Bullshit detector

These are things that make my B.S. detector go off like a car alarm in downtown Kyiv:

1. Husband is bi - No your a sicko husband pretending to be your own wife. The vast majority of REAL cucks are 100% straight
2. "I vet all my wife's lovers first" - NO! your not a cuck your a control freak if true and your wife needs a lawyer not a bull to get her the fuck as far away from you as possible, but she probably doesn't know anything about it
3. I fuck my hubs boss/friend etc - NO. Every wife (and real couple) I've ever met don't ...... on their own doorstep and always choose a previously unknown man as a bull
4. I'd love to meet you but I just need to bribe the official in the immigration department........ enough said!

OK, what sets your BS detector off?
Not gonna lie, I've noticed a ton of bullshit on this site with a lot of people's posts. But I won't immediately discard a story someone tells, cause every couple has their own dynamic. I wouldn't doubt that there's the fair share that have fucked their boss/in-law/bi bull etc...What mostly gets me is just how they tell the story.
People that go on and on about one particular event, and how they were such a "sissy faggot sub" or dumb wording like that, where it almost looks like they just urban dictionary the most words they can and throw it in there; it honestly sounds like teenagers trying to one-up each other with their bullshit stories.
Whenever i ask for proof they go silent lol
and can't ever voice chat because they don't want to give their number out (understandable) despite an absolute plethora of ways to voice chat that protect their anonymity and normally there's a BS story about how they were scammed last time so won't give out any way to voice chat again... Just try asking for details of the scam! I must be the only one on here who hasn't been scammed... you'd almost swear it was BS!
An old flame is very common but telling a friend/boss that your wife wants to fuck him? Could you really imagine that conversation in real life. The friend would think you were weird (at best) and run in the opposite direction. Old flames and strangers are really the only viable options
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These are things that make my B.S. detector go off like a car alarm in downtown Kyiv:

1. Husband is bi - No your a sicko husband pretending to be your own wife. The vast majority of REAL cucks are 100% straight
2. "I vet all my wife's lovers first" - NO! your not a cuck your a control freak if true and your wife needs a lawyer not a bull to get her the fuck as far away from you as possible, but she probably doesn't know anything about it
3. I fuck my hubs boss/friend etc - NO. Every wife (and real couple) I've ever met don't ...... on their own doorstep and always choose a previously unknown man as a bull
4. I'd love to meet you but I just need to bribe the official in the immigration department........ enough said!

OK, what sets your BS detector off?
1. Husband is bi - No your a sicko husband pretending to be your own wife. The vast majority of REAL cucks are 100% straight.

Not true. After decades of skepticism, researchers have finally collected data that shows male bi-sexuality is real - Not just a bridge towards homosexuality. J Micheal Bailey and his team at northwestern University in Evanston, came to the conclusions after reviewing all available previously published physiological arousal data conducted between 2000 and 2019 at four universities. Northwesten, the center for addiction and mental health in Toronto, The university of Essex in the United Kingdom and cornwell university in Ithaca NY. Other studies have found that within the cuckold life style just over half are hetro with no bi tendencies the rest with bi tendencies.d will . The data doesn't lie!

2. "I vet all my wife's lovers first" - NO! your not a cuck your a control freak if true and your wife needs a lawyer not a bull to get her the fuck as far away from you as possible, but she probably doesn't know anything about it.

Utter nonsense. Every single male we have met was vetted by me first. First contact was done with me. First phone call. When and only when I was satisfied that the guy wasn't a freak, scammer or raving looney would I let D near the mail or phone with them. AND I STILL DO. And I am not alone in doing it. Its called PROTECTING your loved ones. And protecting your love ones has NOTHING to do with being a control freak and EVERYTHING to do with personal SAFETY!!!!!!!

Being a cuckold doesn't mean giving up wanting to protect and safeguard the wife/girlfriend in the lifestyle.

3. I fuck my hubs boss/friend etc - NO. Every wife (and real couple) I've ever met don't ...... on their own doorstep and always choose a previously unknown man as a bull.

Also untrue. There are many many reliable instances where a couple has involved a friend into their lifestyle. Case in point D had a bull for over 4 years who was and is still my friend from our business dealings.

