Could she ever truly go too far??


Just wondering if there’s such a thing as your gf or wife doing something or taking something that’s just too far for you to handle?? Us men are probably 99% of the primary reason that our women are openly involved in this lifestyle, and therefore, and I can only speak for myself, that I’ve accepted certain things that have happened that I preferred wouldn’t have, or at least not in the way she chose to anyway. I recognized that I would almost always let things go and just forget about it and just move on, mostly because I know I was the one that wanted her to open herself up and there are just some things that should be expected and that come with being in the lifestyle and introducing her to all the many options available. Is there such a thing, as far as you’re concerned, that she could do that even though you brought her into being the kind of woman that you wanted, and that you understand that it might be difficult for her to always know how, or to just simply turn off her appetite and sexual desires, the ones that you’ve taught her to explore, with the flip of a switch, the same switch that you use when you want and expect her to do and go along with whatever you have in mind, that you feel would be absolutely and completely unacceptable??!! What is the one thing that would just be too much for you to deal and come to terms with?? As for myself, I’m the type of guy that doesn’t think there is really anything she could do that I wouldn’t be able to accept, no matter what she did!!! I would always prefer some things go a certain way, but I know it’s not always going to happen like that! I would always prefer to be fully aware of what she’s going to do, or what she’s done, before I hear about it from someone else first! Bottom line, there is absolutely nothing she could do, and in fact the only thing she could do, is to not do something!! The ONLY thing she could do that I find unacceptable! Lying!!!! That’s the ONLY rule I’ve ever had with every woman I’ve ever been in a relationship with, and only a handful have been able to actually live up to it!! It’s almost like when I tell them that rule, it triggers something deep down inside them and they just can’t help themselves!! Lol! I try my best to try and understand why she felt the need to lie. In many cases it was totally understandable and forgivable, well at least the first time! I think being lied to is pretty much equally unacceptable by most of us, so, is there anything else that you would have a troubled time getting through????
As some of u know, we are just starting in this lifestyle (but she went off with a flying start 😉
We are still exploring and finding out and we made a deal she had 1 month free pass and after that we are going to evaluate the situation and maybe after a half year or so we will do the same.
What comes in mind for me now are 2 things, 1 maybe not totaly unacceptable, but at least food for thought, the other i think is.
That is what she is doing always has to be lust and not love, for me it should be sex only, and as soon as feelings become a part i don't think it should continue.
2nd one is kinda simmiliar, she talked about really dating some of them, like fancy dinners, dancing and hotels after. Now this is a more difficult one for me, on one hand for me it should be only about sex. She knows the guys already, so there would be no implication for dinners and stuff, cause they both know what they eventually want from eachother. And so if she wants a fancy dinner or something it should be with me, her husband.
On the other hand she says the working up to having sex is part of the thrill.
So i'm not sure, is this selfish from me?
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As some of u know, we are just starting in this lifestyle (but she went off with a flying start 😉
We are still exploring and finding out and we made a deal she had 1 month free pass and after that we are going to evaluate the situation and maybe after a half year or so we will do the same.
What comes in mind for me now are 2 things, 1 maybe not totaly unacceptable, but at least food for thought, the other i think is.
That is what she is doing always has to be lust and not love, for me it should be sex only, and as soon as feelings become a part i don't think it should continue.
2nd one is kinda simmiliar, she talked about really dating some of them, like fancy dinners, dancing and hotels after. Now this is a more difficult one for me, on one hand for me it should be only about sex. She knows the guys already, so there would be no implication for dinners and stuff, cause they both know what they eventually want from eachother. And so if she wants a fancy dinner or something it should be with me, her husband.
On the other hand she says the working up to having sex is part of the thrill.
So i'm not sure, is this selfish from me?
I think you bring up a valid point! Everyone has their own boundaries and I can certainly understand what your point is. I don’t know how I would feel about that if I were in your shoes, but I think I’d be more likely to allow her to do whatever makes her happy! That is after all the primary objective.
