Can't believe this is going to happen


Hi all
I'm new here but really wanted to share my situation with people who would appreciate it. My wife and I have been married for 27 years. For about 15 years I've been fantasizing about having another guy fuck my wife. My wife always enjoyed the fantasy while we were fucking and would even say things that made it sound like she wanted to do it for real. But then some time later she would say, you know this is only a fantasy, right?

Well about two weeks ago she agreed to do it for real. I've been looking for a guy ever since and we have a meet and greet set up for this weekend. ( Assuming he shows up). I kept expecting her to change her mind but every time I bring up the subject, to talk about arrangements or to get her opinion on guys, she seems quietly keen, although obviously quite nervous. I can't believe my wife, who has a strong prudish side, is going to be making out with somebody else in a couple of days and, if all goes well, fucking them in a couple of weeks. Although she was quite slutty in college ( which turns me on) our sex life for the most part has been fairly vanilla. The occasional outdoor romp, a little light bondage, porn occasionally when the house is empty but nothing wild. No phone sex, no sexting, no girls even in college. She doesn't normally like talking about sex outside of the bedroom and gets embarrassed if I make risque comments even if it's just the two of us. I can't quite get my head around the fact that she'll soon be fucking somebody else. ( No complaints though. I've had a two week erection and I am NOT going to see a doctor lol)

I would be interested to hear from any women who've gone through this transition in this way just to get some insight into what's going on in her head.

Can't wait to see where this adventure takes us. Also can't believe how hot our sex has been the last two weeks!! Can't wait to see what it will be like after she's actually fucked someone!

That is our case here,I'm the wife and my husband has been convincing me to be in threesome with him and 1 or 2 more guys just for our experiences.I at first have never felt comfortable just to hear it but then I lately start to think about the idea and beginning to chance my mind.I usually get wet when he mentions a bout it,especially while we have sex I start to imagine I'm in the event with a couples guys and my husband make me orgasm more often.We haven't make it real but will try when we have a chance and I can only tell you this far as a woman,some of us may take that adventure as long as our husband agrees and open minded.All you need to do is go with the flow,enjoy the event and feel the pleasure.She may fell a little odd afterward if she has never experienced it before,that is the same way I think I may feel if you went through it since I haven't have any one else in me beside my husband and more than one at the time but if she thinks it worth it then feel the most positive of it.Good luck!BTW,We try it with toy and my husband for now.
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I, like yourself had reservation at first but each time we had more people in the bedroom, I became more excited. I started looking forward to the experiences. It did my ego a lot of good to know that more than one male was wanting my pussy. It is a real charge for me. I am selective, therefore I sometimes have to wait. Although, having the same ones each time also makes it more enjoyable and exciting. Let the party begin!


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Unlike Sprochet wife,I refer to try on strangers to start with,no sting attach that I concern but then will not always you can find the right candidate that can bring me to my the wild side of sex.But she is right,doing with a same guy is must better since he knows the routine that make sex more enjoyable on the woman pleasurable.
I recently had my first experience with a man outside my marriage. It went really well but it took awhile to get to this point. I, like the other women, really enjoyed the confidence boost in feeling desirable to multiple men. I felt sexy and uninhibited in a way I never had before. I dress conservatively so I don't turn heads out in public often but I've empowered in my sexual presence (even in public) ever since the experience.

My hang up was concern my husband hadn't fully weighed the consequences. I was afraid he was fantasizing about some porn-like scenario while ignoring the emotional aspect of watching his wife with another man. I was afraid he would experience unexpected jealousy abd insecurities that we would never recover from. He experienced some things he didn't think he would, but nothing serious enough to damage our marriage. In fact, I feel a renewed passion. Anyway, I could go on and on. Hope this helped even a little! Good luck to you and your wife! Keep me posted please.
Thank you ladies for the insight. One thing I was not exactly worried about but..curious about was whether she was doing it more for her own pleasure or to satisfy my fantasy. I guess both are good reasons but I hope that the biggest reason is for her own pleasure. If she's doing it mostly to please me then maybe it won't be as good for her as I hope.

I thought it was interesting that as we talked about this over the years, the question and answer that finally broke the logjam was when she told me that she didn't want to do it because then I would want to have another woman as well. I was able to assure her that wasn't the case, largely because whenever we fantasized about a threesome, I always insisted that it be an MFM threesome even if she started talking about an FMF threesome. Once she understood that she agreed to try it for real so maybe she is looking forward to it for herself now that she knows that she will not be expected to do the same for me.