While there are scammers-fakes etc on the net you name calling people who may want to keep their loved ones safe and or are bi-sexual ( not my scene) is disturbing. You are labeling everyone out of what seems to be a large amount of ignorance and lack of understanding of the life style with its research.



my B.S. detector go off like a car alarm in downtown Kyiv:??

Does it now?

I have posted on this site for a while now all genuine experiences some would set off your self appointed BS detector.

However who are to decide what is BS or not? are you a moderator here?????

Another question if this site has so much BS why are you here as some self appointed BS inspector? with years of experience as what exactly???

My view has always been if i dont believe it, or like it i do not read it.

Maybe your more suited to Twitter the world of BS.
1. Husband is bi - No your a sicko husband pretending to be your own wife. The vast majority of REAL cucks are 100% straight.

Not true. After decades of skepticism, researchers have finally collected data that shows male bi-sexuality is real - Not just a bridge towards homosexuality. J Micheal Bailey and his team at northwestern University in Evanston, came to the conclusions after reviewing all available previously published physiological arousal data conducted between 2000 and 2019 at four universities. Northwesten, the center for addiction and mental health in Toronto, The university of Essex in the United Kingdom and cornwell university in Ithaca NY. Other studies have found that within the cuckold life style just over half are hetro with no bi tendencies the rest with bi tendencies.d will . The data doesn't lie!

2. "I vet all my wife's lovers first" - NO! your not a cuck your a control freak if true and your wife needs a lawyer not a bull to get her the fuck as far away from you as possible, but she probably doesn't know anything about it.

Utter nonsense. Every single male we have met was vetted by me first. First contact was done with me. First phone call. When and only when I was satisfied that the guy wasn't a freak, scammer or raving looney would I let D near the mail or phone with them. AND I STILL DO. And I am not alone in doing it. Its called PROTECTING your loved ones. And protecting your love ones has NOTHING to do with being a control freak and EVERYTHING to do with personal SAFETY!!!!!!!

Being a cuckold doesn't mean giving up wanting to protect and safeguard the wife/girlfriend in the lifestyle.

3. I fuck my hubs boss/friend etc - NO. Every wife (and real couple) I've ever met don't ...... on their own doorstep and always choose a previously unknown man as a bull.

Also untrue. There are many many reliable instances where a couple has involved a friend into their lifestyle. Case in point D had a bull for over 4 years who was and is still my friend from our business dealings.

While there are scammers-fakes etc on the net you name calling people who may want to keep their loved ones safe and or are bi-sexual ( not my scene) is disturbing. You are labeling everyone out of what seems to be a large amount of ignorance and lack of understanding of the life style with its research.

This is exactly us (wife and I). I’m not bisexual (not my thing), I screen potential guys for her to chat with (we are planning to meet one of her long time chat friends in a couple of weeks for some fun), and yes, she video chats with him and a couple of others too.

The reason I screen the guys is:
1. Saves her time searching for someone
2. Ensures the guy meets her criteria (yes, she has some standards)
3. As the husband, we have to be able to get along otherwise what’s the point of doing this if all of us don’t get along or respect each other?

It may seem like bullshit and your detector goes off in cases like this but each of my wife’s long distance friends have told me repeatedly that she’s not only fun to talk to but she’s also extremely horny all the time.

Some of us here are very real and legit husbands and wives and couples so there’s no need for a bullshit detector with us.
This is exactly us (wife and I). I’m not bisexual (not my thing), I screen potential guys for her to chat with (we are planning to meet one of her long time chat friends in a couple of weeks for some fun), and yes, she video chats with him and a couple of others too.

The reason I screen the guys is:
1. Saves her time searching for someone
2. Ensures the guy meets her criteria (yes, she has some standards)
3. As the husband, we have to be able to get along otherwise what’s the point of doing this if all of us don’t get along or respect each other?

It may seem like bullshit and your detector goes off in cases like this but each of my wife’s long distance friends have told me repeatedly that she’s not only fun to talk to but she’s also extremely horny all the time.

