We were in the same boat as you about 6 months ago. My wife of 20 years isnt outward overly religious, but was brought up with a pretty strict religious upbringing which imprinted on her pretty deep. Any mehtion or talk about "weird" sex didnt go far, and I was stuck in a pretty vanilla relationship and about 5 years ago started looking around different porn sites and I guess you can say I discovered that I'm a cuck, but without a hotwife ---- especially one I couldnt bring up the subject without me getting ridiculed or her freaking out.
But now here I am, with a hotwife and getting cucked every night. sort of.
Someone on this site recommended a book called the Faithful Hotwife, and out of desparation I bought it off amazon for about $3, and things just started to click with my wife after we read it together.
A bunch of people have written about this book so I wont go into futher detail, but the end result is my wife is getting into roleplaying being a hotwife and part of that is doing thses challenges that builds up to cuckolding me.
Its been quite a ride. Hope this helps.