it? She put out a fresh pair of Pampers - I asked her if she wanted me to explain something, but her answer was just - no no, I have four children of my own and have six grandchildren, I know how to change Pampers. She spoke to me about cuckolding, that is, whether I would often watch and whether it would excite me. I denied that I watch quite rarely, because I usually have to go to bed before, In the meantime, she changed the Pampers. After she had opened the Pampers, she saw my little ******** and said, Oh my God, he is smaller than I thought. Then she played around with the ******** ******** a little bit. But he stayed flaccid and I said - there's nothing coming, I'm impotent. She laughed, as a cuckold should. Very nice that you are also completely shaved down. So it looks very babyish. She took wipes and removed the cream and ********. Then she said - I have to clean the butt too and she said : How does the good baby? And I lifted my butt, stretched my legs up. Great she said - well behaved baby - that made me happy - just to be praised by her. She also cleaned me and creamed me. Later she closed the pampers. She smiled and then she says - I see the diaper and baby cuckold upbringing is doing you a lot of good. You are such a family baby, I like that very much. Mommy's boyfriend is coming tonight too, I'm very excited. What position does he have for you? I thought for a moment, then I said - he is my daddy...She smiled again. So she's your mommy, he's your daddy and you're her little diaper baby. A real family so to speak. Do the kids know about this?

I said not exactly. They don't know everything and that's good. They know that mommy has a boyfriend

And that you wear Pampers?

Yes, they know that.

And what do they call Mommy's boyfriend?

They call him dad or daddy.

Oh, that's very good. What do you call him?

I'm supposed to call him daddy too. Momm says that's how I indicate that he's above me and has taken my place as husband and father. I am still embarrassed and totally humiliated - especially when the kids find out that I also address him as Daddy.

Can you describe a situation when this is the case?

Well, for example, in the afternoon when he comes home to us. Mommy wants the kids to run up to him with "Hi Daddy" and she wants me to do the same.

Do you do that?

The kids are faster, but then I run too. And say like them - Hello Daddy.

I think that's very good. The thought, the cuckold runs to the door in thick pampers and greets the lover with hello daddy. This is a super humiliation. And you know exactly what position you have. What do they call you?

Baby, Pampersben, Little Ben

What do the kids call you?

They usually call me baby.

That's class. So they already don't think of you as their dad, but.....say.... As a little sibling, right?

That's one way to put it. They see me wearing Pampers, but they've been dry for a long time. I wet down like a baby day and night. They get fries or something and I get formula or milk in a baby bottle(With a bib). And I have to use pacifiers so I don't talk as much.

I am very excited. It has changed a lot. That's why I think I shouldn't be your ......-in-law from now on. Grandma is much better in your new position, isn't she?

What I didn't like was that she left the door ajar, so anyone could have come in. She said that she is very happy about the new relationship and family constellation, because her ...... deserves a real man in bed. The upbringing is a bit unusual, but it seems to work. I understand you had a lot of trouble with your jealousy, didn't you? But now you are a good cuckold who helps his wife, no his mommy when she is getting ready for her lover?


Do you kiss her on the mouth?

No, that's forbidden? I kiss her on the cheek.

So like a toddler?


I'll write more later....If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I want that lifestyle