Some of us here are very real and legit husbands and wives and couples so there’s no need for a bullshit detector with us.
Exactly. For us its all about safety. Her safety. Yes there are Bottom feeders who take people for ride. Hence like yourself we operate a screening system. It save us vast amounts of time and energy. Energy and time she would like investing in her chosen partner.
We know a couple who were into S&M and getting spanked and such while being tied up. They made the mistake of not vetting this Dom they found on fet life. He arrived wearing a "covid" face mask requesting that he wears it thruout the sesson. They agreed. The couple were into having the husband get dominated and tied up helplessly and handcuffed while the wife has a fantasy ...... and spanking by the dom in front of him. All went smoothly and the wife got fucked just as planned. When the dom visiter had his fill he suddenly overpowered the wife for real and handcuffed her and gaged her and tied her up like hubby. Then he made a phone call and a few minutes later a buddy shows up with a van and they empty out the house of all there valuables. The police couldnt be contacted for hours. Moral of story.......
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We always vet however it isn't necessary in recent years. Want to talk about wives not ever fucking friends? Well my wifes longtime lover was best man at our wedding!!! He went with us on our honeymoon and took over my place in the marital bed. I got nothing and have been cuckolded ever since locked in a chastity cage and made to ...... in a separate room while he takes my wife on a regular basis. You said in your post that :" Every wife and real couple I've ever met don't ...... on there own doorstep and always choose a previously unknown man as a bull." My problem is with "always" and "Every wife and couple I've ever known" Just how many is that? How does the number of couples you have ever known compare to all the couples in the world. Do you really think people believe that statement to be statically valid. So in answer to your question, what sets my BS detector off? You set my BS detector off Alex new2this, You set it off.
Not gonna lie, I've noticed a ton of bullshit on this site with a lot of people's posts. But I won't immediately discard a story someone tells, cause every couple has their own dynamic. I wouldn't doubt that there's the fair share that have fucked their boss/in-law/bi bull etc...What mostly gets me is just how they tell the story.
People that go on and on about one particular event, and how they were such a "sissy faggot sub" or dumb wording like that, where it almost looks like they just urban dictionary the most words they can and throw it in there; it honestly sounds like teenagers trying to one-up each other with their bullshit stories.
I am a sissy and can tell you I like being called all these names. It is kind of redundant,I know what you mean but that was actually my school yard experiences.Back then I hated being called a sissy and tried to be a "regular" guy but wasn't good at it. One day a group of boys were playing tackle football and I wanted to join in. The girls were around watching so I wanted show them I was "one of the guys" I didn't even know all the rules but durring one play I got tackled an went down hard. When I hit the ground and other guys landed on top of me I totally ...... my pants. I immediately got up and left the game without saying a word. Everyone was laughing at me and one girl was saying I need diapers. I lost a lot of confidence that day and shied away from guy things. Wierd thing was that this happened around puberty and with time I started to accept and even enjoy my sissy status. I had the help of a girl I knew who encouraged me to be effeminate for her own amusement but thats another story. Now I love being humiliated and sissified and hearing a womans voice call me those things turns me on. I think that football experience had a lot to do with how my sexual desires developed as I became an adult.
These are things that make my B.S. detector go off like a car alarm in downtown Kyiv:

1. Husband is bi - No your a sicko husband pretending to be your own wife. The vast majority of REAL cucks are 100% straight
2. "I vet all my wife's lovers first" - NO! your not a cuck your a control freak if true and your wife needs a lawyer not a bull to get her the fuck as far away from you as possible, but she probably doesn't know anything about it
3. I fuck my hubs boss/friend etc - NO. Every wife (and real couple) I've ever met don't ...... on their own doorstep and always choose a previously unknown man as a bull
4. I'd love to meet you but I just need to bribe the official in the immigration department........ enough said!

OK, what sets your BS detector off?
Yeah, a lot of what I read on here (and other sites) is pure BS or fantasy and quite frankly so what. BS is a part of life, its everywhere, get over it.
1. Personally I'm straight but there are a lot of bi men out there and a fair few of them are husbands.
2. Why is vetting a wife's lover BS. There is more to sex than sticking a cock in a pussy. In this dynamic of adding a 3rd to a relationship should involve the husband. He is a part of the relationship too. His needs need to be met as well as the wife's and lovers. Not to mention the wife's safety.
3. I think the vast majority of cuckolding is done by a friend. Although in most cases the husband probably doesn't know. Our 1st FwB was a friend and he was the better one because of it.
4. Im Australian and most on here are American. See the problem?