After dealing with a bunch of fakes, we have a date in about 12 hours, just for drinks, so it looks like we will soon be one step closer. She is really nervous but hopefully its an excited nervousness, as it is for me.

@Yoursexypanties , can you share what it was that your husband experienced that he didn't expect?
In response to your statement above about your wife wondering if you wanted another woman. I think it's a very normal reaction and one that I also had initially. I think it's a common concern because most women don't want to watch their husband with another woman for many different reasons. I think you're exactly right when you say it takes time and honesty to realize the fantasy can be taken at face value. That's my opinion anyway🙂

The main thing my husband didn't expect was concern for emotional attachment. Some jealousy also crept up as well. He isn't a jealous person by nature but I believe deep down, the feeling of jealousy is a big turn on for men interested in watching their wives. He watched me engage in sex with a man that fucked me differently than he did. He saw the pleasure on my face. He wanted me to enjoy myself (which I did). Once the initial high from the sex wore off, a couple days later he was afraid I liked it more with the other guy. Therefore, would seek an emotional attachment if the physical was better than my husband. In my mind, the sex was so good because my husband was there watching and it was something for our marriage. In his mind, I was enjoying it so much because that other man was a better fit for me and it was only a matter of time before I realized it. Not true. As I said before, it wasn't a big issue. We talked about it and he knows the emotional highs I shared were between my husband and I. It was the first time I think he'd really felt any type of jealousy in our marriage and it just freaked him slightly. The irony is that the jealousy is what really turned him on! But, he'd never experienced it before so how would he know exactly how he would feel? Clear and honest communication was everything for us!
I was recently given some good advice by a more experienced cuck friend. He told me the angst would soon diminish, and that my wife had no intention of leave me. She will spend a small amount of time with her lovers. She has me for the rest of her life. A successful cuck will always consider his wife's needs above his own. The key for me would be to learn how to re-channel my angst into something more productive. Instead of moping around, I needed to focus on making her happy. He told me that if she's happy than "we" are happy. Learn to take pride in my role as her cuck husband. Do what ever I can to make sure her play dates go as smoothly as possible. Make sure the wines chilled, extra sheets and towels are available and any last minute details are tended to. A cuck should feel joy and fulfillment from watching his wife being sexually satisfied. Again.....If she's happy then "we" are happy.

Holy fuck!! We did it!! We met on Saturday for a meet and greet. We wanted to take it slowly so we planned to meet for drinks and felt like if my wife and him got to second base, that would be a good night. So we're getting ready on Saturday afternoon and I asked my wife if the chances of ending up in a hotel were absolutely zero or something slightly more. To my surprise she said that it wasn't zero and we should probably take a bag just in case. As I'm packing the bag, it seems to me that this is becoming more and more of a definite intention - toothbrushes, phone charger, rum, lingerie, vibrator. By the time we're leaving and she reminds me that we have to stop and get condoms, I figure this has gone from an outside possibility to a virtual certainty!!

Sure enough, three hours later we're booking a hotel room! And it was AMAZING!!! Everything I hoped it would be. She was surprisingly relaxed and confident with him. We fucked for three hours, took a break and fucked for another two. She did us both in every position, sucked more cock in a night than she has in a year, and soaked the bed so thoroughly it was tough to ...... in!! lol We even broke one of my two rules and it still didn't spoil things in the slightest. I had told her that our first fuck after he left was very important to me and that she wasn't allowed to switch off for that one. Well, turns out he didn't leave. We'd realized that given the time, the location and the amount we'd had to drink it wasn't safe for him to drive home so we agreed to let him stay the night in the hotel with us. He was really cool and stepped out for a while to let us talk in the middle of night but he actually ended up ...... in the bed with us. My wife really liked ...... in between two men so it was all good.

Two days later and our sex life since has been nothing short of incredible - its taken 25 years off of our marriage and we're fucking like kids again!! We're both really happy with the way things went physically and emotionally and for me especially it was an incredibly emotional experience. I have never felt so close to her. I have no feelings of jealousy or angst in any way, in fact quite the opposite. Giving her to another man has only reinforced that she is mine to give and to take back as I see fit - what more trusting committed honest relationship can you have than that. This whole weekend I couldn't keep my eyes or my hands off of her. She looks like a new woman to me and I'm overwhelmed with my feelings for her.