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Just wondering if there’s such a thing as your gf or wife doing something or taking something that’s just too far for you to handle?? Us men are probably 99% of the primary reason that our women are openly involved in this lifestyle, and therefore, and I can only speak for myself, that I’ve accepted certain things that have happened that I preferred wouldn’t have, or at least not in the way she chose to anyway. I recognized that I would almost always let things go and just forget about it and just move on, mostly because I know I was the one that wanted her to open herself up and there are just some things that should be expected and that come with being in the lifestyle and introducing her to all the many options available. Is there such a thing, as far as you’re concerned, that she could do that even though you brought her into being the kind of woman that you wanted, and that you understand that it might be difficult for her to always know how, or to just simply turn off her appetite and sexual desires, the ones that you’ve taught her to explore, with the flip of a switch, the same switch that you use when you want and expect her to do and go along with whatever you have in mind, that you feel would be absolutely and completely unacceptable??!! What is the one thing that would just be too much for you to deal and come to terms with?? As for myself, I’m the type of guy that doesn’t think there is really anything she could do that I wouldn’t be able to accept, no matter what she did!!! I would always prefer some things go a certain way, but I know it’s not always going to happen like that! I would always prefer to be fully aware of what she’s going to do, or what she’s done, before I hear about it from someone else first! Bottom line, there is absolutely nothing she could do, and in fact the only thing she could do, is to not do something!! The ONLY thing she could do that I find unacceptable! Lying!!!! That’s the ONLY rule I’ve ever had with every woman I’ve ever been in a relationship with, and only a handful have been able to actually live up to it!! It’s almost like when I tell them that rule, it triggers something deep down inside them and they just can’t help themselves!! Lol! I try my best to try and understand why she felt the need to lie. In many cases it was totally understandable and forgivable, well at least the first time! I think being lied to is pretty much equally unacceptable by most of us, so, is there anything else that you would have a troubled time getting through????
I woukdnt say my HOTWIFE went too.far but she did bring a new level.if intensity not only outside of our narriage but in it as well. My Hotwife has always talked about doing a few things to bring our sex life to a new level but we both got lazy about it.. Once she started fucking other men it brought our all.these things and we talked about thse things in depth. Here is the thigz we talked about that she ultimately did ..She wanted breast implants she went from.a D cup to DOUBLE F'S next pierced nipples her first was 1/2 in 14 ga theyvare now 1 in 10 ga which she loves to wear tops that show of the rinf lf outlines Then tattoos matching on each breast ckevage area .Alo g with awxy revealing extreme outfits jewelry makeup etc and extreme heels .You can PM ME and ask anything nothi g is too intense to ask. Bob
I don't know if it's going to far but I've always been very submissive to men and have very few limits regarding what I'm willing to do to please them. Over the years I've really developed a taste for rough sex. The harder you fuck and more degrading you are too me substantially increases how much I get off. My husband doesn't like seeing me treated like this so he doesn't participate when I play with other men.
My situation exactly. Hubby has no interest in some of the more rough and DOM aspects of sex that I truly enjoy. so I get the from Lovers. J (the wife)
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As some of u know, we are just starting in this lifestyle (but she went off with a flying start 😉
We are still exploring and finding out and we made a deal she had 1 month free pass and after that we are going to evaluate the situation and maybe after a half year or so we will do the same.
What comes in mind for me now are 2 things, 1 maybe not totaly unacceptable, but at least food for thought, the other i think is.
That is what she is doing always has to be lust and not love, for me it should be sex only, and as soon as feelings become a part i don't think it should continue.
2nd one is kinda simmiliar, she talked about really dating some of them, like fancy dinners, dancing and hotels after. Now this is a more difficult one for me, on one hand for me it should be only about sex. She knows the guys already, so there would be no implication for dinners and stuff, cause they both know what they eventually want from eachother. And so if she wants a fancy dinner or something it should be with me, her husband.
On the other hand she says the working up to having sex is part of the thrill.
So i'm not sure, is this selfish from me?
For J, it is the working up to sex part that is the most exciting for her!! She loves being desired and pursued by her Lovers, dressing to attract them, doing no-sexual things to work up to sexual things, and devleop a friendship before a sexual relationship. All of her Lovers believe I am unaware of their relationship and she does it for better sex than she gets at home. Most have been with co-workers, so not much chance of them developing beyond an affair. But definitely there is emotional attachment and she enjoys that part of this. CW
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I don't know if it's going to far but I've always been very submissive to men and have very few limits regarding what I'm willing to do to please them. Over the years I've really developed a taste for rough sex. The harder you fuck and more degrading you are too me substantially increases how much I get off. My husband doesn't like seeing me treated like this so he doesn't participate when I play with other men.
My husband is similar. He does not mind me getting the heck fucked out of me but no one degrades me, no matter what. It's your thing and I totally get everyone has there thing but I cannot imagine having sex with anyone, ever, without him there. You two must be built tough.