So if you only want truth then join a church. At least they BELIEVE what they're sprouting is truth.
Great thread....we're into mfm with a guy we know.....one guy. Many, many times with him.
We had never talked about anything like this, we didn't plan it at all. Was never a fantasy.
It happened slowly. ...... fun. Their sex lasted 2 minutes if that. Awkward like you can't belive after, no one said anything and he split. Wife immediately started crying and apologized over and over. I didn't know what to think. Wife took a shower and cried for an hour. We layer in bed for an hour. She asked if I was OK, we hugged then had sex like crazy. We agreed it was a huge mistake. We talked about it over the next few days and agreed to put it in our past.
Took about 6 months for it to happen again. We just worked up to enjoying it and relaxing. Wife and I agree we're both adults, no one lives with us. We keep thus VERY private.
We have I guess started with a different guy, 3 times with him so far.
We are real, none of our friends know we do this, we don't want anyone to find out.
It's not cuckold at all, no humiliation at all, we take turns with her and we all have fun.
This has REALLY improved our sex life, she's horny and ready whenever I want.

Some of the posts on her about cuck husbands that don't ever have sex are just unbelievably fake.
Yeah, a lot of what I read on here (and other sites) is pure BS or fantasy and quite frankly so what. BS is a part of life, its everywhere, get over it.
1. Personally I'm straight but there are a lot of bi men out there and a fair few of them are husbands.
2. Why is vetting a wife's lover BS. There is more to sex than sticking a cock in a pussy. In this dynamic of adding a 3rd to a relationship should involve the husband. He is a part of the relationship too. His needs need to be met as well as the wife's and lovers. Not to mention the wife's safety.
3. I think the vast majority of cuckolding is done by a friend. Although in most cases the husband probably doesn't know. Our 1st FwB was a friend and he was the better one because of it.
4. Im Australian and most on here are American. See the problem?

So if you only want truth then join a church. At least they BELIEVE what they're sprouting is truth.
Yeah, a lot of what I read on here (and other sites) is pure BS or fantasy and quite frankly so what. BS is a part of life, its everywhere, get over it.
1. Personally I'm straight but there are a lot of bi men out there and a fair few of them are husbands.
2. Why is vetting a wife's lover BS. There is more to sex than sticking a cock in a pussy. In this dynamic of adding a 3rd to a relationship should involve the husband. He is a part of the relationship too. His needs need to be met as well as the wife's and lovers. Not to mention the wife's safety.
3. I think the vast majority of cuckolding is done by a friend. Although in most cases the husband probably doesn't know. Our 1st FwB was a friend and he was the better one because of it.
4. Im Australian and most on here are American. See the problem?

So if you only want truth then join a church. At least they BELIEVE what they're sprouting is truth.
I agree nariah1957. Every now and then on this board we get one of these naysayers putting down sombody or crying fake like they are internet FBI or something.A lot of it is fantasy but isn't fantasy a stepping stone to reality. Maybe a lot of these folks are just starting out like testing the waters and want to learn or find out if there are others like them. So they put out a message looking for like minded people.Why do some have to go around calling people out. I've said before live and let live. If you read something you don't like then move on like a big boy. I have a pretty extreme and strict marriage and have been subjected to just this kind of criticism. But in life quite often the truth can be stranger than fiction as they say. PS I don't understand your #4 comment, can you explain further. I don't think it matters what side of the world we live on we are all part of humanity.
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Great thread....we're into mfm with a guy we know.....one guy. Many, many times with him.
We had never talked about anything like this, we didn't plan it at all. Was never a fantasy.
It happened slowly. ...... fun. Their sex lasted 2 minutes if that. Awkward like you can't belive after, no one said anything and he split. Wife immediately started crying and apologized over and over. I didn't know what to think. Wife took a shower and cried for an hour. We layer in bed for an hour. She asked if I was OK, we hugged then had sex like crazy. We agreed it was a huge mistake. We talked about it over the next few days and agreed to put it in our past.
Took about 6 months for it to happen again. We just worked up to enjoying it and relaxing. Wife and I agree we're both adults, no one lives with us. We keep thus VERY private.
We have I guess started with a different guy, 3 times with him so far.
We are real, none of our friends know we do this, we don't want anyone to find out.
It's not cuckold at all, no humiliation at all, we take turns with her and we all have fun.
This has REALLY improved our sex life, she's horny and ready whenever I want.

Some of the posts on her about cuck husbands that don't ever have sex are just unbelievably fake.
Some but not all.