Cleaning wife in front of others

Everyone is different but for me I like opportunities where I am openly a cuckold. I enjoy situations where its known to all that she screws whoever whenever she wishes and I will do or say nothing. I get off on other guys knowing that I am under equipped and lack the stamina to properly that care of her needs. Being told to clean up the creampie while others are watching is a big part of the turn on. It is both humbling and humiliating but I can't think of a better way to show respect to the superior males.
So good. Everyone gets to enjoy this as well as those watching, and it encourages other couples to follow suit. Bulls watching get super hard and soon ready to go again. It ensures an intense orgasm for the wife and as you say shows your respect for the lover and the wives present all get more hard cock.
I never thought I would do this but my wife continued to encourage me to try it and although it was a bit rough the first time, she went crazy and had a massive orgasm. That turned me on so much I continued to do this and it is probably our favorite sexual activity now. I have always loved eating her more than fucking her anyway. Have never done it in the presence of other, except her bull, but the thought it super exciting !
And better for all in front of others.


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Everyone is different but for me I like opportunities where I am openly a cuckold. I enjoy situations where its known to all that she screws whoever whenever she wishes and I will do or say nothing. I get off on other guys knowing that I am under equipped and lack the stamina to properly that care of her needs. Being told to clean up the creampie while others are watching is a big part of the turn on. It is both humbling and humiliating but I can't think of a better way to show respect to the superior males.
Well said.
Everyone is different but for me I like opportunities where I am openly a cuckold. I enjoy situations where its known to all that she screws whoever whenever she wishes and I will do or say nothing. I get off on other guys knowing that I am under equipped and lack the stamina to properly that care of her needs. Being told to clean up the creampie while others are watching is a big part of the turn on. It is both humbling and humiliating but I can't think of a better way to show respect to the superior males.
Couples like you make the whole scene so good and pleasurable for all. Bulls love seeing hubby clean up and other wives love to watch as well. You can just see them thinking, soon I will have my hubby doing that.


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Couples like you make the whole scene so good and pleasurable for all. Bulls love seeing hubby clean up and other wives love to watch as well. You can just see them thinking, soon I will have my hubby doing that.

Bulls, in general, do love to see hubby clean up after us. It is a win-win since I enjoy the feeling and often climax being cleaned, and most Bulls get hard watching.
A submissive cuck must do whatever his wife demands. Publicly putting him in his place is very proper. Good grief, you are powerless to control your wife (as it should be!) do as you are told.

My cuck desires are a lot more humiliating than just cleaning my wife's pussy
A submissive cuck must do whatever his wife demands. Publicly putting him in his place is very proper. Good grief, you are powerless to control your wife (as it should be!) do as you are told.

My cuck desires are a lot more humiliating than just cleaning my wife's pussy
What kind of things do you desire?
Since you thought that I used only one source and therefore made myself out to be an expert. Below is a list of 11 different definitions. None are exactly the same as some use the term unfaithful and some use adultery, in those cases I also have respective definitions of those term. The core is all of these definitions is "a wife with another man". Kinkly is the only one that references 'husband's participation'.

Miriam-Webster a man whose wife is unfaithful
unfaithful not faithful to marriage vows
Wikipedia A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife
adultery The term adultery refers to sexual acts between a married person and someone who is not that person's spouse
Collins A cuckold is a man whose wife is having an affair with another man.
affair If two people who are married, but who are not married to each other have an affair, they have a sexual relationship. the husband of an unfaithful wife.
unfaithful not sexually faithful to a spouse or lover.
Cambridge a man whose wife deceives him by having a sexual relationship with another man
Britannica a man whose wife has sex with someone else : a man's whose wife commits adultery
adultery sex between a married person and someone who is not that person's wife or husband
MacMillan if a wife cuckolds her husband, she has sex with another man
Oxford The husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision, ultimately derived from Old French cucu ‘cuckoo’, from the cuckoo's habit of laying its egg in another bird's nest.
adultress a woman who commits adultery.
the law dictionary the name given when a man’s wife has been or is unfaithful to him.
unfaithful no definition the husband of an unfaithful wife.
unfaithful not sexually faithful to a spouse or lover.

kinkly Traditionally a cuckold was a married man with an adulterous wife. However, the term now describes any man in a committed relationship who enjoys his partner having sex with other people.
adultery Adultery is a term which refers to extramarital sex or sex outside of a monogamous marriage. To have sexual relations with someone other than one's own husband or wife is to commit adultery.

No accepted dictionary defines 'stag' in a sexual context. So, one may apply their own definition for their own use. For the purpose of this discussion let's use one Urban Dictionary definitions. "The male half of a relationship who allows and finds sexual gratification in allowing and even encouraging his female partner to have sex with other men." That being said the 1st test is a wife who has sex with some else. If she does the husband is a cuckold, if he participates, he is ALSO a stag. The term stag doesn't replace cuckold.

In the examples I gave a female can be called a woman and ....... It is apparent that when she is a ......, she passed the 1st test and is inherently known as a woman, the term ...... doesn't replace that of woman they coexist.

In the example of thievery, you interjected the penalty. That has ZERO bearing on the act of stealing. The act has been consummated and the person is now a thief regardless of what ensues.

For us to effectively communicate we must all work from the same basis of the meaning of words. One cannot apply their own definition. Consider: your neighbor uses his own definition of good guy as slut cocksucker. You see him out and about greet him and he shouts to you that you're a slut cocksucker.

Bottom line if your wife has sex with another person, you ARE a cuckold!
What a waste of my time having to skip the stupid arguments about the meaning of cuck. The bottom line is most of the posters on here are wanna be pervs. I just want to read stories of real cuckolding... I dont care about the ettiquite