My situation exactly. Hubby has no interest in some of the more rough and DOM aspects of sex that I truly enjoy. so I get the from Lovers. J (the wife)
You ladies are WILD! Love it. Glad you are having fun your way.
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My wife first fucked someone else when she was about 30 it was around 1980 so a long time ago they both worked in a small local factory in the village about 15 people altogether, I think she lied about it from the start,she said nobody in the factory knew about it, but I think she had been fucking him for a while,it was years later it came out that everyone knew about it, the pieces dropped in place as to why she had gone about it the way she had , a small village she knew someone would say something about it to me and knowing I wanted her to fuck another man so she made out the night she went out for a drink with him was the first time, I have found out over the years it was far from it , she had broken the only rule I had asked of her when I gave my blessings to do what she wanted with whoever she wanted but to be honest about it , I let her get away with it so she carried on lying about what she was up to over the years and still does even though she is 75 now, as for emotional attachment anyone that lasted more than a couple of months she was bound to fall in love with, for most women women it's necessary for them to get the most out of the relationship so I was quite expecting that one, it has happened with all five of long term lovers including the current one
Totally agree about lying. This lifestyle is so dependent on trust and if that is broken then it would make everything difficult if not impossible. Beyond that, I think everything else is part of the deal. I do what I want to do with men and my husband has to accept it. But I’m always honest about everything I get up to.
Accept these divorce papers lady
Totally agree about lying. This lifestyle is so dependent on trust and if that is broken then it would make everything difficult if not impossible. Beyond that, I think everything else is part of the deal. I do what I want to do with men and my husband has to accept it. But I’m always honest about everything I get up to.
Our feelings exactly. It's worked well for all these decades.
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My wife first fucked someone else when she was about 30 it was around 1980 so a long time ago they both worked in a small local factory in the village about 15 people altogether, I think she lied about it from the start,she said nobody in the factory knew about it, but I think she had been fucking him for a while,it was years later it came out that everyone knew about it, the pieces dropped in place as to why she had gone about it the way she had , a small village she knew someone would say something about it to me and knowing I wanted her to fuck another man so she made out the night she went out for a drink with him was the first time, I have found out over the years it was far from it , she had broken the only rule I had asked of her when I gave my blessings to do what she wanted with whoever she wanted but to be honest about it , I let her get away with it so she carried on lying about what she was up to over the years and still does even though she is 75 now, as for emotional attachment anyone that lasted more than a couple of months she was bound to fall in love with, for most women women it's necessary for them to get the most out of the relationship so I was quite expecting that one, it has happened with all five of long term lovers including the current one
Do we not teach grammer and punctuation in school any more? There are HUNDREDS of posts like this where you spend more time deciphering them than enjoying them. J (the wife)
Regarding the actual question, there are two absolute NO's I have: Lying about her relationships, and ....... Unfortunately, I know she has strayed on both, but not to the point of me ending the relationship. First marriage broke up over both (despite us having a very open seual relationship) but the ...... were serious and the straw that broke that camels back. Not going to do that again. CW
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As some of u know, we are just starting in this lifestyle (but she went off with a flying start 😉
We are still exploring and finding out and we made a deal she had 1 month free pass and after that we are going to evaluate the situation and maybe after a half year or so we will do the same.
What comes in mind for me now are 2 things, 1 maybe not totaly unacceptable, but at least food for thought, the other i think is.
That is what she is doing always has to be lust and not love, for me it should be sex only, and as soon as feelings become a part i don't think it should continue.
2nd one is kinda simmiliar, she talked about really dating some of them, like fancy dinners, dancing and hotels after. Now this is a more difficult one for me, on one hand for me it should be only about sex. She knows the guys already, so there would be no implication for dinners and stuff, cause they both know what they eventually want from eachother. And so if she wants a fancy dinner or something it should be with me, her husband.
On the other hand she says the working up to having sex is part of the thrill.
So i'm not sure, is this selfish from me?
That's hiw my wife and I are. For her the lifestyle is all about the fuck. Nothing more. Flirting is fine she lives to flirt and be naughty. But she only wants me to make love to her. We openly discuss everything beforehand. Neither of us acts without the other knowing.
As some of u know, we are just starting in this lifestyle (but she went off with a flying start 😉
We are still exploring and finding out and we made a deal she had 1 month free pass and after that we are going to evaluate the situation and maybe after a half year or so we will do the same.
What comes in mind for me now are 2 things, 1 maybe not totaly unacceptable, but at least food for thought, the other i think is.
That is what she is doing always has to be lust and not love, for me it should be sex only, and as soon as feelings become a part i don't think it should continue.
2nd one is kinda simmiliar, she talked about really dating some of them, like fancy dinners, dancing and hotels after. Now this is a more difficult one for me, on one hand for me it should be only about sex. She knows the guys already, so there would be no implication for dinners and stuff, cause they both know what they eventually want from eachother. And so if she wants a fancy dinner or something it should be with me, her husband.
On the other hand she says the working up to having sex is part of the thrill.
So i'm not sure, is this selfish from me?
i'm curious, anyone can answer. this is not a critique of the above comment..

