What I do when I get horny for cock is dress in my stockings, garter,and bra, lock my sissy clittle in a cage then douche out my boipussy real well. Next I open my pussy up until I can take the thick 9" long dildo, put it on the floor in front of the mirror, then straddle and mount it. I love watching it enter my pussy as I lower myself on it.. After I bottom out a few times I start riding it like a 10 cent whore. I love hearing and watching my caged cock and sissy nuts bounce and swing as iI go up and down. After a while I start working on my sissygasm trying to hit my prostate and when I do I shoot my load.
at is sad is the fact that one sees more or less the same bulls in action...concluding from this fact there does not seem to be such an amount of BBC-cuckolding in real life, okay?