In a ski lift (2 of us alone in a 6 person"bubble'). A variety of HJs and BJs on planes, the back seat of a ski bus, whilst driving etc.
Probably the craziest was when I was 19 and travelling around Europe with an Australian boyfriend. We had run out of money and tried to get a job in a bar in France, but the middle-aged woman that ran the bar couldn't offer us jobs even though we were absolutely desperate. She did offer us 20 Euros, approximately 25 dollars if we had sex in the kitchen behind the bar- which seemed like a great offer, so we did. The money was a life-saver and we got a bottle of red wine too!
To be honest, I think she was actually into my boyfriend who was a surfer type and pretty well put together 😉, but she never once showed any sign of getting involved, she just watched, smoked and touched herself.
Crazy days.