We're not sure if we're going to do it again but I strongly suspect that we will. She is in absorption mode right now which is totally normal for her to take a while to assimilate new experiences. We're going on vacation in a couple of weeks and I suspect that when we come back we'll start thinking about doing it again.

I hope all your experiences are as good as mine
M (happy husband of a hot hot hotwife)
Finally, after two months of waiting, we're going to do it again!! 🙂 We had a vacation in there, some scheduling problems, a visit from Aunt Flo, but finally we're hooking up for another threesome this Saturday. I can't believe how keen my wife is to get fucked again. Three months ago I could barely imagine her ever doing this but even now I find it hard to believe that she is not just willing but eager to be fucked by her 'boyfriend'.

The first time was such a whirlwind, was so unexpected, that we never really planned what we were going to do. This time we've been thinking about what we liked or what we wanted but didn't do. I was hoping that we would get to DP her this time and at first she was keen but now she's expressing reservations because she's worried that anal sex will .... mess with her system and she doesn't want to spend half the night in the bathroom while me and him wait for her to come back. We do have anal sex occasionally but of course, she's not as self-conscious around me, the house is not as close quarters as a hotel room and normally its not in the middle of a six hour orgy!! My wife doesn't like to be really pounded in the ass but she LOVES anal stimulation. Any time we're fucking if I just touch her asshole she cums immediately. Talking about DPing makes her cum really hard too.

Anybody else ever have this sort of concern about DP or anal with a stranger? Any suggestions?
20160806_230850.jpg Greg cums on Betsy.jpg This just keeps getting better and better. Three months ago we had a typical marriage. We compromised on having sex twice a week but I was lucky if it actually happened once. We had our first threesome in June and haven't stopped fucking since!! Last Saturday we had another threeway and we fucked until 4am when our friend said he was ready for bed. My wife said she was still good for another two hours and wouldn't let us ...... until she'd fucked and sucked us both again. And she's already desperate to do it again!!! This lifestyle may ...... me at this rate but I'll die a happy man!!! 🙂

(That's not me in the pictures!!)
View attachment 10870 View attachment 10871 This just keeps getting better and better. Three months ago we had a typical marriage. We compromised on having sex twice a week but I was lucky if it actually happened once. We had our first threesome in June and haven't stopped fucking since!! Last Saturday we had another threeway and we fucked until 4am when our friend said he was ready for bed. My wife said she was still good for another two hours and wouldn't let us ...... until she'd fucked and sucked us both again. And she's already desperate to do it again!!! This lifestyle may ...... me at this rate but I'll die a happy man!!! 🙂

(That's not me in the pictures!!)

nice! Now upload that video!
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So I know this is a really old thread but I had to add to it. Its hard when you have such wonderful secrets and you really want to share them with somebody!!!! lol
We've had a great time the last couple of years - we didn't dive headlong into the lifestyle but every few months we would do something. MFMs were always our favorites - I love watching her get fucked, she loves getting fucked and there were no jealousy issues at all, ever. We've done other stuff now but she's still not totally comfortable with other women being involved. We did have an FMF which was fucking amazing - she had a really hard time getting used to seeing me with another woman but, late in the night, she finally got into it and actually started making out with the other woman even though she said - and still says - that she is 100% straight. The hottest memory in my spank bank after all these experiences is fucking my wife while she kissed another woman while playing with her tits. What she didn't realize was that while I was fucking her, the woman was playing with her clit. I almost cum every time I think of that moment. We've had a handful of foursomes which went pretty well for the most part - she doesn't get as jealous when she's getting fucked herself. Had some great sex with some hot women including a woman half my age - her husband was half my wife's age and had a 9" cock so she wasn't too bothered about what I was doing!! 🙂 (The last one was not so hot - we decided that we would help out a couple that was having their first experience as we were now such veterans - lol . Big mistake. He got really nervous and had had at least 6 beers by the time we showed up. He had a few more after we showed up and when it came time to get naked - he couldn't perform. I did get to fuck his wife and he had a little fumble with mine but we ended up swapping back and fucking our own partners. Lesson learned!

Now we're getting ready for the next adventure. We've just set up her first gangbang. Next month she'll be taking on me and TWO other guys - I'm so excited. She's now done anal with another guy, she's been DP'd by me and another guy so I can't wait to see her filled with a cock in every hole!!! Just hope neither of these guys flakes out - you know, twice the guys, twice the chance of a flake!!

I'm hoping that she'll really enjoy the experience and then who knows how many she'll want next time! 🙂