yes, by the second time he was deploying, we had been swinging, so he told me it ok for you to go play around while I'm gone, and I knew he is a sailor, and they all fuck around when deployed. He told me it ok, just don't get serious, often if a guy become regular with me, I would introduce them when he came home and we have a 3 some together, it really make our marriage work for the best, and I was not home alone horny, LOL, you are u wife have a great relationship and she is so sexy. When he would be home we usually play with people not navy but once in a while one of his friends would hit on me, and I tell them ask Joe first, if he say ok, i will go with you. but I always try to make sure my husband know what I do and with who, I never play at work but he did I think, a couple time he told me he fuck some young female officers on deployment, he was a senior enlisted guy, once he brought one home after deployment and we all play many times. She was sexy and didn't want to play with other officers, so when my man hit on her she was willing.