Cuckold first time

My wife and I are going to meet up with a huge cock that we found on line this weekend her and I are so excited he is bisexual so we can both suck on his cock together then he can fuck her while I kiss her toessess and watch. I hope he has lots of cum so he can cum on her huge natural breasts and we can share it together I love my wife we have done this before this is so sexy I will let everyone know how it turns out. I will try to get pictures but it’s up to her and the stud


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I remember my first experience, when my dear wife brought her fucker home, how I got turned on while she indulged herself in a short summer dress, to caress her legs together, each on one side. Our hands met on her wet panties, so we both took them off. My first look at her wet and exposed hairy pussy that she shamelessly shows to another.. Although I knew that he already fucked her, it wasn't in my presence.. That anticipation, that rapture and the knowledge that his big cock that I've been talking about until now just talking, watching how she adjusted herself, how she caressed it with her hand, and rubbed her parted lips with it..she laid it on her slit, the glans reached her navel.. I waited curiously, a little afraid that it would be painful for her to receive it whole into his body. But the hour came... that hard and long piston laid its tip on the lower part of her crotch, and the head slid in... Little by little, the whole thing disappeared under her belly, and the swollen pink clitoris stuck to itself like a rifle scope along his hairy belly.
Well done, something similar can happen to us too, on a messy nude beach, here's a photo of my guy smoking it
Very nice, similar was our first experience, the beginning of socializing in couples, in a nudist camp. We contacted each other through an ad, hung out on the beach all day, had a few drinks in front of the camper in the evening, started caressing, and then his wife went to the camper and invited the two of us to join. My wife was very restless, it was obvious that this was the first foreign man to whom she should surrender. Of course, before that there was only flirting over a drink and that's it, a light preparation for giving in to someone else... From the sounds coming from the camper, it was understandable that our new friends were already preparing for us to join them. So, with a little wobbly legs from excitement, uncertainty (up until then we had only watched it on porn videos and through that we of course prepared for "our performance" as a group of four. A little scared, my Suzi got into the camper, they both gave her a hand to she climbed up more easily, while I caressed her ass and gently pushed her in. Janez, that was his name, was with a bigger sword (or so it seemed to me from excitement and uncertainty as to whether he would be careful enough not to be too rough while taking my virginity dear.. In that tight space, I quickly wedged my head between the legs of a beautiful woman, our new friends. Dissolved, already all wet, her beautiful crack, which I lustfully watched all day, formed on my lips. I gently ran my tongue over that sweetie, but soon I feel her hand on the back of my head, which was adjusting the pressure on her sweet juicy pussy. I heard the movement of Janez with my Suzi, but it seemed to me that it was not what I expected.. She adjusted herself, turned around, but suddenly calmed down. I was surprised that it was so short.. .. For a while, they watched Majda and I enjoy ourselves so calmly, and then my darling slowly got out of the camper. After a short time I also left, she complained to me that Janez had penetrated her cutie with his fingers, and she never liked or liked that. Fortunately, we later fixed that bad first meeting with other dear people on several occasions.
Vrlo lijepo, slično je bilo naše prvo iskustvo, početak druženje u parovima, u nudo kampu. Kontaktirali smo se preko oglasa, cijeli dan se družili na plaži, na večer ispred kampera popili pokoje piće započeli s milovanjem, a onda je njegova žena krenula u kamper i pozvala nas dvoje da se pridružimo. Moja je žena bila podsta nemirna, vidjelo se da joj je to bio prvi strani muškarac kojemu bi se trebala predati. Naravno prije toga je bilo samo flertovanja na piću i tako to, lagana priprema za prepuštanje drugome.. Po zvukovimakoji su dolaziliiz kampera bilo je razumljivo da se naši novi prijatelji već prirpremaju da im se pridružimo. Tako, s malo klimavim nogama od uzbuđenja, neizvjesnosti ( do tada smo to gledali samo na pornićima i kroz to smo se naravno pripremali za "naš nastup" u četvero.Pomalo preplašeno moja je Suzi ušla u kamper, oboje su joj dali ruku da se lakše popne, a ja sma ju pritom pomilovao po guziii ilagano gurao unutra. Janez, tako se zvao, bio je s povećim mačem (ili se to meni učinilo od uzbuđenja i neizvjesnisti hoće li biti dovoljno oprezan da ne bude pregrub dok bude uzimao nevinost mojoj dragoj.. U tom tijesnom prostoru ,ubrzo sam se ukliještio svojom glavom među nogama prekrasne žene, naših novih prijatelja. Rastvorena, već sva mokra njena se prekrasna raspuklina koju sam požudno motrio cijeli dan, stvorila na mojim usnama. LAgano sam jezikom prelazio po toj slatkici, no ubrzo osjetim njenu ruku na mojem potiljku, koja je podešavala pritisak na njenu slatku sočnu pičkicu. Čuo sam kretanje Janeza s mojom Suzi, ali učinilo mi se da to nije ono očekivano.. NAmještala se , okretala, ali se odjednom umirila. Začudio sma se da je to bilo tako kratko.. .. Još su nekovrijeme tako umireni gledali kako Majda i ja uživamo, a onda je moja draga lagano izašla iz kampera. Nakon kratkog vremena sam i ja izašao, požalila mi se, da je Janez ušao u njenu slatkicu prstiima, a to nije nikada voljela niti zavoljela. Na sreću ta smo loš prvi susreta kasnije s drugim dragim ljudima popravili u više prigoda..
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I remember my first experience, when my dear wife brought her fucker home, how I got turned on while she indulged herself in a short summer dress, to caress her legs together, each on one side. Our hands met on her wet panties, so we both took them off. My first look at her wet and exposed hairy pussy that she shamelessly shows to another.. Although I knew that he already fucked her, it wasn't in my presence.. That anticipation, that rapture and the knowledge that his big cock that I've been talking about until now just talking, watching how she adjusted herself, how she caressed it with her hand, and rubbed her parted lips with it..she laid it on her slit, the glans reached her navel.. I waited curiously, a little afraid that it would be painful for her to receive it whole into his body. But the hour came... that hard and long piston laid its tip on the lower part of her crotch, and the head slid in... Little by little, the whole thing disappeared under her belly, and the swollen pink clitoris stuck to itself like a rifle scope along his hairy belly.
That's poetry, man! Great!
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My wife and I met a guy with a huge cock on a SPAM he sent us some pictures and my wife said his cock is huge. We met up and Friday for a meet and greet she started to rub his cock on his pants and then said do want to see it she said yes he unzipped his pants and pulled it out wow she said you’re cock is huge. Her and I sucked on his cock it was really thick even had weight to it and long so we said let’s meet up on Sunday for a cuckold session. On Sunday we met up he was wearing small shorts his cock hung down halfway to his knee. So we gave her some for play knowing the thickness of him. She was very wet he tried to insert his massive cock into her and she it was TOO THICK please stop it hurts. She couldn’t take his huge girth cock I said no problem maybe we can try him again she said okay


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