I am going up to a cabin with 5 of my best friends this weekend and my GF Tessa keeps talking about crashing it and being my friend's slut for the weekend. At first she started bringing it up when she was teasing me during sexy time but as time went on her stories sounded more and more like plans. Tessa wont stop talking about coming up and being the serving girl/sex slave to my friends as I watch/do the cooking. My two best friends already know about our relationship but I havn't told the other guys. She has some new lingerie I helped her pick out which she says she is going to change into in the driveway. Then when she comes in she is going to tell the rest of my friends about our arrangement and make me beg them to cuck me. She keeps saying she will suck them off under the table and on the couch when we are hangin out. Then at night she will gangbang them in the bed im ...... in and then ...... naked in one of their beds. She talks outlandishly dirty all the time but she had me beg her to come and texted my friend Chris for the address without telling me. She is also due to cuck me and I know she canceled her normal weekend plans.
Do you think she is going to actually follow through? If so, how do you think it will go over?
Do you think she is going to actually follow through? If so, how do you think it will go over?