when does an outing, officially, become a date? my wife went out for drinks with co-workers on some friday nights. then to get a bite to eat before heading home.

it all starts with, hey Dee, wanna get a drink after work? then it proceeds from there to maybe a detour to his apt. or a BJ in the parking lot where her car is parked.

it wasn't pre-arranged, & there was no fancy dinner or hotel stay, no new dress or sexy lingerie. no hair appt., no nails done, no fancy perfume or anything else.

just a night out after work. is that a date?
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Just wondering if there’s such a thing as your gf or wife doing something or taking something that’s just too far for you to handle?? Us men are probably 99% of the primary reason that our women are openly involved in this lifestyle, and therefore, and I can only speak for myself, that I’ve accepted certain things that have happened that I preferred wouldn’t have, or at least not in the way she chose to anyway. I recognized that I would almost always let things go and just forget about it and just move on, mostly because I know I was the one that wanted her to open herself up and there are just some things that should be expected and that come with being in the lifestyle and introducing her to all the many options available. Is there such a thing, as far as you’re concerned, that she could do that even though you brought her into being the kind of woman that you wanted, and that you understand that it might be difficult for her to always know how, or to just simply turn off her appetite and sexual desires, the ones that you’ve taught her to explore, with the flip of a switch, the same switch that you use when you want and expect her to do and go along with whatever you have in mind, that you feel would be absolutely and completely unacceptable??!! What is the one thing that would just be too much for you to deal and come to terms with?? As for myself, I’m the type of guy that doesn’t think there is really anything she could do that I wouldn’t be able to accept, no matter what she did!!! I would always prefer some things go a certain way, but I know it’s not always going to happen like that! I would always prefer to be fully aware of what she’s going to do, or what she’s done, before I hear about it from someone else first! Bottom line, there is absolutely nothing she could do, and in fact the only thing she could do, is to not do something!! The ONLY thing she could do that I find unacceptable! Lying!!!! That’s the ONLY rule I’ve ever had with every woman I’ve ever been in a relationship with, and only a handful have been able to actually live up to it!! It’s almost like when I tell them that rule, it triggers something deep down inside them and they just can’t help themselves!! Lol! I try my best to try and understand why she felt the need to lie. In many cases it was totally understandable and forgivable, well at least the first time! I think being lied to is pretty much equally unacceptable by most of us, so, is there anything else that you would have a troubled time getting through????
I absolutely agree that the only thing I would be very upset about is if she lied about anything to me I have never been upset about anything that she has done either with other men or anything else she has even let her friends see me caged and let them have their fun with me and she had bought a strap on so that her friends could peg me for her to enjoy my humiliation and I just wanted her to be happy anyway I agree with you and I’m happier than ever with her and we are closer than ever
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i'm curious, anyone can answer. this is not a critique of the above comment..

when does an outing, officially, become a date? my wife went out for drinks with co-workers on some friday nights. then to get a bite to eat before heading home.

it all starts with, hey Dee, wanna get a drink after work? then it proceeds from there to maybe a detour to his apt. or a BJ in the parking lot where her car is parked.

it wasn't pre-arranged, & there was no fancy dinner or hotel stay, no new dress or sexy lingerie. no hair appt., no nails done, no fancy perfume or anything else.

just a night out after work. is that a date?
I have definitely thought about this before my wife has had a couple of her regulars that she basically was in relationships with and I knew that because she was very intimate with them and they were doing things that I could not do but like she said she was really enjoying them sexually and she was loving them in only a sexual relationship but I agree that it’s something that most men like me probably worry about but I think if talking about everything with her is very important for this type of relationship